

英文 中文
200 million years ago, 两亿年前
our planet looked very different 我们地球的样貌同今天比起来
from what it does today. 有着天壤之别
It was entirely covered by sea, 地球表面全部被海洋覆盖
which surrounded one single supercontinent we call Pangea. 海水中央就是我们称为盘古大陆的超大陆
And then Pangea began to break up. 然后盘古大陆开始分裂
Life was cast adrift 生命则随着分裂的大陆
on fragments of land. 一同漂移分散
And these fragments eventually became our seven continents. 这些分裂的大陆最终形成了我们的七大洲
We will see how life developed on each continent, 我们将见识各大洲上的生命如何演化
giving rise to the extraordinary and wonderful diversity 最终发展成我们如今所见的非凡奇妙的
that we see today. 大千世界
We'll venture through the frozen wilderness of Antarctica, 我们将穿越南极洲的冰冻荒原
where life thrives against the odds. 这里生命在逆境中茁长成长
And to the riches of South America, 我们也将去往富饶的南美洲
full of the unexpected. 那里处处充满惊喜
From the wilds of Africa. 从原始的非洲
To the vast expanses of North America 到幅员辽阔的北美洲
and the searing heat of Australia. 再到干旱炎热的澳洲
We'll explore the remote reaches of Asia, 我们将探索亚洲的遥远边疆
home to rarely seen creatures. 这里是珍稀动物的家园
And Europe, a world transformed by humanity. 还有欧洲这里充满了人类活动的印记
And we'll discover 我们也将探索
how this may be 自七大洲形成以来
the most critical moment for life on Earth 为什么此时成为地球上生命所面临的
since the continents formed. 最重要时刻
We are changing the world so rapidly, 我们改造这个世界的速度太快
that wildlife is now facing some of its greatest challenges yet. 所以野生动物面临着巨大的挑战
Never has it been a more important time 现在正是紧要关头
to reveal the precious diversity of life 让人们意识到七大洲内
on our seven continents. 生物多样性非常重要
This is Seven Worlds, One Planet. 欢迎收看《七个世界一个星球》
Of all the continents, 在全部七大洲中
one was first sighted by humans just 200 years ago. 有一个人类直到两百年前才得以一窥真容
And only now 直到如今
are we beginning to understand 我们才开始渐渐了解
what it takes to survive here. 在这里生存所要付出的代价
It's the most hostile of them all. 这是七大洲中环境最恶劣的地方
98% of mainland Antarctica, 百分之九十八的南极洲大陆
an area one-and-a-half times the size of the United States, 有相当于一个半美国的面积
is covered in ice 都被冰川所覆盖
on which virtually nothing can live. 冰川之上寸草不生
So life is dependent on the ocean that surrounds it. 所以生命都依存于环绕南极洲的海洋
But even the ocean freezes. 但海水也会结冰
Only one mammal can live this far south. 只有一种哺乳动物能在如此靠南的地方生存
The Weddell seal. 威德尔氏海豹
She has to keep her breathing hole open 它要是不想让呼吸通道冻住
by grinding back the ice with her teeth. 就必须用牙齿把冰磨掉
Out here on the sea ice, 在海洋冰面上
all these seals are far from the predators of the open ocean. 所有海豹都能远离来自开阔海域掠食者的威胁
So, this is the safest place for her to give birth. 所以这里是它产子的安全之所
Leaving the warmth of the womb and landing on ice 离开温暖的子宫落进一地冰雪
is the sharpest drop in temperature any animal ever faces. 便是动物界所面临的最剧烈降温过程
But her pup can't swim for the first ten days of its life. 但幼崽降生的头十天还不会游泳
It's trapped here 它被困在
out on the ice. 这片冰原上了
She shields her pup from the wind. 母海豹为幼崽挡住寒风
Although in spring, temperatures can drop 即便在春天气温也能降至
to minus 40 degrees Celsius, 零下四十摄氏度
