那么抽象一下,这个问题可以建模为给定一个无向图,每条边有一个权值,给定查询(u, v),求节点u到节点v的路径,使得路径上的最小边的权值最大,类似无向图的最小瓶颈路,可以用生成树+LCA的方法解决;如果查询中的u是固定的,那么也可以使用类似SPFA的方法解决,将松弛方法改一下即可。
struct ncclTopoLink {
int type;
float width;
struct ncclTopoNode* remNode;
struct ncclTopoLinkList {
struct ncclTopoLink* list[NCCL_TOPO_MAX_HOPS];
int count;
float width;
int type;
#define PATH_LOC 0
#define PATH_NVL 1
#define PATH_PIX 2
#define PATH_PXB 3
#define PATH_PHB 4
#define PATH_SYS 5
#define PATH_NET 6
PATH_LOC为节点到自己,PATH_NVL表示路径上的边都是NVLink,PATH_PIX表示经过最多一个PCIe switch,PATH_PXB表示经过了多个PCIe witch,但是没有经过CPU,PATH_PHB表示经过了CPU,PATH_SYS表示不同numa之间的路径。
struct ncclTopoNodeSet {
int count;
struct ncclTopoNode nodes[NCCL_TOPO_MAX_NODES];
struct ncclTopoSystem {
struct ncclTopoNodeSet nodes[NCCL_TOPO_NODE_TYPES];
float maxWidth;
struct ncclTopoNode {
int type;
int64_t id;
// Type specific data
union {
struct {
int dev; // NVML dev number
int rank;
int cudaCompCap;
int gdrSupport;
struct {
uint64_t asic;
int port;
float width;
int gdrSupport;
int collSupport;
int maxChannels;
struct {
int arch;
int vendor;
int model;
cpu_set_t affinity;
int nlinks;
struct ncclTopoLink links[NCCL_TOPO_MAX_LINKS];
// Pre-computed paths to GPUs and NICs
struct ncclTopoLinkList* paths[NCCL_TOPO_NODE_TYPES];
// Used during search
uint64_t used;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoComputePaths(comm->topo, comm->peerInfo));
// Remove inaccessible GPUs and unused NICs
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoTrimSystem(comm->topo, comm));
// Recompute paths after trimming
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoComputePaths(comm->topo, comm->peerInfo));
ncclResult_t ncclTopoComputePaths(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclPeerInfo* peerInfos) {
// Precompute paths between GPUs/NICs.
// Remove everything in case we're re-computing
for (int t=0; tnodes[CPU].count; c++) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSetPaths(system->nodes[CPU].nodes+c, system));
这里baseNode就是CPU节点,先分配CPU到CPU path的空间,nodeList和nextNodeList就是队列的作用,先将baseNode入队列。
static ncclResult_t getPath(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoNode* node, int t, int64_t id, struct ncclTopoLinkList** path);
static ncclResult_t ncclTopoSetPaths(struct ncclTopoNode* baseNode, struct ncclTopoSystem* system) {
if (baseNode->paths[baseNode->type] == NULL) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(baseNode->paths+baseNode->type, system->nodes[baseNode->type].count));
// breadth-first search to set all paths to that node in the system
struct ncclTopoNodeList nodeList;
struct ncclTopoNodeList nextNodeList;
nodeList.count = 1; nodeList.list[0] = baseNode;
nextNodeList.count = 0;
struct ncclTopoLinkList* basePath;
NCCLCHECK(getPath(system, baseNode, baseNode->type, baseNode->id, &basePath));
basePath->count = 0;
basePath->width = LOC_WIDTH;
basePath->type = PATH_LOC;
while (nodeList.count) {
nextNodeList.count = 0;
for (int n=0; ntype, baseNode->id, &path));
for (int l=0; lnlinks; l++) {
struct ncclTopoLink* link = node->links+l;
struct ncclTopoNode* remNode = link->remNode;
if (remNode->paths[baseNode->type] == NULL) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(remNode->paths+baseNode->type, system->nodes[baseNode->type].count));
struct ncclTopoLinkList* remPath;
NCCLCHECK(getPath(system, remNode, baseNode->type, baseNode->id, &remPath));
float width = std::min(path->width, link->width);
if (remPath->width < width) {
// Find reverse link
for (int l=0; lnlinks; l++) {
if (remNode->links[l].remNode == node) {
remPath->list[0] = remNode->links+l;
if (remPath->list[0] == NULL) {
WARN("Failed to find reverse path from remNode %d/%lx nlinks %d to node %d/%lx",
remNode->type, remNode->id, remNode->nlinks, node->type, node->id);
return ncclInternalError;
// Copy the rest of the path
for (int i=0; icount; i++) remPath->list[i+1] = path->list[i];
remPath->count = path->count + 1;
remPath->width = width;
// Start with path type = link type. PATH and LINK types are supposed to match.
