如果通过secondary index查出了需要的数据行,但是在secondary index中没有需要的列怎么办呢?那就只能获取id,然后在primary index中去读取全部数据了,这个过程叫做回表。
和回表相比,假设查询的属性列都在secondary index中呢?我们还需要回表操作吗?显然不需要,那么这个时候呢?secondary index的工作覆盖了primary index的工作,这就叫索引覆盖,Explain中的extra通常会显示using index
Index Condition Pushdown (ICP) is an optimization for the case where MySQL retrieves rows from a table using an index. Without ICP, the storage engine traverses the index to locate rows in the base table and returns them to the MySQL server which evaluates the WHERE condition for the rows. With ICP enabled, and if parts of the WHERE condition can be evaluated by using only columns from the index, the MySQL server pushes this part of the WHERE condition down to the storage engine. The storage engine then evaluates the pushed index condition by using the index entry and only if this is satisfied is the row read from the table. ICP can reduce the number of times the storage engine must access the base table and the number of times the MySQL server must access the storage engine.
有其他条件参考 ICP
mysql explain type 访问类型解读
type显示的是访问类型,是一个较为重要的指标,值从优到劣分别为: system > const > eq_ref > ref > range > index > all
表示通过索引一次就能找到, const 用于比较primary或者unique(值是唯一的).因为只匹配一条数据,所以很快. 如果将主键置于where 子句中,mysql就能将该查询转为一个常量
SELECT * FROM bt_order left JOIN mt_user on (mt_user.id = bt_order.user_id)
It shows that one row is fetched from this table for each combination of rows of the previous table. If all the parts of the primary index or the unique not null index are used to fetch the data then the type is eq_ref
The ref access method is slightly less efficient than const, but still an excellent choice if the right index is in place. Ref access is used when the query includes an indexed column that is being matched by an equality operator. If MySQL can locate the necessary rows based on the index, it can avoid scanning the entire table, speeding up the query considerably.
注意看到了吗? by an equality operator,表示用 =,如果不是话可能就会不同了
5. range
只检索给定范围的行,返回匹配指定区间的所有行,一般就是你的where子句中出现了如 between and , in , <,>等 的这种查询. 这种范围扫描的索引扫描比全表扫描要好,因为他只用开始于索引的某一点,结束与索引的某一点,不用扫描全部索引
When you use range in the where clause, MySQL knows that it will need to look through a range of values to find the right data. MySQL will use the B-Tree index to traverse from the top of the tree down to the first value of the range. From there, MySQL consults the linked list at the bottom of the tree to find the rows with values in the desired range. It’s essential to note that MySQL will examine every element in the range until a mismatch is found, so this can be slower than some of the other methods mentioned so far
The index access method indicates that MySQL is scanning the entire index to locate the necessary data. Index access is the slowest access method listed so far, but it is still faster than scanning the entire table. When MySQL cannot use a primary or unique index, it will use index access if an index is available.
cannot use a primary or unique index, it will use index access if an index is available 这是指主键或者唯一键不可以使用+读取的属性列(necessary data)在索引中,不需要回表,否则会变成all
7. all
Full table Scan , 全表扫描,将遍历全表以找到匹配的行
建立页目录的思想和文章目录,redis zset中的skipList的逻辑大差不差,只是不是树结构而已,但本质上依然是分治思想。
那么 一页的索引可以保存多少条索引数据呢?
16k/10b = 161024/10 = 1638
所以,如果是只有两层的索引的话,那么只能保存1638 * 16条数据,这显然是不够的,为了提升索引支持的数据,我们再加 一层,也就是三层,因为加的索引页结构是不变的,那么root的索引页可以保存 16k/10 = 1638个索引数据,总结起来就是
16381638*16 = 42928704,约4kw条数据,但是这是理想状态下,正常来说是约为2kw条数据左右。