and blizzards can rage for days. 凛冽的寒风肆虐数日
Three days on, and the storm is still raging. 三天过去风暴之势丝毫未减
She now faces the hardest of decisions. 现在它面临一个最艰难的抉择
Does she stay with her pup? 是留下跟它的幼崽一起
Or shelter in the water? 还是回到水中避寒
Now, her pup's best chance of survival 现在幼崽存活的唯一希望
is for the storm to pass quickly. 就是等待风暴快些过去
Some pups didn't make it. 有些幼崽没能撑到天晴
An answer. 一声回应
If this pup now joins its mother in the water, 如果这只幼崽现在下水与母亲团聚
it will be safe 它就能免遭
from any future storm. 未来所有风暴的伤害
It's minus two degrees Celsius, 水下是零下二摄氏度
but being in water is warmer 但在水中可比伏在冰面
than lying on the ice 忍受寒风呼啸
in the howling wind. 要暖和多了
Its chances of surviving here are now extremely good. 现在幼崽存活的几率非常大
Only a few hardy animals 只有几种十分抗寒的动物
can live all year round as far south as this. 能全年生活在如此靠南的地方
Further from the pole, 从南极再往北走
on the fringes of the continent, 在南极大陆的边缘
lie islands that are free of sea ice. 散落着几座没有海冰的小岛
Here, there are other challenges. 这里生活着其他勇士
St Andrews Bay on South Georgia 南乔治亚岛的圣安德鲁斯湾
is packed with half a million king penguins. 挤满了五十万只国王企鹅
In spring, the chicks are left for days, 春天企鹅父母会撇下小企鹅好几天
while their parents are away 外出为它们
collecting food for them. 寻找食物
There is a simple arrangement. 它们有一条简单的规则
The chicks must stay exactly where their parents left them 小企鹅必须等在父母离开时的地方寸步不离
to be sure of being found again. 以确保父母能再次找到它们
But this chick has decided to look around. 但这只小企鹅想要四处转转
There is a lot to be investigated. 有太多地方可以探索一番了
But it must not stray too far from its meeting place. 但它决不能跑到离重聚地太远的地方
This parent has returned with food in its crop. 这只企鹅带着满满一嗉囊的食物回来了
But its chick isn't where it left it. 但它的宝宝却没在原地等它
It's hard to stay put 要待在原地不动可太难了
when there's so much to play with. 毕竟周围有那么多好玩的东西
Elephant seals are here, too. 象海豹也生活在这里
Very mysterious. 多不可思议啊
Finding it in the crowd of youngsters 在一大群小企鹅中找到自己的宝宝
is not going to be easy. 绝非易事
They must recognise each other by their calls. 它们要靠叫声来辨认彼此
But to hear these in such a noisy colony, 但想要在如此喧闹的聚居地听到对方的叫声
then they must be within 15 metres of each other. 它们之间的距离必须小于十五米
Reunited. 一家子团聚了
St Andrews Beach is one of the most crowded on the planet, 圣安德鲁斯海滩是地球上最拥挤的地方之一
and so holding a territory here is a constant battle. 想要守住领地就得不停战斗
This bull elephant seal 这只雄性象海豹
holds the mating rights to 60 females. 拥有着与六十只雌性交配的权利
For two months, he's guarded this stretch of beach. 两月以来它一直坚守这一片海滩
Unable to feed, 由于无法进食
he's losing ten kilos a day, 它每天会减重十公斤
and he's exhausted. 而且精疲力尽
But other bulls are lying around, 但其他雄性就潜伏在周围
waiting their chance. 静待时机
Blubber, 15 centimetres thick, 它们的脂肪层有十五厘米厚
is protection against the cold, 能保护它们不受寒冷侵扰
but not from the impact 却无法帮它们抵挡
of a four-tonne opponent. 重达四吨的竞争对手的冲击
He holds his ground 它守住了自己的领地
and forces the intruder back out to sea. 将入侵者逼退回海里
Life in the Antarctic is harsh indeed. 南极洲的生活的确艰苦
But all these creatures come here 但它们之所以来到这里