// Don't consider LINK_NET as we only care about the NIC->GPU path.
int type = link->type == LINK_NET ? 0 : link->type;
// Differentiate between one and multiple PCI switches
if (type == PATH_PIX && (node->type == PCI || link->remNode->type == PCI) && remPath->count > 3) type = PATH_PXB;
// Consider a path going through the CPU as PATH_PHB
if (link->type == LINK_PCI && (node->type == CPU || link->remNode->type == CPU)) type = PATH_PHB;
// Ignore Power CPU in an NVLink path
if (path->type == PATH_NVL && type == PATH_SYS && link->remNode->type == CPU &&
link->remNode->cpu.arch == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_ARCH_POWER) type = 0;
remPath->type = std::max(path->type, type);
// Add to the list for the next iteration if not already in the list
// Disallow GPUs as intermediate steps for now
if (remNode->type != GPU) {
int i;
for (i=0; i
首先计算当前link作为一条路径的type,初始化为link的type,比如这个边是LINK_PCI,那么就是LINK_PIX,如果remPath的count大于3的话type就会更新为PATH_PXB(但是这里有个疑问是大于3可能也跨过了两个PCIe switch),如果link有一端是CPU,那么type进一步更新为PATH_PHB,最后取个max,remPath->type = std::max(path->type, type)。
#define LINK_LOC 0
#define LINK_NVL 1
#define LINK_PCI 2
// Skipping 3 for PATH_PXB
// Skipping 4 for PATH_PHB
#define LINK_SYS 5
#define LINK_NET 6
#define PATH_LOC 0
#define PATH_NVL 1
#define PATH_PIX 2
#define PATH_PXB 3
#define PATH_PHB 4
#define PATH_SYS 5
#define PATH_NET 6
ncclResult_t ncclTopoComputePaths(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclPeerInfo* peerInfos) {
// Set direct paths from/to GPUs.
for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].count; g++) {
// Compute paths to GPU g
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSetPaths(system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g, system));
// Update path when we don't want to / can't use GPU Direct P2P
for (int p=0; pnodes[GPU].count; p++) {
int p2p, read;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCheckP2p(system, system->nodes[GPU].nodes[p].id, system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g].id, &p2p, &read));
if (p2p == 0) {
// Divert all traffic through the CPU
int cpu;
NCCLCHECK(getLocalCpu(system, g, &cpu));
NCCLCHECK(addCpuStep(system, cpu, GPU, p, GPU, g));
if (peerInfos == NULL) continue;
// Remove GPUs we can't talk to because of containers.
struct ncclPeerInfo* dstInfo = peerInfos+system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g].gpu.rank;
for (int p=0; pnodes[GPU].count; p++) {
if (p == g) continue;
struct ncclPeerInfo* srcInfo = peerInfos+system->nodes[GPU].nodes[p].gpu.rank;
int shm;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTransports[TRANSPORT_SHM].canConnect(&shm, system, NULL, srcInfo, dstInfo));
if (shm == 0) {
// Mark this peer as inaccessible. We'll trim it later.
system->nodes[GPU].nodes[p].paths[GPU][g].count = 0;
// Set direct paths from/to NICs.
for (int n=0; nnodes[NET].count; n++) {
struct ncclTopoNode* netNode = system->nodes[NET].nodes+n;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSetPaths(netNode, system));
for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].count; g++) {
// Update path when we dont want to / can't use GPU Direct RDMA.
