24 Linux高级篇-备份与恢复

24 Linux高级篇-备份与恢复


  • 24 Linux高级篇-备份与恢复
    • 24.1 安装dump和restore
    • 24.2 使用dump备份
    • 24.4 使用restore恢复

  • 学习视频来自于B站【小白入门 通俗易懂】2021韩顺平 一周学会Linux。
  • 可能会用到的资料有如下所示,下载链接见文末:
  1. 《鸟哥的Linux私房菜 基础学习篇 第四版》1
  2. 《鸟哥的Linux私房菜 服务器架设篇 第三版》2
  3. 《韩顺平_2021图解Linux全面升级》3

24.1 安装dump和restore

  在学习Linux的过程中,我们一直用VMware新建虚拟机来进行开发,并且即使有rm -rf /*之类的骚操作也可以使用“快照”来进行恢复。但在工作环境下,实体机无法做快照,如果出现严重的异常或者数据损坏,甚至要重做系统,就会造成数据丢失,所以我们就需要“备份和恢复”。linux的备份和恢复很简单,有两种方式:

  1. 把需要的文件(或者分区)用tar指令打包,下次需要恢复的时候,再解压开覆盖即可。
  2. 使用dumprestore命令——dump指令备份、restore指令还原。


图24-1 备份与恢复示意图


  1. 备份层级只有0~9。到达备份层级9之后会回退到备份层级0重新开始。
  2. “备份层级”的概念只存在于“分区”的备份,对于普通文件/目录只有“备份层级0”


################## 指令速览 #####################
yum -y install dump     # 安装dump
yum -y install restore  # 安装restore

################## 实际演示 #####################
# 1. 安装dump
[root@CentOS76 ~]# yum -y install dump
已加载插件:fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
 * extras: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
 * updates: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
base                                                                            | 3.6 kB  00:00:00     
extras                                                                          | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
updates                                                                         | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
--> 正在检查事务
---> 软件包 dump.x86_64.1.0.4-0.23.b44.el7 将被 安装
--> 正在处理依赖关系 rmt,它被软件包 1:dump-0.4-0.23.b44.el7.x86_64 需要
--> 正在检查事务
---> 软件包 rmt.x86_64. 将被 安装
--> 解决依赖关系完成


 Package             架构                  版本                              源                   大小
 dump                x86_64                1:0.4-0.23.b44.el7                base                148 k
 rmt                 x86_64                2:1.5.2-13.el7                    base                103 k

安装  1 软件包 (+1 依赖软件包)

总下载量:251 k
安装大小:581 k
Downloading packages:
(1/2): dump-0.4-0.23.b44.el7.x86_64.rpm                                         | 148 kB  00:00:00     
(2/2): rmt-1.5.2-13.el7.x86_64.rpm                                              | 103 kB  00:00:00     
总计                                                                   611 kB/s | 251 kB  00:00:00     
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  正在安装    : 2:rmt-1.5.2-13.el7.x86_64                                                          1/2 
  正在安装    : 1:dump-0.4-0.23.b44.el7.x86_64                                                     2/2 
  验证中      : 2:rmt-1.5.2-13.el7.x86_64                                                          1/2 
  验证中      : 1:dump-0.4-0.23.b44.el7.x86_64                                                     2/2 

  dump.x86_64 1:0.4-0.23.b44.el7                                                                       

  rmt.x86_64 2:1.5.2-13.el7                                                                            


# 2. 安装restore
[root@CentOS76 ~]# yum -y install restore
已加载插件:fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
 * extras: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
 * updates: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
没有可用软件包 restore。
# 注意上述报错,可能是因为安装dump时顺便安装上了restore

# 3. 检验dump和restore是否安装上
[root@CentOS76 ~]# dump
dump 0.4b44 (using libext2fs 1.42.9 of 28-Dec-2013)
usage:	dump [-level#] [-acmMnqSuv] [-A file] [-B records] [-b blocksize]
	     [-d density] [-D file] [-e inode#,inode#,...] [-E file]
	     [-f file] [-h level] [-I nr errors] [-j zlevel] [-Q file]
	     [-s feet] [-T date] [-y] [-z zlevel] filesystem
	dump [-W | -w]
[root@CentOS76 ~]# restore
restore 0.4b44 (using libext2fs 1.42.9 of 28-Dec-2013)
usage:	restore -C [-cdeHlMvVy] [-b blocksize] [-D filesystem] [-E mls] 
	           [-f file] [-F script] [-L limit] [-s fileno]
	restore -i [-acdehHlmMouvVy] [-A file] [-b blocksize] [-E mls] 
	           [-f file] [-F script] [-Q file] [-s fileno]
	restore -P file [-acdhHlmMuvVy] [-b blocksize]
	           [-f file] [-F script] [-s fileno] [-X filelist] [file ...]
	restore -r [-cdeHlMuvVy] [-b blocksize] [-E mls] 
	           [-f file] [-F script] [-s fileno] [-T directory]
	restore -R [-cdeHlMuvVy] [-b blocksize] [-E mls] 
	           [-f file] [-F script] [-s fileno] [-T directory]
	restore -t [-cdhHlMuvVy] [-A file] [-b blocksize]
	           [-f file] [-F script] [-Q file] [-s fileno] [-X filelist] [file ...]
	restore -x [-acdehHlmMouvVy] [-A file] [-b blocksize] [-E mls] 
	           [-f file] [-F script] [-Q file] [-s fileno] [-X filelist] [file ...]