because the Southern Ocean 是因为南大洋
is one of the richest on Earth. 是地球上最富饶的海域之一
When, 30 million years ago, 三千万年前
the continent broke away 这块大陆
from South America and drifted south, 从南美大陆上分离向南漂移
currents began to swirl right around it. 洋流开始环绕南极大陆流动不息
They are now the strongest 现在它们成了全球
of any currents on the planet. 最强劲的洋流
They sweep up nutrients from the depths, 洋流携带着深海的营养物质翻涌而上
and so create one of the richest feeding grounds 创造出全世界海洋中
in all the world's oceans. 最丰饶的觅食场
And some of the creatures that come here to feast 而来此饱餐一顿的生物
do so in a most sophisticated way. 进食的方式极为复杂
Humpback whales. 座头鲸
It's summer, and they've come here 现在是夏天它们来这里
for a banquet. 参加盛宴
The cold waters contain great shoals of krill. 冰冷的海水中生活着大量的磷虾
It's estimated that there are 400 trillion of them 据估计这里有四百万亿只磷虾
and that their combined weight is greater 所有磷虾体重的总和
than that of any other animal species on the planet. 比地球上所有其他物种的都大
To collect them, the humpbacks blow curtains of bubbles, 为了捕食磷虾座头鲸吹出了一道气泡墙
which the krill won't cross. 而磷虾无法穿墙而过
The whales then rise, spiralling inwards, 然后座头鲸会上升向内旋转
to concentrate the swarm. 将虾群集中起来
Summer in Antarctica is a time of plenty, 南极洲的夏天是富饶的
when most humpbacks are able to put on the reserves they need 大多数座头鲸能在这个季节储存
for the whole year. 一整年所需要的能量
But the wildlife in these waters faces an uncertain future. 然而这些水域内的生命面临着不确定的未来
The Southern Ocean is warming. 南大洋的海水正在变暖
90% of the world's ice lies in Antarctica 南极洲储存着全球百分之九十的冰川
and, in some parts, the rate at which it's melting 但每隔十年某些地方的冰川
is doubling every decade. 融化速度正在翻倍
Sea levels are rising. 海平面正在上升
But there is a more immediate threat. 然而眼前有更为紧迫的威胁
The warming of the coldest region on Earth 南极洲的变暖深刻影响着
is having a profound effect on global weather patterns. 全球气候模式
And this change in the climate is already being felt right here. 气候变化的影响已在这片土地上显现
This grey-headed albatross chick is four weeks old. 这只灰头信天翁幼崽四周了
So far, it has been sheltered from the gales by its parents, 此刻的它蜷缩在父母身下避风
who take turns to collect food for it out at sea. 它的父母轮流出海为它觅食
It is the only chick that they will have in two years. 这是它们今后两年唯一的孩子
The delicate touching of beaks strengthens their bond. 鸟喙间的轻柔触碰拉近了亲子间的距离
But these tender moments cannot last forever. 然而这样的柔情时刻并不长久
As a chick grows, so does its appetite. 随着幼鸟的生长它的食量也随之增加
So one parent has to leave to find food before the other returns. 夫妇俩有时不得不同时外出觅食
Parting is a big step and they take time over it. 分离是重要的一步它们需要时间去适应
For the first time in its life, this chick is alone. 幼鸟第一次没有了父母的陪伴
The Antarctic is the windiest continent, 南极洲是风力最强的洲
and in recent years, climate change has brought storms 近几年气候变化带来了更为频繁
that are more frequent and even more powerful. 且更为强劲的风暴
Winds now regularly reach 70mph. 此刻风力达到了每小时近112千米
But the albatross chicks must try to stay on their nests. 信天翁幼鸟必须努力留在巢中
Surviving the storm is one thing... 在风暴中存活下来是一回事
