Stanford 编程范式 lesson 4


一、swap 交换变量的值

1.使用指针作为参数交换两个 int

// 将字符串复制到数组 dest 中

void swap(int* a, int* b) {
    int temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;

int main() {
    int x = 17, y = 37;
    swap(&x, &y);
    printf("%d", x);
    int* a = &x, * b = &y;
    swap(a, b);
    printf("%d", x);





2.1 memcpy 用来复制内存

void *memcpy(void *str1, const void *str2, size_t n)
  1. memcpy() 会复制 src 所指的内存内容的前 num 个字节到 dest 所指的内存地址上。
  2. memcpy() 并不关心被复制的数据类型,只是逐字节地进行复制,这给函数的使用带来了很大的灵活性,可以面向任何数据类型进行复制。

2.2 利用strdup进行字符串拷贝



// 将字符串复制到数组 dest 中

void swap(void* vp1, void* vp2, int size) {

    //1. 动态分配数组空间
    //char* buffer;// char数组每个占一字节,一共size字节
    //buffer = (char*)calloc(size, sizeof(char));
    char* buffer = (char*)malloc(size * (sizeof(char)));

    //2. 复制内存内容
    memcpy(buffer, vp1, size);// 对vp1解引用,得到它所指向的值,将该值复制到buffer
    memcpy(vp1, vp2, size);
    memcpy(vp2, buffer, size);

int main() {
    int x = 17, y = 37;
    swap(&x, &y, sizeof(int));
    printf("%d\n", x);

    char x1 = 'a', x2 = 'b';
    swap(&x1, &x2, sizeof(char));
    printf("%c\n", x1);

    bool f1 = true, f2 = false;
    swap(&f1, &f2, sizeof(char));
    printf("%d\n", f1);

    char* husband = _strdup("Fred");
    char* wife = _strdup("Willa");
    // swap(husband, wife, sizeof(char*));// 交换char*里面的值 Will
    // swap(husband, &wife, sizeof(char*));// 交换char*里面的值 Crush
    swap(&husband, &wife, sizeof(char*));// 交换char*里面的值

    printf("%s\n", husband);



1 利用memcmp进行内存中值的比较


int memcmp(const void *buf1, const void *buf2, unsigned int count);



// 将字符串复制到数组 dest 中
#include /#include 

void *_lsearch(void* key, void* base, int n, int elemSize) {
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		void* elemAddress = (char*)base + i * elemSize;
		if (memcmp(key, elemAddress, elemSize) == 0) return elemAddress;
	return NULL;
int main() {
	int a[] = { 1,3,5,7 };
	int key1 = 13;
	int* find1 = NULL;
	find1 = _lsearch(&key1, a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
	printf("address of key1 is:%p\n", find1);

	char c[] = { 'a','b','c' };
	char key2 = 'c';
	char* find2 = NULL;
	find2 = _lsearch(&key2, c, sizeof(c) / sizeof(char), sizeof(char));
	printf("address of key2 is:%p", find2);

void main() {
	float a[] = { 1.2,4.5,7.99,8.0 };
	float key1 = 1.2;
	float* find1 = NULL;
	find1 = _lsearch(&key1, a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(float), sizeof(float));
	printf("%p\n", find1);

	float key2 = 4.5;
	float* find2 = _lsearch(&key2, a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(float), sizeof(float));
	printf("%p", find2);
	return 0;

方法元素c语言范式编程之lsearch - xinyuyuanm - 博客园 (