24.2 使用dump备份

  dump为备份工具程序,可将目录或整个文件系统备份至指定的设备,同时支持对整个分区进行增量备份。所谓“增量备份”是指只备份上次备份后 新修改/增加 过的文件,而无需再重新进行完整的备份,也称差异备份。注意上述仅对分区进行备份时支持“增量备份”,普通文件或目录只能使用0级别备份。下面是dump的基本语法:

# 基本语法-dump
dump [选项参数] [目录或文件系统]
dump [-wW]

# 常用选项-dump
-0123456789     备份的层级。0为最完整备份,会备份所有文件。若指定0以上的层级,则备份至上一次备份以来修改或新增的文件,到9后可以再次从0开始。
-u              备份完毕后,在/etc/dumpdares中记录备份的文件系统、层级、日期、时间等。
-j              调用bzlib库压缩备份文件,也就是将备份后的文件压缩成bz2格式,让文件更小。
-f<备份后文件名> 指定备份后文件名。
-T<日期>        指定开始备份的时间与日期。
-c              修改备份磁带预设的密度与容量。
-t              指定文件名,若该文件已存在备份文件中,则列出名称。
-W              显示需要备份的文件及其最后一次备份的层级、时间、日期。
-w              与-W类似,但仅显示需要备份的文件。

# 常用指令-dump
dump -W             # 显示需要备份的文件及其最后一次备份的层级、时间、日期
cat /etc/dumpdates  # 查看备份时间、文件、次数


################## 指令速览 #####################
dump -0uj -f /opt/boot.bak0.bz2 /boot

################## 实际演示 #####################
[root@CentOS76 ~]# cd /opt
[root@CentOS76 opt]# dump -0uj -f /opt/boot.bak0.bz2 /boot
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Aug 25 16:20:28 2023
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/sda1 (/boot) to /opt/boot.bak0.bz2
  DUMP: Label: none
  DUMP: Writing 10 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Compressing output at compression level 2 (bzlib)
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 179588 blocks.
  DUMP: Volume 1 started with block 1 at: Fri Aug 25 16:20:28 2023
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: Closing /opt/boot.bak0.bz2
  DUMP: Volume 1 completed at: Fri Aug 25 16:20:41 2023
  DUMP: Volume 1 took 0:00:13
  DUMP: Volume 1 transfer rate: 12457 kB/s
  DUMP: Volume 1 180210kB uncompressed, 161941kB compressed, 1.113:1
  DUMP: 180210 blocks (175.99MB) on 1 volume(s)
  DUMP: finished in 13 seconds, throughput 13862 kBytes/sec
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Aug 25 16:20:28 2023
  DUMP: Date this dump completed:  Fri Aug 25 16:20:41 2023
  DUMP: Average transfer rate: 12457 kB/s
  DUMP: Wrote 180210kB uncompressed, 161941kB compressed, 1.113:1
[root@CentOS76 opt]# ll -h
总用量 305M
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 159M 825 16:20 boot.bak0.bz2
# 其他的文件就不显示了,注意备份文件大小为159M



  • 备份层级0文件boot.bak0.bz2大小:159M。
  • 备份层级1文件boot.bak1.bz2大小:12K。
################## 指令速览 #####################
dump -1uj -f /opt/boot.bak1.bz2 /boot

################## 实际演示 #####################
[root@CentOS76 opt]# cd /boot
[root@CentOS76 boot]# touch hello.txt
[root@CentOS76 boot]# ll -h
总用量 159M
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    0 825 16:23 hello.txt
# /boot目录下其他的就不显示了
[root@CentOS76 boot]# dump -1uj -f /opt/boot.bak1.bz2 /boot
  DUMP: Date of this level 1 dump: Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: Fri Aug 25 16:20:28 2023
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/sda1 (/boot) to /opt/boot.bak1.bz2
  DUMP: Label: none
  DUMP: Writing 10 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Compressing output at compression level 2 (bzlib)
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 35 blocks.
  DUMP: Volume 1 started with block 1 at: Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: Closing /opt/boot.bak1.bz2
  DUMP: Volume 1 completed at: Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023
  DUMP: 30 blocks (0.03MB) on 1 volume(s)
  DUMP: finished in less than a second
  DUMP: Date of this level 1 dump: Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023
  DUMP: Date this dump completed:  Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023
  DUMP: Average transfer rate: 0 kB/s
  DUMP: Wrote 30kB uncompressed, 11kB compressed, 2.728:1
[root@CentOS76 boot]# ll -h /opt
总用量 305M
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 159M 825 16:20 boot.bak0.bz2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  12K 825 16:24 boot.bak1.bz2
# /opt目录下其他的文档就不显示了


################## 指令速览 #####################
dump -W
cat /etc/dumpdates

################## 实际演示 #####################
[root@CentOS76 boot]# dump -W
Last dump(s) done (Dump '>' file systems):
> /dev/sda3	(     /) Last dump: never
  /dev/sda1	( /boot) Last dump: Level 1, Date Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023

[root@CentOS76 boot]# cat /etc/dumpdates
/dev/sda1 0 Fri Aug 25 16:20:28 2023 +0800
/dev/sda1 1 Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023 +0800


