incarnation flashback database 时可以 offline 不符合的 datafile

How do we flashback a database to a guaranteed restore point (GRP) that has 2 tablespaces with flashback off after a RESETLOGS was done?

Flashback fails with the errors below.  It fails on the datafiles for the two tablespaces with flashback off.

RMAN-03002: failure of flashback command at 09/27/2013 15:14:24
ORA-38753: Cannot flashback data file 2229; no flashback log data.
ORA-01110: data file 2229: '+//datafile/.27472.826360617'


We need to restore the datafiles for the two tablespaces from a backup, offline those same files, flashback to GRP, online the files again then recover to the GRP SCN. 

Note: Because RESETLOGS was done we'll also have to reset the incarnation. Otherwise that step can be skipped.

1. Restore the datafiles for those two tablespaces from a backup.

Note: The restored files are dated Sept 26th while all other datafiles are current (Sept 28th). The GRP is Sept 27th.

------- ---------------------- --- ----------------------------- -----------
OFFLINE           104379205366 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:17:26                    1
OFFLINE           104379205549 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:19:06                    1
OFFLINE           104379205557 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:19:14                    1
OFFLINE           104379205610 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:19:57                    1
OFFLINE           104379206069 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:21:29                    1
OFFLINE           104379206276 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:22:23                    1
OFFLINE           104379206428 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:23:10                    1
OFFLINE           104379206445 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:23:21                    2
OFFLINE           104379206480 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:23:41                    2
OFFLINE           104379206520 NO  26-SEP-2013 21:24:16                    1
ONLINE            104398694790 YES 28-SEP-2013 08:42:03                 2221

11 rows selected.

Database is currently in MOUNT.

2. After the restore make sure those restored files are OFFLINE before the flashback is done or it will fail with the same errors.

ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29237.826360609' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29345.826360597' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29341.826360579' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29338.826360575' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29337.826360571' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29238.826360611' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29239.826360615' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29240.826360615' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.12744.826360617' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.34180.826360617' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.33245.826360617' offline;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.27472.826360617' offline;

3. Flashback to the guaranteed restore point (GRP).


Starting flashback at 13-09-28 10:20
starting media recovery archived log for thread 1 with sequence 843 is already on disk as file +//archivelog/2013_09_27/thread_1_seq_843.33236.827237895
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15
Finished flashback at 13-09-28 10:27

4. Online all the datafiles for the two tablespaces.

ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29345.826360597' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29341.826360579' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29338.826360575' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29337.826360571' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29238.826360611' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29239.826360615' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.29240.826360615' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.12744.826360617' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.34180.826360617' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.33245.826360617' online;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+//datafile/.27472.826360617' online;

5. Because the database was opened with resetlogs we have to reset the incarnation to before resetlogs was done.

RMAN> list incarnation;

List of Database Incarnations

DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
1       1            2189369331 PARENT 73600365279 11-12-28 01:45
2       2           2189369331 PARENT 104113554484 13-09-17 07:41 <<< We need to be in this incarnation to recover to 9-27-2013. Use the INC KEY.
3       3           2189369331 CURRENT 104390300886 13-09-28 07:04

RMAN> reset database to incarnation 2;

database reset to incarnation 2

6. Do RECOVER UNTIL CHANGE using the SCN of the GRP +1. The UNTIL recovers to right before the SCN specified.

SQL> select name,scn,time,database_incarnation#,guarantee_flashback_database,storage_size from v$restore_point;

-------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------- --- ----------------
104390296851 27-SEP-13 PM 2 YES 15728640000

1 row selected.


ORA-00279: change 104379205366 generated at 09/26/2013 21:17:26 needed for thread 1 ORA-00289:
suggestion : +//archivelog/2013_09_28/thread_1_seq_788.39097.827318825 ORA-00280:
change 104379205366 for thread 1 is in sequence #788 Specify log: {=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
ORA-00279: change 104379207088 generated at 09/26/2013 21:27:03 needed for thread 1 ORA-00289:
suggestion : +//archivelog/2013_09_28/thread_1_seq_789.23582.827318825 ORA-00280:
change 104379207088 for thread 1 is in sequence #789 ORA-00278: log file '+//archivelog/2013_09_28/thread_1_seq_788.39097.827318825' no longer needed for this recovery
ORA-00279: change 104390280294 generated at 09/27/2013 11:55:45 needed for thread 1 ORA-00289:
suggestion : +//archivelog/2013_09_27/thread_1_seq_843.33236.827237895 ORA-00280:
change 104390280294 for thread 1 is in sequence #843 ORA-00278: log file '+//archivelog/2013_09_27/thread_1_seq_842.21570.827236545' no longer needed for this recovery Log applied.
Media recovery complete.

SYS> alter database open resetlogs;
Database altered.

7. To enable the flashback on tablespaces:

SQL> alter tablespace flashback on;
