

英文 中文
My name is Walter Hartwell White. 我叫沃尔特·哈特维尔·怀特
I live at 308 Negra Arroyo lane 住在新墨西哥州阿尔布开克
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. 内格拉阿罗约巷308号邮编87104
To all law enforcement entitles 我要告诉所有的执法者
this is not an admission of guilt. 这不是一段认罪声明
I am speaking to my family now. 而是我跟家人之间的对话
Skyler... 斯凯勒...
You are the love of my life. 你是我今生的至爱
I hope you know that. 我希望你能明白这一点
Walter Junior... 小沃尔特...
You're my big man. 在我心中你是个男子汉了
There are... 在接下来的几天里...
There are going to be some... 你们会...
Things... things... 你们会知道...
That you'll come to 关于我的
learn about me in the next few days. 关于我的一些事情
I just want you to know 我只想你们清楚一点
that no... no matter how it may look 无论发生什么事
I only had you in my heart. 我心里牵挂的只有你们
Good-bye. 永别了
Happy birthday. 生日快乐
Look at that. 瞧瞧这个
That is veggie bacon. 这是素培根
Believe it or not. zero cholesterol. 甭管你信不信零胆固醇的
You won't even taste the difference. 吃起来也是一个味儿
What time do you think you'll be home? 你觉得自己大概几点能到家?
Same time. 老时间
I don't want him dicking you around tonight. 我不希望他又缠你一整晚
You get paid till 5 你的工资只给到5点
You work till 5 no later. 你工作到5点这就行了
- Hey, happy birthday.- Well, thank you. - 生日快乐啊- 谢谢
You're late... again. 你又起晚了...
There was no hot water... again. 又没热水了...
I have an easy fix for that. 我有个简单应对的办法
You wake up early 你早点起床
And then you get to be the first person in the shower. 然后就可以第一个洗澡了
I have an idea. 我也有个办法
How about buy a new hot water heater? 为啥不买个新热水器呢?
How's that idea? 这主意如何
For the millionth and billionth time. 都提了成千上万次了
- Did you take your echinacea?- Yeah. - 止咳药喝过没? - 喝了
I think it's getting better. 我觉得好多了
What the hell is this? 这是什么鬼玩意儿啊?
It's veggie bacon. We're watching our cholesterol, I guess. 素培根我觉得我们该注意下胆固醇了
Not me. I want real bacon. 别给我我要真培根
Not this fake crap. 不要这假冒的破烂
Too bad. 真是糟糕
Eat it. 吃了
This smells like band-aids. 这闻上去就像创口贴
Eat it. 给我吃了
So how's it feel to be old? 成为老人家感觉怎么样?
How does it feel to be a smart ass? 当个小破孩感觉怎么样?
Good. 对得好
Eat your veggie bacon. 赶紧吃吧
- You're all set?- Yeah, I'm fine. - 准备好了吗? - 好了我能行
- All right, see you at home. - Okay, see you. - 那好回家见- 再见
Chemistry 化学
It is the study of what? 是研究什么的?
Anyone? 谁知道?
Ben. 本恩
Chemicals? 化学品?
Chemicals. 化学品
No. 不对
Chemistry is... 化学...
Well, technically, 从学术层面说
Chemistry is the study of matter. 化学是一门研究物质的学科
But I prefer to see it as the study of change. 但是我更倾向于它是一门研究变化的学科
Now just... just think about this. 现在... 我们这样来设想一下
Electrons. 电子
They... 它们...
change their energy levels. 改变自身的能级
Molecules. 分子呢
Molecules change their bonds. 分子改变自身的化学键
Elements. 这些元素
They combine and change into compounds. 进行组合从而形成化合物
Well that's... that's all of life. 这就是所有生命的组成形式
Right? I mean it's just... it's the constant. 对不对? 我是说... 这是个恒定的
It's the cycle. It's solution 循环的过程
Dissolution just over and over and over. 从生长到衰败再到分解并溶化
It is growth then decay then transformation. 如此循环周而复始
It is fascinating really. 这真的很迷人
Chad... 查德...
Is there something wrong with your table? 你课桌坏了吗?
Okay. Ionic bonds... 好了离子键...
Are you done? 坐好了吗?
