卡片知识 第九篇 -- “Leadership”

What is leadership?

Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group to achieve a common goal.

Leadership styles

  • Bureaucratic: I must take charge for things to get done. (Do What I tell you)
  • Democratic: I am comfortable allowing others to occasionally take the lead. (What do you think)
  • Coaching: I promote and support the success of others. (Try this)
  • Pacesetting
  • Affiliative
  • Innovative
  • Altruistic

Qualities of a good leader

  • Communicator
  • Lead by example
  • Optimistic
  • Open minded
  • Demonstrates integrity

Leader Behavior

Leader Behavior

How To Talk About Leadership Style?

  • Leading at work
  • Leading in your club/organation
  • Leading a project
  • Leading an activity
  • Leading in your family
Awareness + Knowledge + Flexibility = Understanding Your Leadership Style Project

If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends.

If broken by an inside force, life begins.

Great things always begin from the inside.

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