But now, off the nest in these freezing temperatures, 离开鸟巢在冰冷的气温下
this chick has just hours to live. 这只幼鸟现在只有数小时的存活时间
The brutal conditions have taken their toll. 恶劣的气候条件冲击着它们的生存
Some chicks have already succumbed to exposure. 有的幼鸟已经在冷风中死去
The bond is so strong, it can be hard for a father to let go. 血浓于水父亲不舍得离去
The albatross population here has more than halved 信天翁的数量在过去十五年间
in the last 15 years. 缩减至一半不到
These albatross are facing extinction. 信天翁处于濒临灭绝的境地
They simply cannot keep pace with the changes affecting their world. 它们无法适应气候变化带来的影响
More parents are returning to the colony. 越来越多的信天翁父母正在返回巢中
Something is not right. 有什么地方不对劲
The nest should not be empty. 巢中不应该空空如也
The chick is actually right below its parent, 幼鸟其实就掉落在鸟巢底下
but because it's not on the nest, 但是因为不在巢中
the parent doesn't recognise it. 父母并不认得它
And doesn't help it. 也不会救助它
Strangely, perhaps, these albatross do not recognise their chicks 奇怪的是这些信天翁并不是通过外表
by sight, sound or smell. 声音或气味来辨别自己的幼鸟
They identify them by finding them on the nest. 它们只认得呆在鸟巢中的幼鸟
So, these violent storms have created a problem 暴风雨造成的这个问题
that the albatross are not equipped to solve. 信天翁们无法解决
If it is to survive, the chick will have to get back on the nest 如果想生存下来幼鸟不得不努力
by itself. 返回巢中
The chick has made it. 它做到了
The bond is re-established immediately 亲子间的纽带再次建立起来了
and its parent, once again, provides the warmth that the chick so desperately needs. 而它也再次从父母这里得到了急需的温暖
It's safe...for now. 就此刻而言它安全了
Nowhere in Antarctica is survival easy. 南极洲没有一寸土地易于生存
Gentoo penguins travel up to 50 miles every day 巴布亚企鹅每天要跋涉八十千米
to find food. 去寻找食物
And they're now returning to their chicks. 它们正在返回小企鹅的身边
They are the fastest penguin in the sea 它们是海中游行最快的企鹅
and can swim at 22mph. 游行速度可达每小时三十五千米
But other animals can swim much faster. 但是其他动物可以游得更快
Orca. 虎鲸
This penguin must rely on its agility. 企鹅必须足够灵敏
With four orcas chasing it, 面对着四头虎鲸的追捕
the penguin stood little chance. 企鹅逃生的希望渺茫
Most gentoo parents do make it back to the colony. 大部分巴布亚企鹅能够回到栖息地
Today, it's been a good hunt for krill. 今天的磷虾捕获数量不少
Perhaps too good. 甚至有点多了
The chicks grow and it seems that the Mohawk style 随着企鹅宝宝长大莫霍克发型似乎
is back in fashion. 又成了它们的新潮流
It's just a phase. 这只是成长的一个阶段
He'll grow out of it. 它会慢慢甩掉这个发型的
He'll soon lose these remaining down feathers 很快企鹅宝宝的绒毛就会褪去
and be ready to leave the colony and collect food for himself. 到那时它就可以离开栖息地自己觅食
But doing so is becoming harder because of climate change. 由于气候变化觅食变得更难
Glaciers in the region are now calving faster 自有记录以来冰川正以
than they have done since records began. 前所未有的速度瓦解
And this brash ice now fills the bays. 碎冰铺满了整片海湾
It's autumn. 南极的秋天来了
The chicks have lost their down feathers and they're hungry. 企鹅宝宝的绒毛已完全褪去它们饥肠辘辘
They must go to sea for the first time. 它们必须第一次出海觅食
But now there's a risk of being crushed between blocks of ice. 但它们面临着被碎冰冲撞的危险
