Sem 5 隨筆1


堅持好習慣太難了 堅持做一件不舒服的事 太難了 在滿是責任的生活中找到時間做自己想要做的事太難了 也可以說是很多時候 你沒有把它放在第一位

現在是2.14am (18/9), 明天是lermin的VoC, 我只想好好的把這一刻記錄下來 不理睡不睡覺了

其實整個summer 都沒有好好的把自己的體驗記錄下來 只能現在靠著零零碎碎的記憶把它拼湊起來

最大的收穫是我再一次強化了我和Fee 及A的友誼 現在的我們 在經歷過新加坡的回憶(包包不見,隨心的旅遊)還有普吉島(瘋狂)再來就是背包旅行(3個國家!) 已經非常非常非常的舒服 非常非常的愛對方了 有時還是會覺得很好笑 一直讓對方覺得我們是男男戀 可是我們其實只是很珍惜很珍惜對方的這一份愛和友誼

今天的EBMTm Rk給大家做了思想工作 主要說自己的心態能改變對一切的看法 如果你感到壓力 身心疲憊 那只是代表你沒有把你自己照顧好 也沒有好好處理壓力而已

停止抱怨 因為那很令人討厭
What are you waiting after you complain so many things?

We actually have a space to talk about what’s happening to our LC. We conclude it as negativity, cos we always want to blame people and having a lot of judgment and assumption toward each other. So basically he throw us with one question, what are we waiting?

And definitely we did some stretching exercise and yoga, basically to really boost up the spirit and bonding between each other.

I believe all of his objective actually being achieved in this meeting, and it’s a super good reality slap to us before we have new member and having LLDS.

Actually yesterday we just have a major arguement about my voting right as I didn’t intentionally absent from the meetings and such. We basically fight from 12am until 1.30am. Then RK open a hang out and ask all of us to join. In the meeting, he ask us to focus on the hat of being not understand and hat of being protecting the compendium. It works because it make sure all of us can express the things that’s in our mind. And we argued until 3.30am only we reach mutual consensus.And RK told me he have the solution at the very beginning, it’s just purposely want us to fight then only he give solution. Fuck him.

Actually have a conversation with him on why suddenly his skill improve a lot. He said because his phone drop into water, less distraction and he meet a very experience coach few days ago, this makes him to reflect a lot on the stuff in this LC and he can see the things from a very very big picture. This is something that I need to learn lah tbh.

After EBMTm we had or working space with EBs for LLDS Agenda, it’s very comfortable as Agenda designing and creating is always something that I feel it’s nmvery interesting and I feel very proud when the agenda designed can meet the objective and be very impactful to the member.

Had a very sincere talk with A regarding our journey so far and we are amazed by how many things we been through and how much we love each other. I can’t describe the love towards him because it’s  too strong and I believe it’s a mutual feeling as well.


1. Fee to fetch me out for lunch

2. Fee bring me back to surau after dabao dinner.

3. A for understand me

4. A for the space to listen to my clarification because of misunderstanding

5. A for coordinate interview for Eizzah

6. Waseem for the dessert from Arab (RM90!)

7. JieHong for say hello to me at Shen Bao.

8. Pavel go and buy wall paper with me and design together yesterday.

9. Lucas for asking me about MoU thingy.

10. All those who attended EBMTm

11. Thanks for forcing myself comeout with this essay hahahah

Is it connected? I guess so:)

I love this world, really really love!

Good night:)



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