  • 注意“实际演示”还演示了普通文件不支持备份层级1、不支持选项-u
################## 指令速览 #####################
dump -0j -f /opt/etc.bak.bz2 /etc/
# 下面一行指令报错!提示子目录只能使用备份层级0!
# dump -1j -f /opt/etc.bak.bz2 /etc/

################## 实际演示 #####################
# 1. 演示dump使用“备份层级0”备份普通目录/etc
[root@CentOS76 boot]# dump -0j -f /opt/etc.bak0.bz2 /etc/
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Aug 25 16:33:29 2023
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/sda3 (/ (dir etc)) to /opt/etc.bak0.bz2
  DUMP: Label: none
  DUMP: Writing 10 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Compressing output at compression level 2 (bzlib)
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 68703 blocks.
  DUMP: Volume 1 started with block 1 at: Fri Aug 25 16:33:30 2023
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: Closing /opt/etc.bak0.bz2
  DUMP: Volume 1 completed at: Fri Aug 25 16:33:33 2023
  DUMP: Volume 1 took 0:00:03
  DUMP: Volume 1 transfer rate: 8208 kB/s
  DUMP: Volume 1 78350kB uncompressed, 24626kB compressed, 3.182:1
  DUMP: 78350 blocks (76.51MB) on 1 volume(s)
  DUMP: finished in 3 seconds, throughput 26116 kBytes/sec
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Aug 25 16:33:29 2023
  DUMP: Date this dump completed:  Fri Aug 25 16:33:33 2023
  DUMP: Average transfer rate: 8208 kB/s
  DUMP: Wrote 78350kB uncompressed, 24626kB compressed, 3.182:1
[root@CentOS76 boot]# ll -h /opt
总用量 353M
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 159M 825 16:20 boot.bak0.bz2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  12K 825 16:24 boot.bak1.bz2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  25M 825 16:33 etc.bak0.bz2
# /opt目录下其他的文档就不显示了

# 2. 演示dump不支持使用“备份层级1”备份普通目录/etc
[root@CentOS76 boot]# dump -1j -f /opt/etc.bak1.bz2 /etc/
  DUMP: Only level 0 dumps are allowed on a subdirectory
  DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.

# 3. 演示dump不支持使用“选项-u”备份普通目录/etc
[root@CentOS76 boot]# dump -0uj -f /opt/etc.bak0.bz2 /etc/
  DUMP: You can't update the dumpdates file when dumping a subdirectory
  DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.

24.4 使用restore恢复


# 基本语法-restore
restore [模式选项] [选项]

# 模式选项-restore
# 说明:下面四个模式不能混用!一次命令中只能指定一种。
-C   对比模式。将备份的文件与已存在的文件相互对比。
-i   交互模式。在进行还原操作时,restore指令将依序询问用户。
-r   还原模式【使用最多】。有多个备份层级时,从0开始依次还原即可。
-t   查看模式。看备份文件有哪些文件。
# 常用选项-restore
-f<备份设备>    从指定的文件中读取备份数据,进行还原操作

# 常用指令-restore
restore -r -f<备份好的文件>


################## 指令速览 #####################
mv /boot/hello.txt /boot/hello1.txt # 重命名/boot/hello.txt
restore -C -f boot.bak1.bz2         # 注意和最新的文件比较

################## 实际演示 #####################
# 1. 将文件重命名
[root@CentOS76 boot]# ll -h
总用量 159M
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    0 825 16:23 hello.txt
# /opt目录下其他的文档就不显示了
[root@CentOS76 boot]# mv /boot/hello.txt /boot/hello1.txt
[root@CentOS76 boot]# ll -h
总用量 159M
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    0 825 16:23 hello1.txt
# /opt目录下其他的文档就不显示了

# 2. 使用“对比模式”查看当前目录与备份文件的区别
[root@CentOS76 boot]# restore -C -f /opt/boot.bak1.bz2
Dump tape is compressed.
Dump   date: Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023
Dumped from: Fri Aug 25 16:20:28 2023
Level 1 dump of /boot on CentOS76:/dev/sda1
Label: none
filesys = /boot
restore: unable to stat ./hello.txt: No such file or directory
Some files were modified!  1 compare errors
# 注意上述有1个compare errors。

# 3. 再将/boot/hello1.txt文件名改回去,重新使用“对比模式”查看
[root@CentOS76 boot]# mv /boot/hello1.txt /boot/hello.txt
[root@CentOS76 boot]# restore -C -f /opt/boot.bak1.bz2
Dump tape is compressed.
Dump   date: Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023
Dumped from: Fri Aug 25 16:20:28 2023
Level 1 dump of /boot on CentOS76:/dev/sda1
Label: none
filesys = /boot


################## 指令速览 #####################
restore -t -f /opt/boot.bak0.bz2

################## 实际演示 #####################
# 1. 看看备份层级1中的文件都记录了啥
[root@CentOS76 boot]# restore -t -f /opt/boot.bak1.bz2
Dump tape is compressed.
Dump   date: Fri Aug 25 16:24:20 2023
Dumped from: Fri Aug 25 16:20:28 2023
Level 1 dump of /boot on CentOS76:/dev/sda1
Label: none
         2	.
       346	./hello.txt