They have to get to the distant icebergs... 它们不得不绕道远处的冰山
And so reach the open ocean that lies beyond. 才能抵达远洋
And that is easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难
A leopard seal... 南极海豹
Their main predator. 企鹅宝宝的主要天敌
It's a giant, three metres long. 它身形巨大有三米长
These icy conditions help it to hunt. 浮冰为它的捕猎行动提供了有利条件
The penguins can neither walk nor swim. 这些企鹅走不了也游不动
They have no way of telling where the seal will strike. 它们也无从得知海豹会从哪里冒出来
These are easy pickings. 这些猎物唾手可得
For some, it's time to retreat. 一些企鹅只能逃回栖息地
But now, it's back to square one. 但这样它们的觅食之旅就得回到起点
There's no alternative but to run the gauntlet once again. 除了再次冒险它们别无选择
The seal seems to be toying with this penguin. 这只海豹似乎在捉弄这只企鹅
But safety is in sight. 不过安全的冰面近在咫尺
The ice floe is near the open ocean. 这块浮冰就在开阔的洋面上
But this penguin is exhausted. 然而这只企鹅已精疲力竭
Perhaps it's not worth it, after all. 也许海豹觉得这么拼不值得
Winter is coming. 凛冬将至
Antarctica now undergoes a major transformation. 南极大陆正经历着巨大的转变
Every day, 40,000 more square miles of sea freeze over. 每天都有超过四万立方米的海水结冰
By the end of winter, the continent has doubled in size. 冬末之际南极面积已经扩大一倍了
This is by far the largest desert in the world. 这是目前世界上最大的荒漠
But the frozen surface of the sea hides a great secret. 但冰面下隐藏着巨大的秘密
It may be hostile above the ice, but below it, 冰面上危机四伏冰面下
conditions are so stable that life over millennia 则是一片和谐的世界千年来
has had time to diversify. 生命演变出了多姿多彩的形态
Creatures here grow to a great size. 海底的生物体型硕长
Predatory nemertean worms are three metres long. 捕食行线虫长达三米
These dramas only become visible when speeded up. 只有在快进镜头下我们才能看到如此奇景
We're only just beginning to discover the details of the lives 我们才刚开始探索这些奇特生物的
of such strange creatures. 有趣细节
Nudibranchs are hermaphrodites. 海蛞蝓是雌雄同体的生物
Each individual possesses 每一只海蛞蝓都同时长有
both male and female reproductive organs. 雄性和雌性繁殖器官
So, to mate, one nudibranch just needs to find 因此每只海蛞蝓只要找到另外一只海蛞蝓
another nudibranch. 就能进行交配
And any one will do. 随便一只都可以
But nonetheless, this is a challenge 然而对于视力极差的它们而言
when their tiny eyes can barely see. 交配也是个巨大的挑战
Some do get lucky. 有的海蛞蝓足够幸运
They're fertilising each other and both will produce young. 它们在互相授精后双双诞下新生命
When it's hard to find a partner, 求偶困难时
it pays not to have to worry about your gender. 还好你无需在乎对方的性别
Sea anemones may look like plants, but, actually, are animals 海葵看起来像植物但它们其实是动物
and feed by catching edible particles that drift within reach of their tentacles. 它们通过触手捕捉周围可食用的颗粒物
But being rooted to the sea floor 然而扎根于海床的特性也使它们
makes them vulnerable to predators. 更容易被捕食者盯上
An ocean-going jellyfish, 一只远洋水母
a metre or so across, searching for food. 身长一米正在寻觅猎物
The jellyfish senses prey. 这只水母嗅到了猎物的气息
But it's the sea anemones that have made the catch 但这次是海葵充当的是猎人的角色
and they've grabbed a monster. 它们合力把水母收入了囊中
A rare feast for these stationary predators. 对这些不能移动的捕食者来说这是场罕见的盛宴
