
The increasing pressure on American businessesto pursue cost-cutting measures will eventually lead to an increase in theoutsourcing of business processes to venues with lower overhead, such as India.However, this shift may not provide the dramatic gains for American businessthat might have been expected by an enterprise with an ethos for change that isoriented to preserving bottom-line profits. The difficulty is that asignificant portion of American society remains uncomfortable with shiftingbusiness tasks overseas. Therefore, American businesses will predominantly optfor outsourcing opportunities for repetitive tasks that can easily be broughtback to the United States if necessary. Nevertheless, opportunities for Indian firmsto get a larger piece of the pie seem certain to arise. The growing emphasis onbringing down the cost of back-office operations is bound to offer increasingscope for Indian firms to become involved in novel types of ever more complexbusiness processes.

The increasing pressure on American businessesto pursue cost-cutting measures will eventually lead to an increase in theoutsourcing of business processes to venues with lower overhead, such as India.

outsource … to将……外包出去

venues 时间或活动的发生地,举办地,场地

overhead 开销,日常开支,管理费用



shift may not provide the dramatic gains for American business that mighthave been expected by an enterprise with an ethos for change that is orientedto preserving bottom-line profits.

ethos 风气,思潮

be oriented to sth/doing以……为方向的,重视……的

preserve 维持原状,保护


The difficulty is that a significant portion ofAmerican society remains uncomfortable with shifting business tasks overseas.Therefore, American businesses will predominantly opt for outsourcingopportunities for repetitive tasks that can easily be brought back to theUnited States if necessary.

predominantly 占主导地位地,显著地,占优势地

opt for v.选择

repetitive 重复的,反复乏味的

take sb to task批评某人(这是一个小扩展)



Nevertheless, opportunities for Indian firms toget a larger piece of the pie seem certain to arise. The growing emphasis onbringing down the cost of back-office operations is bound to offer increasingscope for Indian firms to become involved in novel types of ever more complexbusiness processes.

nevertheless 然而,不过,表示相反

back-office 后勤

be bound to 不得不

scope 范围,机会,施展余地

novel 新颖的,长篇小说


The primary purpose of the passage is to

A:present an overview of the differenttypes of business opportunities available to Indian firms

B:present a reasoned prognosis (预后,判断)of the business opportunities that maybecome available to Indian firms

C:present the trend toward outsourcing business operations as a model case ofbusiness operations in action

D:analyze how opportunities available toIndian firms were necessitated by an increasing number of American firms

E:analyze the use of cost-cutting measures

as a substitute(代替物) for outsourcingin the new American business climate