Ionic bonds. 离子键
Chapter 6. 第六章节
One, two, three makes 10, and 10 makes 20. 一二三这是是十块再加十块一共二十
Here's your receipt 这是您的收据
And hand this claiming disc to your car wash professional. 然后拿着这张小票去找洗车员吧
- Thank you.- Come again. - 多谢- 欢迎再次光临
He's not coming. 他不来了
He said he quits. 他说他不干了
I'm gonna run the register. 现在由我来管收款机
Bogdan, no. We talked about this. 博格丹别这样我们说好的
I'm shorthanded, Walter. 我人手不足沃尔特
What am I to do? 我能怎么办?
Walter? 沃尔特?
What am I to do? 我能怎么办?
Hey, Mr. White. 嘿怀特老师
Make those tires shine, huh? 车轮擦亮点哦
You will not believe who's cleaning Chad's car. 你们肯定猜不到谁在给查德擦车
Mr. White. 是怀特老师
From chemistry. 化学课老师
Surprise. 惊喜
Happy birthday, Dad. 生日快乐老爸
You're so very late. 你回来得太晚了
Really I'm serious, Skyler. 我说真的斯凯勒
I mean you're flat as a washboard. 你的小腹平得就跟洗衣板似的
You look awesome. 看上去太棒了
She's not showing at all, is she? 她一点都看不出来是吧?
She's showing a little. 还是有那么一点的
Carmen, this is my sister Marie. 卡门这是我妹妹玛丽
- Pleased to meet you.- Hi. - 很高兴见到你- 你好
Glock 22. It's my daily carry, okay? 格洛克-22我的日常配枪
I mean unless you're talking what plus B-plus loads 除非是B+式自动装填
you can forget the 9-mil all right? 9毫米口径的都是扔货
I seen one of those bounce off a windshield one time. 我见过9毫米子弹从挡风玻璃上弹开
Yeah, the way you shoot. 那枪是你射的吧
If you're gonna bring a gun, babe. 小宝贝如果你要带把枪
You gotta bring enough gun. 就要带把够用的
40 caliber. 点40口径的
- This is awesome right here. - Nice, isn't it? - 这个太棒了- 很不错是吧?
Dad, come check this out. 爸你过来看看
- Yeah I see it.- Come on take it. - 我看到了- 过来拿着看
Check it out Walt. 沃尔特来看看
No no it's just heavy. 不不只是有点重
That's why they hire men. 所以警察才要男的当
It's not gonna bite you, all right? 枪不咬人知道吗?
Looks like Keith Richards with a glass of warm milk. 你看起来像拿着一杯热牛奶的基思·理查兹 [ 滚石乐队 ]
Hey Walt. 沃尔特
Everybody listen up listen up listen up! 大家都听好了听好了!
I'm gonna give a toast. 我要祝酒
A little toast to my brother-in-law. Come here. 为我的姐夫祝酒来吧
Walt. You got a brain the size of Wisconsin. 沃尔特你的大脑和威斯康星州一样大
But we're not gonna hold that against you. 不过我们并不是要说你坏话
Because your heart's in the right place man. 因为你心地善良
Your heart's in the right place. 心地善良
We love you man. We love you. 我们爱你
Everybody! To Walt! 大家举杯! 敬沃尔特!
Na zdorovje! 干杯(墨西哥语)!
Na zdorovje! 干杯(墨西哥语)!
Oh shit. Turn on channel 3. 该死打开第三频道
At which point we apprehended three individuals 到目前为止我们逮捕了3个人
And placed them into custody. 并已将他们拘留
I'm proud to say the outstanding professionalism of 我很自豪地说在打击
my fellow agents at the Albuquerque district office 大量的冰毒贩卖案件中
resulted in a substantial amount 阿尔布开克分局的同仁们
of methamphetamine being taken off the streets. 表现了杰出的敬业精神
Were any shots fired? 有发生交火吗?
No ma'am. Our agents took the suspects by surprise. 没有我们的探员给嫌疑犯来了个出其不意
Damn the TV does add ten pounds. 电视还真他妈加油添醋
Ten pounds? 加油添醋
Sit and spin. Both of you. 你们两个给我闭嘴坐下
- Hank. - What? - 汉克- 什么事?