They devour their catch over the next four days. 这只水母足够它们吃四天
Life here under the ice has remained unchanged for millennia. 冰面下的世界千年来都未曾改变
But in the last 200 years, much of Antarctica's wildlife 然而在过去两百年间南极洲的
has had to face new predators... 野生物种们面临着新的捕食者
Human beings. 人类
We devised new hunting techniques and used them so mercilessly 我们发明了新的捕猎技术并进行残忍的捕杀
that we almost exterminated the great whales. 巨鲸几乎濒临灭绝
These whaling stations on South Georgia were at the centre 位于南乔治亚岛的这些捕鲸站
of this industry. 曾是捕鲸产业的中心
More than one-and-a-half million whales were slaughtered 在南极水域超过一百五十万只鲸
in Antarctic waters. 遭到人类捕杀
The blubber was stripped from their massive bodies 人们把鲸脂从它们巨大的躯体上剥下来
and boiled down in vats to make margarine and soap. 装在大桶里熬煮制成人造黄油和肥皂
And the largest animal ever recorded, 记载中最大的动物
a 33-metre blue whale, perhaps over 100 years old, 是一头三十三米长年龄可能过百的蓝鲸
was butchered on this ramp in just two hours. 在这个坡道上被人类屠杀过程不过两小时
This reckless slaughter marked a new low in our relationship 这场惨无人道的屠杀在我们与大自然的
with the natural world. 关系史上写下了最不堪入目的一笔
Southern right whales were hit the hardest. 南露脊鲸受到的伤害是最大的
They were so trusting and inquisitive 它们充满好奇毫无戒备
that they swam right up to the whalers' boats. 它们甚至会自己游到捕鲸船的旁边
And the whalers called them right whales 捕鲸人叫它们"正确的鲸"
because they were the right whales to hunt. 因为捕杀它们是正确的选择
Mothers with calves were targeted first. 带着幼鲸的母鲸是首选目标
To give birth, females came to the same sheltered bays 为了产下幼鲸母鲸们会来到同一片海湾
and would not leave their calves alone at the surface. 它们不会把自己的幼鲸单独留在海面上
In just decades, a population of 35,000 不过几十年它们的数量大幅减少
was so reduced that only 35 of the females survived. 从三万五千头到如今仅剩三十五头母鲸
But times have changed. 但时代不同了
A ban on the commercial hunting of whales, introduced in 1986, 1986年颁布的商业捕鲸禁令禁止了
has stopped all but Japan, Norway and Iceland. 除日本挪威和冰岛之外所有的捕鲸行为
Our relationship to these remarkable creatures 我们与这种神奇生物之间的关系
has undergone a huge shift. 产生了巨大的转变
Scientists are now learning a great deal about these whales. 科学家对这些鲸有了深入的认识
But we still don't know how long they live. 但我们还不知道它们活了多久
It's thought that some individuals alive today 有人认为目前存活的几头鲸
were around at the time of the mass slaughter. 大屠杀时期就已经在了
Yet these 60-tonne whales remain gentle 但这些重达六十吨的鲸
and inquisitive around humans. 对人类依然温和而好奇
By putting a stop to commercial hunting, 因为商业捕鲸被禁止
this population of whales has now grown to over 2,000. 这类鲸的数量如今已经超过了两千头
The recovery of life in Antarctic waters may have a significance 南极洲海域生命复苏的意义
that extends far beyond the reaches of the continent 可能远远超越了这片大陆的范围
and will affect us all. 将会影响到我们所有人
Just off the coast of Elephant Island, 从象岛的海岸出发
we have recently witnessed what might be 我们刚刚目睹了可能算是
the greatest feeding spectacle on Earth. 地球上最壮观的捕食场面
On the horizon, over 150 whales have gathered 在海平面上聚集了超过一百五十头
to feast on krill. 捕食磷虾的鲸
This is the largest congregation of great whales ever filmed. 这是人类拍摄到的最宏大的巨鲸聚集场面