# 2. 看看备份层级0的文件中都记录了啥
[root@CentOS76 boot]# restore -t -f /opt/boot.bak0.bz2
Dump tape is compressed.
Dump   date: Fri Aug 25 16:20:28 2023
Dumped from: the epoch
Level 0 dump of /boot on CentOS76:/dev/sda1
Label: none
         2	.
        11	./lost+found
        12	./efi
        13	./efi/EFI
        14	./efi/EFI/centos
        22	./efi/EFI/centos/MokManager.efi
        20	./efi/EFI/centos/BOOT.CSV
        21	./efi/EFI/centos/BOOTX64.CSV
        25	./efi/EFI/centos/shimx64-centos.efi
        23	./efi/EFI/centos/mmx64.efi
        24	./efi/EFI/centos/shim.efi
        27	./efi/EFI/centos/fw
        26	./efi/EFI/centos/shimx64.efi
        28	./efi/EFI/centos/fwupia32.efi
        29	./efi/EFI/centos/fwupx64.efi
        16	./efi/EFI/BOOT
        18	./efi/EFI/BOOT/fallback.efi
        17	./efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
        19	./efi/EFI/BOOT/fbx64.efi
      8193	./grub2
        38	./grub2/device.map
        39	./grub2/i386-pc
        41	./grub2/i386-pc/usbtest.mod
        43	./grub2/i386-pc/nativedisk.mod
        45	./grub2/i386-pc/ldm.mod
        46	./grub2/i386-pc/crypto.mod
        48	./grub2/i386-pc/part_acorn.mod
        49	./grub2/i386-pc/spkmodem.mod
        52	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_dsa.mod
        54	./grub2/i386-pc/hashsum.mod
        56	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_md5.mod
        57	./grub2/i386-pc/testspeed.mod
        58	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_serpent.mod
        59	./grub2/i386-pc/keylayouts.mod
        60	./grub2/i386-pc/bitmap_scale.mod
        64	./grub2/i386-pc/file.mod
        67	./grub2/i386-pc/sfs.mod
        68	./grub2/i386-pc/at_keyboard.mod
        69	./grub2/i386-pc/aout.mod
        70	./grub2/i386-pc/mda_text.mod
        71	./grub2/i386-pc/minix2_be.mod
        72	./grub2/i386-pc/gfxterm.mod
        75	./grub2/i386-pc/halt.mod
        78	./grub2/i386-pc/mmap.mod
        79	./grub2/i386-pc/squash4.mod
        81	./grub2/i386-pc/minix2.mod
        83	./grub2/i386-pc/syslinuxcfg.mod
        84	./grub2/i386-pc/regexp.mod
        85	./grub2/i386-pc/ls.mod
        86	./grub2/i386-pc/bufio.mod
        88	./grub2/i386-pc/romfs.mod
        89	./grub2/i386-pc/exfctest.mod
        91	./grub2/i386-pc/ufs1_be.mod
        92	./grub2/i386-pc/odc.mod
        93	./grub2/i386-pc/gdb.mod
        95	./grub2/i386-pc/priority_queue.mod
        98	./grub2/i386-pc/part_dvh.mod
       101	./grub2/i386-pc/sendkey.mod
       102	./grub2/i386-pc/cmdline_cat_test.mod
       106	./grub2/i386-pc/sleep_test.mod
       110	./grub2/i386-pc/test.mod
       113	./grub2/i386-pc/dm_nv.mod
       114	./grub2/i386-pc/usbserial_common.mod
       115	./grub2/i386-pc/jpeg.mod
       120	./grub2/i386-pc/vga_text.mod
       124	./grub2/i386-pc/test_blockarg.mod
       128	./grub2/i386-pc/echo.mod
       130	./grub2/i386-pc/part_apple.mod
       131	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_des.mod
       133	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_md4.mod
       134	./grub2/i386-pc/boot.mod
       137	./grub2/i386-pc/parttool.mod
       138	./grub2/i386-pc/zfs.mod
       140	./grub2/i386-pc/part_sunpc.mod
       141	./grub2/i386-pc/geli.mod
       142	./grub2/i386-pc/http.mod
       143	./grub2/i386-pc/efiemu.mod
       145	./grub2/i386-pc/terminal.mod
       147	./grub2/i386-pc/pxechain.mod
       148	./grub2/i386-pc/datetime.mod
       154	./grub2/i386-pc/ext2.mod
       155	./grub2/i386-pc/affs.mod
       159	./grub2/i386-pc/linux16.mod
       160	./grub2/i386-pc/hexdump.mod
       163	./grub2/i386-pc/lzopio.mod
       164	./grub2/i386-pc/biosdisk.mod
       165	./grub2/i386-pc/gzio.mod
       167	./grub2/i386-pc/cpio_be.mod
       168	./grub2/i386-pc/testload.mod
       169	./grub2/i386-pc/multiboot2.mod
       175	./grub2/i386-pc/verify.mod
       178	./grub2/i386-pc/ntfs.mod
       181	./grub2/i386-pc/help.mod
       183	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_rmd160.mod
       184	./grub2/i386-pc/backtrace.mod
       186	./grub2/i386-pc/password_pbkdf2.mod
       188	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_rijndael.mod
       189	./grub2/i386-pc/udf.mod
       190	./grub2/i386-pc/usbserial_pl2303.mod
       191	./grub2/i386-pc/legacy_password_test.mod
       192	./grub2/i386-pc/lsacpi.mod
       199	./grub2/i386-pc/mdraid09_be.mod
       201	./grub2/i386-pc/fshelp.mod
       202	./grub2/i386-pc/search_fs_file.mod
       203	./grub2/i386-pc/minix3.mod
       204	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_sha1.mod
       205	./grub2/i386-pc/png.mod
       206	./grub2/i386-pc/fat.mod
       209	./grub2/i386-pc/relocator.mod
       212	./grub2/i386-pc/ufs2.mod
       213	./grub2/i386-pc/bitmap.mod
       214	./grub2/i386-pc/minix.mod
       216	./grub2/i386-pc/memrw.mod
       220	./grub2/i386-pc/reboot.mod
       223	./grub2/i386-pc/macbless.mod
       224	./grub2/i386-pc/macho.mod
       226	./grub2/i386-pc/cmosdump.mod
       227	./grub2/i386-pc/cbls.mod
       230	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_crc.mod
       231	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_camellia.mod
       234	./grub2/i386-pc/usbms.mod
       237	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_cast5.mod
       240	./grub2/i386-pc/minicmd.mod
       241	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_tiger.mod
       242	./grub2/i386-pc/cbmemc.mod
       243	./grub2/i386-pc/uhci.mod
       245	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_rfc2268.mod
       246	./grub2/i386-pc/pcidump.mod
       248	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_sha512.mod
       252	./grub2/i386-pc/pci.mod
       255	./grub2/i386-pc/xfs.mod
       262	./grub2/i386-pc/ntfscomp.mod
       263	./grub2/i386-pc/raid5rec.mod
       268	./grub2/i386-pc/xnu_uuid.mod
       269	./grub2/i386-pc/exfat.mod
       271	./grub2/i386-pc/usbserial_usbdebug.mod
       272	./grub2/i386-pc/setpci.mod
       273	./grub2/i386-pc/reiserfs.mod
       276	./grub2/i386-pc/hfs.mod
       278	./grub2/i386-pc/minix3_be.mod
       279	./grub2/i386-pc/ufs1.mod
       281	./grub2/i386-pc/bfs.mod
       283	./grub2/i386-pc/eval.mod
       284	./grub2/i386-pc/tga.mod
       285	./grub2/i386-pc/mdraid1x.mod
       286	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_rsa.mod
       288	./grub2/i386-pc/ata.mod
       289	./grub2/i386-pc/archelp.mod
       292	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_sha256.mod
       295	./grub2/i386-pc/blocklist.mod
       296	./grub2/i386-pc/cpuid.mod
       297	./grub2/i386-pc/part_plan.mod
       298	./grub2/i386-pc/moddep.lst
       299	./grub2/i386-pc/command.lst
       305	./grub2/i386-pc/terminal.lst
       345	./grub2/i386-pc/boot.img
       177	./grub2/i386-pc/font.mod
       236	./grub2/i386-pc/video_bochs.mod
       123	./grub2/i386-pc/cryptodisk.mod
       144	./grub2/i386-pc/drivemap.mod
        87	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_whirlpool.mod
       119	./grub2/i386-pc/part_amiga.mod
       235	./grub2/i386-pc/ntldr.mod
        74	./grub2/i386-pc/part_bsd.mod
        44	./grub2/i386-pc/diskfilter.mod
       139	./grub2/i386-pc/video_colors.mod
        76	./grub2/i386-pc/morse.mod
        97	./grub2/i386-pc/vga.mod
        62	./grub2/i386-pc/functional_test.mod