Sorry. You didn't see that. 不好意思当作没看见这个
So charming. 太诱人了
This is clearly an ongoing operation one 显然这是一个正在运作的组织
which was well organized... 而且组织得当...
Hank, how much money is that? 汉克一共多少钱?
It's about 700 grand. That's a pretty good haul huh? 大概有70万很多吧?
As I say it's a good day for the citizens of Albuquerque 正如我说的今天是阿尔布开克市民的好日子
when we can put this big a dent in the local drug trade. 因为我们给予当地毒品交易沉重打击
But that's unusual, isn't it? That kind of cash? 不过有点不正常是吧? 那种现金?
Well it's not the most we ever took. 和我们之前破的大部分案子不同
It's easy money... 这钱来得很快...
until we catch you. 被我们抓到就完了
Walt just say the word and I'll take you on a ride-along. 沃尔特只要你开口我就带你去跟踪
You can watch us knock down a meth lab. 你可以亲眼目睹我们如何捣毁冰毒实验室
Get a little excitement in your life. 给你的生活增加点激情
Yeah, someday. 是啊有一天
Which one's this? 又是什么呀?
Um, that faux-lalique vase 就是我在超级交换网上买的
I picked up at the Super-Swap. 人造水晶花瓶
How's it doing? 怎么样?
Well, I met my reserve 我已经预定了
and there's still two minutes. 还有两分钟开拍
What's up? 什么事?
You tell me, birthday boy. 你说呢小寿星
Oh, hey, so, what's up for Saturday? 那你周六有什么安排?
Mm. Car wash. 洗车
Bogdan says he needs me. 博格丹说需要我
Till what time? Noon, 1-ish? 几点结束? 中午一点钟?
Probably 2, more like it. 大概两点吧差不多
And then what after that? 那之后呢?
Um, actually, 其实呢
I was thinking of driving up to Los Alamos. 我打算开车去洛斯阿拉莫斯
They've got this... The visitor center has an exhibit on 那有一个... 游客中心举办展览
that's really supposed to be... 应该会很...
You're not gonna paint? 你不粉刷吗?
No, I'll paint. 刷我会刷的
It's just that this... 只是这个...
You know, this exhibition on the Mars-rover photographs are... 展出的是火星探测器的照片...
I mean, the detail really is just supposed to be amazing. 我是说细节一定相当清晰
It's just that I really need you to paint at some point. 我真的需要你能把漆刷完
- The sooner that back bedroom gets finished... - I know. - 卧室早一天准备好... - 我知道
And I'd do it myself, 我可以自己刷的
except you said you don't want me standing on the stepladder. 只是你说不愿意让我上梯子
- I will paint. - Okay. - 我会刷的- 好
What is going on down there? 这是怎么回事?
No, it's... 没事...
Is he asleep? 他睡着了吗?
No, it's... No, it's nothing. He's just... 不是... 没问题他只是...
You know. Well, you gotta be careful about the baby and... 我说你该小心点孩子还有...
Well, don't worry about the baby. 不用担心孩子
This is just for you. 这是专门为你的
We are just doing you tonight. 我们今天只弄你
So just close your eyes, 所以呢你就闭上眼睛
relax, and let it... 放松顺其自然...
- Close your eyes. - Oh, okay. - 闭上眼睛- 哦好
Okay. 好了
There you go. 就这样
That's it. 对了
There you go. 就这样
Keep it going. 继续
Keep it going. 继续
Keep it going. 继续
Keep... Yes! 继... 太好了!
Fifty-six. Oh. 五十六耶
This is so embarrassing. 这真是太尴尬了
I am fine, honestly. 老实说我没事
It's just some bug going around. 不过是轻微传染
First, my wife had it, then my son, and now me. 先是我妻子我儿子现在我又染上了
It's just... It's just like a chest cold. 只是... 有一点胸痛
Could be some low blood sugar as well. 可能还有点低血糖
I didn't have the greatest breakfast this morning. Honestly, I didn't. 事实上我今天早饭吃得不是特别好
Hey, listen, can you do me a favor? Can you just, uh, 听我说能帮个忙吗? 可不可以
drop me off at a corner somewhere? 拐弯的时候让我下车?
Uh, no, sorry. 抱歉不行
It's just that I don't have the greatest insurance. 我的保险真的不是特别好
Take a couple of deep breaths for me. 请你深呼吸几下
Is there anybody you want us to contact for you? 要我们帮你联系什么人吗?