These are mostly fin whales, up to 26 metres long. 这里大部分是鳍鲸它们最长可达二十六米
Humpback whales are dwarfed in comparison. 座头鲸相比之下就算是侏儒了
Thousands of animals from all over Antarctic waters 成千上万遍布南极洲海域的动物
are making their way here. 一路来到这里
These seas are, once again, beginning to brim with life. 这片海域又一次焕发出生机
And scientists have discovered that the Southern Ocean, 科学家发现南大洋以及生活在这里的生物
and the life within it, soaks up more than twice as much 从大气中所吸收的二氧化碳的量
carbon from the atmosphere as the Amazon rainforest. 比亚马逊雨林的两倍更多
By protecting Antarctica, we don't just protect the life here, 我们保护南极洲不只是保护这里的生物
we are helping to restore the natural balance 我们是在帮助重建整个地球的
of the entire planet. 生态平衡
St Andrews Bay provides one of the most spectacular sights 在圣安德鲁斯湾可以看到整个南极洲
in the whole of the Antarctic. 最为壮观的景象之一
But to get there, the team will have to cross 但为了去到那里整个团队需要穿越
the roughest seas in the world, and nerves are starting to show. 世界上最为凶险的海洋而困难也开始出现
罗尔夫·斯坦曼 摄像师
The wind is picking up already! 风越来越大了
It'll take ten days at sea to reach this remote location. 他们要在海上颠簸十天才能抵达这个偏远之地
And it's not long before they start to feel a bit green. 很快他们就开始感到不适
There's some big waves coming now. 有几个大浪要过来了
马克·麦伊文 摄像师
With these conditions lasting days, 这样的状况持续了几天
all who can take shifts at the helm. 所有能掌舵的人都轮过去了
And you get given a talk, to say if you fall in the water here, 我们之前接受过谈话如果你在这里落水了
there's nothing anyone can do - they can't save you. 谁也没办法没人救得了你
It's so cold, you'll die in under a couple of minutes. 这里太冷了你在几分钟之内就会死
Below deck, Rolf hasn't yet found his sea legs. 在船舱里罗尔夫还没从晕船中缓过来
For me, this is like punishment or prisoner-ship or whatever. 这对我来说就是惩罚船监狱船
I mean, I can't understand at all how people do this voluntarily, 我完全无法理解怎么会有人自愿干这个
people dream of being on a boat or sailing or anything. 有人梦想着坐船出海远航什么的
Look at that. I mean, look how much the boat is moving. 你看看看这船晃得多厉害
I feel like in a washing machine. 我觉得自己像是在洗衣机里
The Island of South Georgia finally appears. 南乔治亚岛终于出现了
It's a relief to step onto solid land. 踏上陆地真的是一种解脱
Yeah, the seasickness is already forgotten, to be honest! 说实话晕船的事我已经不记得了
But it's all forgotten. 抛诸脑后了
It's just out of this world. 这里简直是世外桃源
It's so wonderful that these places still exist. 这样的地方现在依然存在真是太棒了
They will spend the next three weeks in St Andrews Bay. 他们会在圣安德鲁斯湾停留三周
Rolf is here to film the king penguins in this enormous colony. 罗尔夫负责拍摄这里大群国王企鹅
And Mark must capture the elephant seals' 马克则要记录象海豹交配季的
intense mating season. 激烈景象
On such a crowded beach, fights can break out anywhere. 在这块拥挤的海滩上打斗随时随地都可能发生
Males are up to six metres long 雄性的身长可达六米
and they are pumped full of testosterone. 体内分泌了大量的睾丸酮
The bulls take little notice of the crew 它们对拍摄团队的到来不以为意
and will stop at nothing. 没有什么能够阻挡它们
Oh, my God! 我的天哪
That went from nothing 一开始没什么事
to being nearly steam-rollered by four huge males. 后来差点被四头雄性象海豹给碾平了