       170	./grub2/i386-pc/elf.mod
       158	./grub2/i386-pc/ohci.mod
        80	./grub2/i386-pc/setjmp.mod
       116	./grub2/i386-pc/configfile.mod
       135	./grub2/i386-pc/msdospart.mod
       211	./grub2/i386-pc/all_video.mod
       210	./grub2/i386-pc/afs.mod
       182	./grub2/i386-pc/signature_test.mod
        77	./grub2/i386-pc/cs5536.mod
       180	./grub2/i386-pc/minix_be.mod
       229	./grub2/i386-pc/progress.mod
       174	./grub2/i386-pc/sleep.mod
       225	./grub2/i386-pc/memdisk.mod
       215	./grub2/i386-pc/bsd.mod
       176	./grub2/i386-pc/play.mod
       108	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_blowfish.mod
       198	./grub2/i386-pc/gfxterm_background.mod
        94	./grub2/i386-pc/lspci.mod
       132	./grub2/i386-pc/disk.mod
       111	./grub2/i386-pc/plan9.mod
       104	./grub2/i386-pc/xnu.mod
       129	./grub2/i386-pc/btrfs.mod
        66	./grub2/i386-pc/videoinfo.mod
        53	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_twofish.mod
       200	./grub2/i386-pc/probe.mod
       166	./grub2/i386-pc/usb.mod
       103	./grub2/i386-pc/chain.mod
       125	./grub2/i386-pc/hfspluscomp.mod
       118	./grub2/i386-pc/extcmd.mod
        63	./grub2/i386-pc/iso9660.mod
       193	./grub2/i386-pc/mpi.mod
        51	./grub2/i386-pc/lsmmap.mod
        50	./grub2/i386-pc/videotest.mod
        47	./grub2/i386-pc/keystatus.mod
       196	./grub2/i386-pc/iorw.mod
        73	./grub2/i386-pc/lvm.mod
       105	./grub2/i386-pc/truecrypt.mod
       121	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_idea.mod
       218	./grub2/i386-pc/trig.mod
       122	./grub2/i386-pc/tftp.mod
       208	./grub2/i386-pc/procfs.mod
        99	./grub2/i386-pc/part_gpt.mod
       232	./grub2/i386-pc/loadenv.mod
       156	./grub2/i386-pc/videotest_checksum.mod
        61	./grub2/i386-pc/hdparm.mod
       197	./grub2/i386-pc/net.mod
       221	./grub2/i386-pc/search_label.mod
       151	./grub2/i386-pc/raid6rec.mod
       161	./grub2/i386-pc/jfs.mod
       100	./grub2/i386-pc/tr.mod
       194	./grub2/i386-pc/cbtable.mod
        42	./grub2/i386-pc/video.mod
       195	./grub2/i386-pc/usbserial_ftdi.mod
       187	./grub2/i386-pc/cmostest.mod
       146	./grub2/i386-pc/datehook.mod
       152	./grub2/i386-pc/scsi.mod
        65	./grub2/i386-pc/usb_keyboard.mod
       153	./grub2/i386-pc/xnu_uuid_test.mod
       173	./grub2/i386-pc/video_fb.mod
       233	./grub2/i386-pc/pata.mod
       228	./grub2/i386-pc/date.mod
       127	./grub2/i386-pc/password.mod
       162	./grub2/i386-pc/setjmp_test.mod
        55	./grub2/i386-pc/hfsplus.mod
       172	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_seed.mod
        82	./grub2/i386-pc/multiboot.mod
       219	./grub2/i386-pc/time.mod
       136	./grub2/i386-pc/serial.mod
       109	./grub2/i386-pc/freedos.mod
       185	./grub2/i386-pc/cpio.mod
       238	./grub2/i386-pc/tar.mod
       217	./grub2/i386-pc/div_test.mod
       179	./grub2/i386-pc/part_msdos.mod
       171	./grub2/i386-pc/ahci.mod
       157	./grub2/i386-pc/search_fs_uuid.mod
       126	./grub2/i386-pc/search.mod
       107	./grub2/i386-pc/cmp.mod
       150	./grub2/i386-pc/cbfs.mod
       207	./grub2/i386-pc/mdraid09.mod
        90	./grub2/i386-pc/gptsync.mod
       149	./grub2/i386-pc/blscfg.mod
       222	./grub2/i386-pc/lsapm.mod
       112	./grub2/i386-pc/acpi.mod
       117	./grub2/i386-pc/linux.mod
        96	./grub2/i386-pc/ehci.mod
       239	./grub2/i386-pc/pbkdf2.mod
       244	./grub2/i386-pc/xzio.mod
       247	./grub2/i386-pc/pxe.mod
       249	./grub2/i386-pc/nilfs2.mod
       250	./grub2/i386-pc/read.mod
       251	./grub2/i386-pc/loopback.mod
       253	./grub2/i386-pc/adler32.mod
       254	./grub2/i386-pc/zfscrypt.mod
       256	./grub2/i386-pc/gcry_arcfour.mod
       257	./grub2/i386-pc/part_dfly.mod
       258	./grub2/i386-pc/gfxmenu.mod
       259	./grub2/i386-pc/true.mod
       260	./grub2/i386-pc/crc64.mod
       261	./grub2/i386-pc/cat.mod
       264	./grub2/i386-pc/pbkdf2_test.mod
       265	./grub2/i386-pc/hello.mod
       266	./grub2/i386-pc/vbe.mod
       267	./grub2/i386-pc/gettext.mod
       270	./grub2/i386-pc/cbtime.mod
       274	./grub2/i386-pc/luks.mod
       275	./grub2/i386-pc/gfxterm_menu.mod
       277	./grub2/i386-pc/normal.mod
       280	./grub2/i386-pc/legacycfg.mod
       282	./grub2/i386-pc/offsetio.mod
       287	./grub2/i386-pc/newc.mod
       290	./grub2/i386-pc/part_sun.mod
       291	./grub2/i386-pc/zfsinfo.mod
       293	./grub2/i386-pc/terminfo.mod
       294	./grub2/i386-pc/video_cirrus.mod
       300	./grub2/i386-pc/fs.lst
       301	./grub2/i386-pc/partmap.lst
       302	./grub2/i386-pc/parttool.lst
       303	./grub2/i386-pc/video.lst
       304	./grub2/i386-pc/crypto.lst
       306	./grub2/i386-pc/modinfo.sh
       344	./grub2/i386-pc/core.img
        40	./grub2/locale
       307	./grub2/locale/[email protected]
       308	./grub2/locale/da.mo
       309	./grub2/locale/fr.mo
       310	./grub2/locale/gl.mo
       311	./grub2/locale/id.mo
       312	./grub2/locale/[email protected]
       313	./grub2/locale/de_CH.mo
       314	./grub2/locale/zh_TW.mo
       315	./grub2/locale/it.mo
       316	./grub2/locale/[email protected]
       317	./grub2/locale/ca.mo
       318	./grub2/locale/de.mo
       319	./grub2/locale/[email protected]
       320	./grub2/locale/zh_CN.mo
       321	./grub2/locale/ast.mo
       322	./grub2/locale/es.mo
       323	./grub2/locale/tr.mo
       324	./grub2/locale/sl.mo
       325	./grub2/locale/pa.mo
       326	./grub2/locale/fi.mo
       327	./grub2/locale/pt_BR.mo
       328	./grub2/locale/eo.mo
       329	./grub2/locale/hu.mo
       330	./grub2/locale/ru.mo
       331	./grub2/locale/vi.mo
       332	./grub2/locale/nl.mo
       333	./grub2/locale/[email protected]
       334	./grub2/locale/uk.mo
       335	./grub2/locale/[email protected]
       336	./grub2/locale/ja.mo
       337	./grub2/locale/[email protected]
       338	./grub2/locale/lt.mo
       339	./grub2/locale/pl.mo
       340	./grub2/locale/sv.mo
       341	./grub2/fonts
       342	./grub2/fonts/unicode.pf2
       343	./grub2/grubenv
       353	./grub2/grub.cfg
      8194	./grub
        15	./grub/splash.xpm.gz
        35	./initramfs-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64.img
        30	./.vmlinuz-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64.hmac
        31	./System.map-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
        32	./config-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
        33	./symvers-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64.gz
        34	./vmlinuz-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
        36	./initramfs-0-rescue-0d4bcac3ad0e4afe96e50f962baa9f7d.img
        37	./vmlinuz-0-rescue-0d4bcac3ad0e4afe96e50f962baa9f7d
       352	./initramfs-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64.img
       347	./.vmlinuz-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64.hmac
       348	./System.map-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64
       349	./config-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64
       350	./symvers-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64.gz
       351	./vmlinuz-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64


