HTML 元素表示一个多行纯文本编辑控件,当你希望用户输入一段相当长的、不限格式的文本,例如评论或反馈表单中的一段意见时,这很有用。
上述例子展示了 的几个特点:
为了提高可访问性(accessibility),用于将 与一个 关联的 id 属性。
name 属性,用于设置随表单一同提交到服务器的相关数据的名字。
rows 和 cols 属性,用于声明 的精确尺寸。这对于一致性非常有帮助,因为不同浏览器的默认值常常不一样。
位于开始标签和闭合标签之间的默认内容。 不支持 value 属性。
还可以使用 中的一些常见属性,如autocomplete, autofocus, disabled, placeholder, readonly, 和 required。
none: 禁用首字母大写。
sentences: 句子的首字母大写。
words: 单词或者字母的首字母大写。
characters: 全部字母大写。
on: 自iOS 5废弃。
off: 自iOS 5废弃。
off: 不使用浏览器的记忆自动填充,使用者必须输入他们想要输入的所有内容。或者网页提供了自己的自动填充方法。
on: 浏览器根据用户之前输入的内容或者习惯,在用户输入的时候给出相应输入提示。
或者`textarea`有跟表单相同的id(参见下面的form属性)。更多请查看的autocomplete 属性。页面加载完毕之后是否自动给本元素添加焦点。只有跟表格关联的才能使本属性生效。
文本域的可视宽度。必须为正数,默认为20 (HTML5)。
允许用户输入的最大字符长度 (Unicode) 。未指定表示无限长度。
向用户提示可以在控件中输入的内容。 在渲染提示时,占位符文本中的回车符(\r)或换行符(\n)一定会被作为行断(换行)处理。
Note: Placeholders should only be used to show an example of the type of data that should be entered into a form; they are not a substitute for a proper element tied to the input. See Labels and placeholders in : The Input (Form Input) element for a full explanation.
不允许用户修改元素内文本。和 disabled 属性不同的是,这个能让用户点击和选择元素内的文本。如果在表单里,这个元素的值还是会跟随表单一起提交。
hard: 在文本到达元素最大宽度的时候,浏览器自动插入换行符(CR+LF) 。比如指定 cols值。
soft: 在到达元素最大宽度的时候,不会自动插入换行符。
是 可被替换的元素——其有自己的固有尺寸,像。默认情况下,其 display 值为 block。与其他表单元素相比,这个元素相对比较容易设置样式,使用常规的 CSS 就可以轻松设置它的盒模型、字体、颜色方案等。
Styling HTML forms 这个页面提供了一些关于 样式的有用提示。
The HTML specification doesn't define where the baseline of a is, so different browsers set it to different positions. For Gecko, the baseline is set on the baseline of the first line of the textarea's first line, on another browser it may be set on the bottom of the box. Don't use vertical-align: baseline on it; the behavior is unpredictable.
In most browsers, s are resizable — you'll notice the drag handle in the right hand corner, which can be used to alter the size of the element on the page. This is controlled by the resize CSS property — resizing is enabled by default, but you can explicitly disable it using a resize value of none:
textarea {
resize: none;
Valid and invalid values of a element (e.g. those within, and outside the bounds set by minlength, maxlength, or required) can be highlighted using the :valid and :invalid pseudo-classes. For example, to give your textarea a different border depending on whether it is valid or invalid:
textarea:invalid {
border: 2px dashed red;
textarea:valid {
border: 2px solid lime;
Write something here
The following example show a very simple textarea, with a set numbers of rows and columns and some default content.
rows="10" cols="50">Write something here
This example has a minimum and maximum number of characters — of 10 and 20 respectively. Try it and see.
rows="5" cols="30"
minlength="10" maxlength="20">Write something here
Note that minlength doesn't stop the user from removing characters so that the number entered goes past the minimum, but it does make the value entered into the invalid. Also note that even if you have a minlength value set (3, for example), an empty is still considered valid unless you also have the required attribute set.
This example has a placeholder set. Notice how it disappears when you start typing into the box.
rows="5" cols="30"
placeholder="Comment text.">
Note: Placeholders should only be used to show an example of the type of data that should be entered into a form; they are not a substitute for a proper element tied to the input. See Labels and placeholders in : The Input (Form Input) element for a full explanation.
This example shows two s — one of which is disabled, and one of which is readonly. Have a play with both and you'll see the difference in behavior — the disabled element is not selectable in any way (and its value is not submitted), whereas the readonly element is selectable and its contents copyable (and its value is submitted); you just can't edit the contents.
Note: In browsers other than firefox, such as chrome, the disabled textarea content may be selectable and copyable.
rows="5" cols="30"
disabled>I am a disabled textarea
rows="5" cols="30"
readonly>I am a readonly textarea
Permitted content
Tag omission
Permitted parents
Any element that accepts phrasing content.
Implicit ARIA role
Permitted ARIA roles
No role permitted
BCD tables only load in the browser