Beyond the chaos of the beach, 穿过这片混乱的海滩
Rolf has king penguins in front of him, 罗尔夫面对的是一群国王企鹅
and, thankfully, he's smiling again. 谢天谢地笑容又回到了他的脸上
I would really call them the gentleman penguins 我真的觉得它们应该叫绅士企鹅
because they are very polite, they're charming, 因为它们很有礼貌很有魅力
they have humour. 还很幽默
There's so many funny, lovely moments. 有很多可爱有趣的瞬间
I absolutely adore these penguins for that! 因此我非常喜爱这些企鹅
But as weeks go by, the reality of living amongst penguins 但几周时间过去与企鹅共同生活的真相
comes to the fore. 浮出了水面
Every morning, I think, "Wow, it's stinky!" 每天早上我都想"哇太臭了"
But then I realise, these smells come out of my shoes 但接着我发现臭味是从我的鞋子里出来的
and it's myself. 臭的就是我自己
Back on the beach, the team is using a stabilised camera rig. 海滩上拍摄团队使用了固定摄像装置
They can now react faster to fights. 能够更为迅速地对打斗作出反应了
So far in the shoot, we've seen a lot of quick fights, 到目前为止我们看到了多场短暂的打斗
but we haven't seen some extended fights, 但我们还没有见到长时间的
弗雷迪·迪瓦斯 制片人
where you see one bull paired 双方实力相当的
equally against another bull. 打斗场面
These sights are rare. 这种场面很罕见
The team will need to be at the ready. 拍摄团队必须时刻准备着
Mark, Mark, Mark! 马克马克马克
Let's get running. 赶紧就位
Oh, hello! 天哪
These are two huge, evenly matched boys. 这是两头身量巨大难分伯仲的家伙
I know. 是啊
Wow, I never thought we'd be this close to it. 我没想到我们能这么接近
I know, nor did I. 是啊我也没有
This is really tense, we've just got to watch out. 真的打得很激烈我们得小心一些
We got there. 我们拍到了
I never thought I'd see it that close 我没想到能这么近距离地观看
and be able to move around it, 还能在周围走动
as this kind of aggressive ballet is happening. 就像在看一场激烈的芭蕾舞
And it does make you quite tense. 而且这也会让你变得紧张
The shoot is going well, 拍摄进展顺利
but the crew are noticing worrying signs. 但团队也注意到了令人担忧的迹象
It's a really hot day today. 今天真的很热
30 years ago, the front of that glacier 三十年前那片冰川的边缘
was right down on the beach. 一直延伸到海滩
It's retreated a huge amount. 现在后退了很多
I don't really know what climate change is going to mean 我真的不知道气候变化
for all the wildlife that's living here. 对生活在这里的野生动物意味着什么
Parts of the Antarctic are warming five times faster 南极洲部分地区变暖的速度
than the rest of the world. 比世界上的其它地区快了五倍
If this trend continues, it will threaten the very existence 如果这种趋势继续这些极地生物的生存
of these polar creatures. 都将面临威胁
On the last day of filming, the team can't help 在拍摄的最后一天团队不禁
but reflect on the future of the wildlife here. 思考起这些野生动物的未来
For me, it's emotional because I know this might have been 我觉得很伤感因为我知道这可能是
a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 一辈子只有一次的经历
I will definitely take big memories with me and I will be sad. 这绝对是我的珍贵回忆我会很伤心
It's a really special place, you know? So... 这里真的是个特别的地方所以
I don't know. 我不知道
I just hope we can keep these places. 我只希望我们能留住这块地方
And protect them. 保护好它们
Next time... 下一集
The largest continent on Earth. 我们将去往地球上最大的洲
A world of extremes... 一个充满极端的世界
Where rarely seen animals roam the land... 那里珍稀动物漫游四方
Asia. 亚洲