################## 指令速览 #####################
mkdir /opt/boottmp
cd /opt/boottmp
restore -r -f /opt/boot.bak0.bz2  # 恢复备份层级0
restore -r -f /opt/boot.bak1.bz2  # 恢复备份层级1

################## 实际演示 #####################
# 1. 恢复备份层级0
[root@CentOS76 boot]# mkdir /opt/boottmp
[root@CentOS76 boot]# cd /opt/boottmp/
[root@CentOS76 boottmp]# restore -r -f /opt/boot.bak0.bz2
Dump tape is compressed.
[root@CentOS76 boottmp]# ll -h
总用量 160M
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 151K 724 22:03 config-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 150K 1020 2020 config-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
drwx------. 3 root root 4.0K 729 2020 efi
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K 713 17:07 grub
drwx------. 5 root root 4.0K 825 11:17 grub2
-rw-------. 1 root root  77M 713 17:10 initramfs-0-rescue-0d4bcac3ad0e4afe96e50f962baa9f7d.img
-rw-------. 1 root root  28M 825 11:17 initramfs-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64.img
-rw-------. 1 root root  28M 713 17:12 initramfs-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64.img
drwx------. 2 root root 4.0K 713 17:06 lost+found
-rw-------. 1 root root 143K 825 17:01 restoresymtable
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 314K 724 22:04 symvers-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 314K 1020 2020 symvers-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64.gz
-rw-------. 1 root root 3.5M 724 22:03 System.map-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64
-rw-------. 1 root root 3.5M 1020 2020 System.map-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 6.5M 713 17:10 vmlinuz-0-rescue-0d4bcac3ad0e4afe96e50f962baa9f7d
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 6.8M 724 22:03 vmlinuz-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 6.5M 1020 2020 vmlinuz-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
# 可以发现上述没有hello.txt