int gdr;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCheckGdr(system, system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g].id, netNode->id, 0, &gdr));
if (gdr == 0) {
// We cannot use GPU Direct RDMA, divert all traffic through the CPU local to the GPU
int localCpu;
NCCLCHECK(getLocalCpu(system, g, &localCpu));
NCCLCHECK(addCpuStep(system, localCpu, NET, n, GPU, g));
NCCLCHECK(addCpuStep(system, localCpu, GPU, g, NET, n));
return ncclSuccess;
然后通过ncclTopoCheckP2p检查当前GPU节点和其他所有的GPU节点之间是否可以使用p2p通信,其实就是判断gpu1到gpu2的路径type是否满足p2pLevel的限制,默认p2pLevel是PATH_SYS,如果用户没有通过环境变量设置的话就相当于没有限制,任意gpu之间都是支持p2p通信,另外如果路径类型为PATH_NVL的话,那么还支持p2p read。
ncclResult_t ncclTopoCheckP2p(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int64_t id1, int64_t id2, int* p2p, int *read) {
*p2p = 0;
*read = 0;
// Get GPUs from topology
int g1, g2;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoIdToIndex(system, GPU, id1, &g1));
struct ncclTopoNode* gpu1 = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g1;
if (ncclTopoIdToIndex(system, GPU, id2, &g2) == ncclInternalError) {
// GPU not found, we can't use p2p.
return ncclSuccess;
struct ncclTopoLinkList* path = gpu1->paths[GPU]+g2;
// In general, use P2P whenever we can.
int p2pLevel = PATH_SYS;
// User override
if (ncclTopoUserP2pLevel == -1)
NCCLCHECK(ncclGetLevel(&ncclTopoUserP2pLevel, "NCCL_P2P_DISABLE", "NCCL_P2P_LEVEL"));
if (ncclTopoUserP2pLevel != -2) {
p2pLevel = ncclTopoUserP2pLevel;
goto compare;
// Don't use P2P through ARM CPUs
int arch, vendor, model;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCpuType(system, &arch, &vendor, &model));
if (arch == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_ARCH_ARM) p2pLevel = PATH_PXB;
if (arch == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_ARCH_X86 && vendor == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) {
if (model == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_TYPE_BDW) p2pLevel = PATH_PXB;
else p2pLevel = PATH_PHB;
// Compute the PCI distance and compare with the p2pLevel.
if (path->type <= p2pLevel) *p2p = 1;
if (path->type == PATH_NVL) {
struct ncclTopoNode* gpu2 = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g2;
// Enable P2P Read for Ampere/NVLink only
if ((gpu1->gpu.cudaCompCap == gpu2->gpu.cudaCompCap) && (gpu1->gpu.cudaCompCap == 80)) *read = 1;
return ncclSuccess;
ncclResult_t ncclTopoCheckGdr(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int64_t busId, int netDev, int read, int* useGdr) {
*useGdr = 0;
// Get GPU and NET
int n, g;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoIdToIndex(system, NET, netDev, &n));
struct ncclTopoNode* net = system->nodes[NET].nodes+n;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoIdToIndex(system, GPU, busId, &g));
struct ncclTopoNode* gpu = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g;
// Check that both the NIC and GPUs support it
if (net->net.gdrSupport == 0) return ncclSuccess;
if (gpu->gpu.gdrSupport == 0) return ncclSuccess;
if (read) { // For reads (sends) only enable under certain conditions
int gdrReadParam = ncclParamNetGdrRead();
if (gdrReadParam == 0) return ncclSuccess;
if (gdrReadParam < 0) {
int nvlink = 0;
// Since we don't know whether there are other communicators,
// it's better to keep things local if we have a single GPU.
if (system->nodes[GPU].count == 1) nvlink = 1;
for (int i=0; inodes[GPU].count; i++) {
if (i == g) continue;
if (gpu->paths[GPU][i].type == PATH_NVL) {
nvlink = 1;
if (!nvlink) return ncclSuccess;
// Check if we are close enough that it makes sense to enable GDR
int netGdrLevel = PATH_PXB;
NCCLCHECK(ncclGetLevel(&ncclTopoUserGdrLevel, NULL, "NCCL_NET_GDR_LEVEL"));
if (ncclTopoUserGdrLevel != -2) netGdrLevel = ncclTopoUserGdrLevel;
int distance = gpu->paths[NET][n].type;
if (distance > netGdrLevel) {
INFO(NCCL_NET,"GPU Direct RDMA Disabled for GPU %lx / HCA %d (distance %d > %d)", busId, netDev, distance, netGdrLevel);
return ncclSuccess;
*useGdr = 1;
INFO(NCCL_NET,"GPU Direct RDMA Enabled for GPU %lx / HCA %d (distance %d <= %d), read %d", busId, netDev, distance, netGdrLevel, read);
return ncclSuccess;
Even though the only theoretical requirement for GPUDirect RDMA to work between a third-party device and an NVIDIA GPU is that they share the same root complex, there exist bugs (mostly in chipsets) causing it to perform badly, or not work at all in certain setups.
