
JAKE欧美娱乐快讯 | 2020.10.29

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皮特最新一段恋情很快又画上了句点。他与已婚德国辣模妮可·波特拉斯基 (Nicole Poturalski) 的3个月的“露水情缘”告吹了。根据专门报道明星名流绯闻的网站Page Six 称,他们之间本来就不是玩儿真的。激情褪去后告吹是自然的。


谁又能想到呢?当年布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱莉在一起的时候,大家一边骂着,一边又开始慢慢祝福这对神仙眷侣。他们携手走过了9年的时间,从《史密斯夫妇》到《By the Sea》,然而他们的离婚还是犹如晴天霹雳一般在2016年来临了。本来吃瓜群众一心期待看到皮特和前妻詹妮弗·安妮斯顿复合,可现实却是皮特接连不断地爆出新的绯闻女友。


这次的新女友Nicole Poturalski是一名德国模特两人年龄相差30岁。这段恋情是因为两人被拍到一同乘坐私人飞机去法国南部度假。而在去年11月侃爷的演唱会上,俩人更是含情脉脉,亲密无间。但是这位德国模特却被爆出是一名已婚人士。她的丈夫Roland Mary 还是皮特的朋友。而他们俩的关系则为“开放式婚姻”。

编译: JAKE

信息来源: Yahoo Entertainment


Brad Pitt Just Broke Up With His New Girlfriend After She Got Back Together With Her Husband

It’s over. Brad Pitt and Nicole Poturalski broke up after her reunion with her husband, Roland Mary.

Page Six confirmed on Wednesday, October 28, that the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood actor and the model have split after Poturalski was seen back together with her husband, who she has an open relationship with. A source told Page Six that Pitt and Poturalski are “totally over” and their breakup happened “a while back.” “It was never all that serious as it was cracked up to be,” the insider said.

Pitt and Poturalski’s breakup comes after she was photographed back together with Mary on Friday, October 23. In photos obtained by The Daily Mail, Poturalski and Mary—who share a 7-year-old son—were seen at the German resrestaurant, Borchardt, in Berlin. Their reunion came a month after Poturalski was seen vacationing in France with Pitt.