Ha. No. God, no. 不天哪不用
Lean forward for me, would you? 请你坐起来一下
Mr. White, are you a smoker? 怀特先生你吸烟吗?
No, never. 不吸从不
Why do you ask? 为什么问这个?
Mr. White. 怀特先生
Mr. White? 怀特先生?
Yes. 你说
You understood what I've just said to you? 我刚说的你都明白了吗?
Yes. 明白
Lung cancer. Inoperable. 肺癌而且不能动手术
I'm sorry... 不好意思...
I just need to make sure you fully understand. 我需要确保你真的明白了
Best-case scenario with chemo. 最佳治疗方案是化疗
I'll live maybe another couple years. 这样我或许还能多活几年
It's just... 只是...
You've got mustard on your... 你的衣领上有芥末...
Right there. Mustard there. 就那儿沾着芥末
Right there. 就那儿
So my records show that I paid it 我的记录显示已经付过了
and I certainly don't feel that we owe any late... 而且我确定我们最近没有欠款...
Yeah, all right. Um... 好好吧
Well I'll check with the bank 我会跟银行确认
and maybe the post office 还有邮局
if they lost it or something. 看看他们是否有弄丢
Yeah, let me look into that. 好的我再确认一下
Okay. 好的
Thank you. 谢谢
Did you use the mastercard last month? 上个月你用万事达卡了吗?
15.88 at Staples? 在斯特普尔斯公司 [办公用品连锁] 花了15块88?
We needed printer paper. 要买些打印纸
Walt, the mastercard's the one we don't use. 沃尔特我们不用万事达卡的
Okay. 好吧
So how was your day? 今天过怎么样?
I don't know. It was um... 不知道我想...
Fine. 还不错
Walt, come on. I'm shorthanded. 沃尔特我缺人手
I need you to do some wipe-downs. Come on. 你帮忙去擦车快点
- What?- I said I need you outside to do some wipe-downs. - 什么? - 我叫你到外面去擦车
Are you here to work or to be staring at the skies? 你是来工作还是来发呆的?
Come on let's go. 快点走吧
Come on man. 快点伙计
Fuck you Bogdan. 博格丹去你妈的
I said fuck you! 我说去你妈的!
And your eyebrows! 还有你那眉毛!
Wipe down this! 用这个擦吧!
Uh Hank. 汉克
Hank, it's Walt. Hey. 汉克是我沃尔特
Oh listen... I didn't wake you did I? 听着... 没吵醒你吧?
Oh good good. 好的
No no nothing's wrong. I just uh... 不不没什么事只是...
I've been uh thinking about that offer... 我一直在考虑那个提议...
That ride-along. 跟你们一起行动
It's the last house on the right. See it? 右侧最后一幢房子看到了吗?
Not the two-story one, the one next to it. 不是二层的旁边那幢
Kind of, uh, I don't know what do you call that? Um, 有点儿那个什么颜色来着?
- green?- Sage. - 绿色? - 鼠尾草色
"Sage?" "鼠尾草色"?
Do you work at the fucking Pottery Barn? Jesus. 你他妈是陶器场出来的吗? 天哪
Sage. That's the word for it. 人家就叫鼠尾草色
My fault the only word your dumb ass knows is "green"? 你个傻缺就认得"绿"这也怪我?
"Cheese-dick." I know that one. How about that? 我还认得"贱货"这词怎么样?
Anyway, it's the, um, sage one. See it? 总之就是鼠尾草色那幢看到了吧?
So what tells you it's a meth lab? 你们怎么知道那是个制毒窝点?
Star snitch says some dude 据可靠线人报告
goes by cap'n Cook lives up to his name in there. 一个名叫"库克船长"的家伙在里面制毒呢
Says he always adds a dash of chili powder. 还总往里面掺胡椒粉
Ah you exuberant mexicans. 这群精力旺盛的老墨
Captain Cook that's a white boy's name. "库克船长"是个白人名字
Dopey as hell too. "呆瓜"也是
Yeah? Tell you what. 是吗? 这么着
I got 20 bucks that says he's a beaner. 我赌20块猜他是个老墨
- All right. - You're on. - 好的- 说定了