We can distinguish between three situations, depending on what is on the path between the GPU and the third-party device:
PCIe switches only
single CPU/IOH
The first situation, where there are only PCIe switches on the path, is optimal and yields the best performance. The second one, where a single CPU/IOH is involved, works, but yields worse performance ( especially peer-to-peer read bandwidth has been shown to be severely limited on some processor architectures ). Finally, the third situation, where the path traverses a QPI/HT link, may be extremely performance-limited or even not work reliably.
可以看到在只有经过PCIe switch的时候性能最好,在经过CPU的时候性能较差,在跨numa的时候性能很差,甚至不可用。
当p2p或者gdr不支持的时候,会通过CPU进行中转,通过getLocalCpu找到最近的CPU c。
static ncclResult_t getLocalCpu(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int gpu, int* retCpu) {
// Find the closest CPU to a GPU
int minHops = 0;
int localCpu = -1;
struct ncclTopoLinkList* paths = system->nodes[GPU].nodes[gpu].paths[CPU];
for (int c=0; cnodes[CPU].count; c++) {
int hops = paths[c].count;
if (minHops == 0 || hops < minHops) {
localCpu = c;
minHops = hops;
if (localCpu == -1) {
WARN("Error : could not find CPU close to GPU %d", gpu);
return ncclInternalError;
*retCpu = localCpu;
return ncclSuccess;
然后addCpuStep将 i1 到 i2 的路径修改为 i1 到 c 的路径 + cpu到 i2 的路径。
static ncclResult_t addCpuStep(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int c, int t1, int i1, int t2, int i2) {
struct ncclTopoNode* cpuNode = system->nodes[CPU].nodes+c;
struct ncclTopoNode* srcNode = system->nodes[t1].nodes+i1;
int l=0;
// Node 1 -> CPU
for (int i=0; ipaths[CPU][c].count; i++) srcNode->paths[t2][i2].list[l++] = srcNode->paths[CPU][c].list[i];
// CPU -> Node 2
for (int i=0; ipaths[t2][i2].count; i++) srcNode->paths[t2][i2].list[l++] = cpuNode->paths[t2][i2].list[i];
// Update path characteristics
srcNode->paths[t2][i2].count = l;
srcNode->paths[t2][i2].type = std::max(srcNode->paths[CPU][c].type, cpuNode->paths[t2][i2].type);
srcNode->paths[t2][i2].width = std::min(srcNode->paths[CPU][c].width, cpuNode->paths[t2][i2].width);
return ncclSuccess;
ncclResult_t ncclTopoTrimSystem(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclComm* comm) {
int *domains;
int64_t *ids;
NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&domains, system->nodes[GPU].count));
NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&ids, system->nodes[GPU].count));
int myDomain = 0;
for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].count; g++) {
struct ncclTopoNode* gpu = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g;
domains[g] = g;
ids[g] = gpu->id;
for (int p=0; ppaths[GPU][p].count > 0) {
domains[g] = std::min(domains[g], domains[p]);
if (gpu->gpu.rank == comm->rank) myDomain = domains[g];
int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count;
for (int i=0; inodes[GPU].count /* This one varies over the loops */; g++) {
gpu = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g;
if (gpu->id == ids[i]) break; else gpu=NULL;
if (gpu == NULL) {
WARN("Could not find id %lx", ids[i]);
return ncclInternalError;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoRemoveNode(system, GPU, g));
comm->localRanks = system->nodes[GPU].count;
if (system->nodes[GPU].count == comm->nRanks) {
for (int n=system->nodes[NET].count-1; n>=0; n--)
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoRemoveNode(system, NET, n));
return ncclSuccess;
试用OneFlow: github.com/Oneflow-Inc/oneflow/