
编写C语言代码分别解答以下问题:(1)自动生成包含数百、数千、数万正整数的若干集合,作为构建不同规模查找表的基础; (2)基于散列表的工作原理,采用除留余数法H(key) = key % p (p


// 定义散列表的最大长度
#define MAX_SIZE 100000

// 定义散列表节点
typedef struct Node {
    int key;
    struct Node* next;
} Node;

// 计算散列值
int hash(int key, int p) {
    return key % p;

// 插入节点到散列表
void insert(Node* hashTable[], int key, int p) {
    int index = hash(key, p);
    Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    newNode->key = key;
    newNode->next = NULL;

    if (hashTable[index] == NULL) {
        hashTable[index] = newNode;
    } else {
        Node* temp = hashTable[index];
        while (temp->next != NULL) {
            temp = temp->next;
        temp->next = newNode;

// 线性探测法查找节点
int linearProbeSearch(Node* hashTable[], int key, int p) {
    int index = hash(key, p);
    int i = 0;
    while (hashTable[(index + i) % p] != NULL) {
        if (hashTable[(index + i) % p]->key == key) {
            return (index + i) % p;
    return -1;

// 链地址法查找节点
int chainAddressingSearch(Node* hashTable[], int key, int p) {
    int index = hash(key, p);
    Node* temp = hashTable[index];
    while (temp != NULL) {
        if (temp->key == key) {
            return index;
        temp = temp->next;
    return -1;

// 计算平均查找长度
float calculateAverageSearchLength(Node* hashTable[], int size, int p, int (*search)(Node*[], int, int)) {
    int totalSearchLength = 0;
    int numSearches = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        Node* temp = hashTable[i];
        while (temp != NULL) {
            int searchLength = search(hashTable, temp->key, p) + 1;
            totalSearchLength += searchLength;
            temp = temp->next;
    return (float)totalSearchLength / numSearches;

int main() {
    // 设置随机数种子

    // 构建不同规模的正整数集合
    int size[] = {100, 1000, 10000};
    int numSizes = sizeof(size) / sizeof(size[0]);

    for (int i = 0; i < numSizes; i++) {
        int setSize = size[i];
        int integerSet[setSize];
        Node* hashTable[MAX_SIZE] = {NULL};

        printf("Generating set of size %d...\n", setSize);

        // 生成正整数集合
        for (int j = 0; j < setSize; j++) {
            integerSet[j] = rand() % (setSize * 10); // 此处设置正整数范围为0至setSize*10

        printf("Constructing hash table using linear probing...\n");

        // 构建散列表并测量平均查找长度(线性探测法)
        float linearProbeASL = 0.0;
        int p = setSize / 2; // 除数p设置为集合大小的一半
        for (int j = 0; j < setSize; j++) {
            insert(hashTable, integerSet[j], p);
        linearProbeASL = calculateAverageSearchLength(hashTable, MAX_SIZE, p, linearProbeSearch);
        printf("Average search length using linear probing: %.2f\n", linearProbeASL);

        printf("Constructing hash table using chaining...\n");

        // 构建散列表并测量平均查找长度(链地址法)
        float chainAddressingASL = 0.0;
        for (int j = 0; j < setSize; j++) {
            insert(hashTable, integerSet[j], p);
        chainAddressingASL = calculateAverageSearchLength(hashTable, MAX_SIZE, p, chainAddressingSearch);
        printf("Average search length using chaining: %.2f\n", chainAddressingASL);

    return 0;





#define MAX_SIZE 100000

typedef struct Node {
    int key;
    struct Node* next;
} Node;

int hash(int key, int p) {
    return key % p; // 除留余数法散列函数

void insert(Node* hashTable[], int key, int p) {
    int index = hash(key, p); // 计算散列值
    Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); // 创建新节点
    newNode->key = key;
    newNode->next = NULL;

    if (hashTable[index] == NULL) {
        hashTable[index] = newNode; // 直接插入空槽位
    } else {
        Node* temp = hashTable[index];
        while (temp->next != NULL) {
            temp = temp->next;
        temp->next = newNode; // 链接到链表末尾

int linearProbeSearch(Node* hashTable[], int key, int p) {
    int index = hash(key, p); // 计算初始散列值
    int i = 0;
    while (hashTable[(index + i) % p] != NULL) { // 线性探测冲突处理
        if (hashTable[(index + i) % p]->key == key) {
            return (index + i) % p; // 找到目标键值,返回位置
    return -1; // 没有找到目标键值

int chainAddressingSearch(Node* hashTable[], int key, int p) {
    int index = hash(key, p); // 计算散列值
    Node* temp = hashTable[index];
    while (temp != NULL) {
        if (temp->key == key) {
            return index; // 找到目标键值,返回位置
        temp = temp->next;
    return -1; // 没有找到目标键值

float calculateAverageSearchLength(Node* hashTable[], int size, int p, int (*search)(Node*[], int, int)) {
    int totalSearchLength = 0;
    int numSearches = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        Node* temp = hashTable[i];
        while (temp != NULL) {
            int searchLength = search(hashTable, temp->key, p) + 1; // 查找目标键值并计算查找长度
            totalSearchLength += searchLength;
            temp = temp->next;
    return (float)totalSearchLength / numSearches; // 返回平均查找长度

void runExperiment(int setSize, int p, float loadFactor) {
    int numKeys = setSize * loadFactor; // 计算实际插入的键值对数量
    int integerSet[setSize];
    Node* hashTable[MAX_SIZE] = {NULL}; // 初始化散列表

    for (int j = 0; j < setSize; j++) {
        integerSet[j] = rand() % (setSize * 10); // 生成随机正整数集合

    for (int j = 0; j < numKeys; j++) {
        insert(hashTable, integerSet[j], p); // 插入键值对到散列表

    float linearProbeASL = calculateAverageSearchLength(hashTable, setSize, p, linearProbeSearch); // 计算线性探测法的平均查找长度
    float chainAddressingASL = calculateAverageSearchLength(hashTable, setSize, p, chainAddressingSearch); // 计算链地址法的平均查找长度

    printf("Experiment Results:\n");
    printf("Set Size: %d\n", setSize);
    printf("Number of Keys: %d\n", numKeys);
    printf("Load Factor: %.2f\n", loadFactor);
    printf("Hash Function Divisor (p): %d\n", p);
    printf("Linear Probing ASL: %.2f\n", linearProbeASL);
    printf("Chain Addressing ASL: %.2f\n", chainAddressingASL);

int main() {
    srand(time(NULL)); // 初始化随机数生成器

    // 实验参数
    int setSize = 10000; // 集合大小
    float loadFactors[] = {0.5, 0.7, 0.9}; // 装填因子
    int pValues[] = {100, 1000, 10000}; // 除数p的取值

    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(loadFactors) / sizeof(loadFactors[0]); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(pValues) / sizeof(pValues[0]); j++) {
            runExperiment(setSize, pValues[j], loadFactors[i]); // 执行实验

    return 0;


