

                         select sum(t.bj) as yxebj, sum(t.wb) as nyxmny, nd, zy                
                         from (select substr(sb.dreportdate, 0, 4) as nd,                             
                         bd.name as zy,                              
                         when sb.yxesbqy = '1001A8100000000LBG4Y' 
                           then  b.nyxmny                               
                           else    0                             
                           end) as bj,                             
                         when sb.yxesbqy = '1001A8100000000LBG4Y' 
                           then b.nyxmny                               
                           else    0                             
                           end) as wb                         
                         from cj_yxesb_b b                         
                         left join cj_yxesb sb                           
                         on b.pk_marketingreport = sb.pk_marketingreport                         
                         left join bd_defdoc bc                         
                         on bc.pk_defdoclist = sb.yxesbqy                       
                         left join bd_defdoc bd                          
                         on bd.pk_defdoc = b.pk_projectpr                       
                         where nvl(sb.dr, 0) = 0                         
                         and nvl(b.dr, 0) = 0                         
                         and nvl(bc.dr, 0) = 0                         
                         and bd.name like '%岩土%'                       
                         and substr(sb.dbilldate, 0, 4) = '2022'
                         and nvl(bd.dr, 0) = 0 )t               
                         group by t.nd, t.zy;  