# 2. 恢复备份层级1
[root@CentOS76 boottmp]# restore -r -f /opt/boot.bak1.bz2
Dump tape is compressed.
[root@CentOS76 boottmp]# ll -h
总用量 160M
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 151K 724 22:03 config-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 150K 1020 2020 config-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
drwx------. 3 root root 4.0K 729 2020 efi
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K 713 17:07 grub
drwx------. 5 root root 4.0K 825 11:17 grub2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    0 825 16:23 hello.txt
-rw-------. 1 root root  77M 713 17:10 initramfs-0-rescue-0d4bcac3ad0e4afe96e50f962baa9f7d.img
-rw-------. 1 root root  28M 825 11:17 initramfs-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64.img
-rw-------. 1 root root  28M 713 17:12 initramfs-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64.img
drwx------. 2 root root 4.0K 713 17:06 lost+found
-rw-------. 1 root root 143K 825 17:02 restoresymtable
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 314K 724 22:04 symvers-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 314K 1020 2020 symvers-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64.gz
-rw-------. 1 root root 3.5M 724 22:03 System.map-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64
-rw-------. 1 root root 3.5M 1020 2020 System.map-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 6.5M 713 17:10 vmlinuz-0-rescue-0d4bcac3ad0e4afe96e50f962baa9f7d
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 6.8M 724 22:03 vmlinuz-3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 6.5M 1020 2020 vmlinuz-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
# 可以上述已经恢复出hello.txt


################## 指令速览 #####################
mkdir /opt/etctmp
cd /opt/etctmp/
restore -r -f /opt/etc.bak0.bz2

################## 实际演示 #####################
[root@CentOS76 boottmp]# mkdir /opt/etctmp
[root@CentOS76 boottmp]# cd /opt/etctmp/
[root@CentOS76 etctmp]# restore -r -f /opt/etc.bak0.bz2
Dump tape is compressed.
./lost+found: (inode 11) not found on tape
./boot: (inode 655361) not found on tape
./dev: (inode 131073) not found on tape
./proc: (inode 262145) not found on tape
./run: (inode 917505) not found on tape
./sys: (inode 393217) not found on tape
./root: (inode 786433) not found on tape
./var: (inode 131074) not found on tape
./tmp: (inode 262146) not found on tape
./data: (inode 799503) not found on tape
./usr: (inode 393218) not found on tape
./bin: (inode 17) not found on tape
./sbin: (inode 16) not found on tape
./lib: (inode 13) not found on tape
./lib64: (inode 15) not found on tape
./home: (inode 655362) not found on tape
./media: (inode 917506) not found on tape
./mnt: (inode 786434) not found on tape
./opt: (inode 655363) not found on tape
./srv: (inode 917507) not found on tape
[root@CentOS76 etctmp]# ls
etc  restoresymtable
[root@CentOS76 etctmp]# ls /opt/etctmp/etc
abrt                        firefox         magic                     rmt
adjtime                     firewalld       mail.rc                   rpc
aliases                     flatpak         makedumpfile.conf.sample  rpm
aliases.db                  fonts           man_db.conf               rsyncd.conf
alsa                        fprintd.conf    maven                     rsyslog.conf
alternatives                fstab           mke2fs.conf               rsyslog.d
anacrontab                  fuse.conf       modprobe.d                rwtab
asound.conf                 fwupd           modules-load.d            rwtab.d
at.deny                     gconf           motd                      samba
audisp                      gcrypt          mtab                      sane.d
audit                       gdbinit         mtools.conf               sasl2
autofs.conf                 gdbinit.d       multipath                 scl
autofs_ldap_auth.conf       gdm             my.cnf                    securetty
auto.master                 geoclue         my.cnf.d                  security
auto.master.d               GeoIP.conf      nanorc                    selinux
auto.misc                   ghostscript     ndctl                     services
auto.net                    glvnd           netconfig                 sestatus.conf
auto.smb                    gnupg           NetworkManager            setroubleshoot
avahi                       GREP_COLORS     networks                  setuptool.d
bash_completion.d           groff           nfs.conf                  sgml
bashrc                      group           nfsmount.conf             shadow
binfmt.d                    group-          nsswitch.conf             shadow-
bluetooth                   grub2.cfg       nsswitch.conf.bak         shells
brltty                      grub.d          ntp                       skel
brltty.conf                 gshadow         ntp.conf                  smartmontools
centos-release              gshadow-        numad.conf                sos.conf
centos-release-upstream     gss             oddjob                    speech-dispatcher
certmonger                  gssproxy        oddjobd.conf              ssh
cgconfig.conf               host.conf       oddjobd.conf.d            ssl
cgconfig.d                  hostname        openldap                  sssd
cgrules.conf                hosts           opt                       statetab
cgsnapshot_blacklist.conf   hosts.allow     os-release                statetab.d
chkconfig.d                 hosts.deny      PackageKit                subgid
chrony.conf                 hp              pam.d                     subuid
chrony.keys                 idmapd.conf     papersize                 subversion
cifs-utils                  init.d          passwd                    sudo.conf
cron.d                      inittab         passwd-                   sudoers
cron.daily                  inputrc         pbm2ppa.conf              sudoers.d
cron.deny                   ipa             pinforc                   sudo-ldap.conf
cron.hourly                 iproute2        pkcs11                    sysconfig
cron.monthly                ipsec.conf      pki                       sysctl.conf
crontab                     ipsec.d         plymouth                  sysctl.d
cron.weekly                 ipsec.secrets   pm                        systemd
crypttab                    iscsi           pnm2ppa.conf              system-release
csh.cshrc                   issue           polkit-1                  system-release-cpe
csh.login                   issue.net       popt.d                    target
cups                        java            postfix                   tcsd.conf
cupshelpers                 jvm             ppp                       terminfo
dbus-1                      jvm-commmon     prelink.conf.d            tmpfiles.d
dconf                       kdump.conf      printcap                  trusted-key.key
default                     kernel          profile                   tuned
depmod.d                    krb5.conf       profile.d                 udev
dhcp                        krb5.conf.d     protocols                 udisks2
DIR_COLORS                  ksmtuned.conf   pulse                     unbound
DIR_COLORS.256color         ld.so.cache     purple                    updatedb.conf
DIR_COLORS.lightbgcolor     ld.so.conf      python                    UPower
dleyna-server-service.conf  ld.so.conf.d    qemu-ga                   usb_modeswitch.conf
dnsmasq.conf                libaudit.conf   qemu-kvm                  vconsole.conf
dnsmasq.d                   libblockdev     radvd.conf                vimrc
dracut.conf                 libibverbs.d    rc0.d                     virc
dracut.conf.d               libnl           rc1.d                     vmware-tools
dumpdates                   libpaper.d      rc2.d                     wgetrc
e2fsck.conf                 libreport       rc3.d                     wpa_supplicant
egl                         libuser.conf    rc4.d                     wvdial.conf
enscript.cfg                libvirt         rc5.d                     X11
environment                 locale.conf     rc6.d                     xdg
ethertypes                  localtime       rc.d                      xinetd.d
exports                     login.defs      rc.local                  xml
exports.d                   logrotate.conf  rdma                      yum
favicon.png                 logrotate.d     redhat-release            yum.conf
fcoe                        lsm             request-key.conf          yum.repos.d
festival                    lvm             request-key.d
filesystems                 machine-id      resolv.conf

  1. 《鸟哥的Linux私房菜 基础学习篇 第四版》 ↩︎

  2. 《鸟哥的Linux私房菜 服务器架设篇 第三版》 ↩︎

  3. 《韩顺平_2021图解Linux全面升级》 ↩︎
