

[5/11 9:39]  Gurudev in Ahmedabad

[5/11 13:26] Gurudev gave few important Ayurveda tips  during today Maha dhanvantari homa in Ahmedabad

Health is the best wealth that's why dhan teras is associated with lord Dhanvanthari, lord of Aurveda

As we are taking more acidic kind of food, if not complimented it may bring many diseases so take alkaline water daily. How to make? In one litre water 4 cut  pieces of kheera and 2 pices of lemon should be kept overnight. And should be consumed in the morning. It should not be taken right before or after the food. It will heal all kind of joint pain and other pains .

Tulsi is also very important herb. That's why Tulsi Vivah is done where Amla dali is kept in Tulsi plant because both the herbs are very important for good health. Tulsi is antiseptic.

Turmeric and ginger should also be used in meal.

Similarly kadhi patta chatni is also very good in controlling cholesterol. Moringa - saragva leaves are very very healthy and provides all vitamines and minerals like calcium, potessium and other useful supplement are in rich quantity in moringa leaves. Our Urja tablet is made up of these leaves.

Amrut or galo is also very useful to boost immune system. It should be taken daily.

Fruits shall never be consumed after meal. Fruits and nuts shall be taken as breakfast and cooked meal should be taken as lunch. Rice and Roti shall never be taken together as it increases obesity.

For stomach problem and weak nervous system bel fruit- bilva fal should be taken.

White sugar shall never be taken. Only brown sugar or gud shall be consumed. Like idli dhokla is best food as it contains all kind of amino acids.

Chemical based soap should not be used as through skin we consume Chemicals.

Gujarat celebrates all utsavs that is v good. And all people are taking part in it that is also v good

November is considered as health month where yoga, meditation and food intake guidance will be arranged in weekly shibirs. Not only food mind should be kept happy.

Gurudev今天在艾哈迈达巴德的Maha dhanvantari homa中提供了一些重要的阿育吠陀提示

健康是最好的财富,这就是为什么dhan teras与Aurveda领主Dhanvanthari领主联系在一起的原因.

Tulsi(Basil)也是非常重要的草药。这就是为什么Tulsi Vivah的完成是出于Amla dali保存在Tulsi工厂的原因,因为这两种草药对身体健康非常重要。 Tulsi是防腐剂。


同样,kadhi patta chatni也非常善于控制胆固醇。辣木(Drumstick 叶子):saragva叶也非常非常健康,并提供所有维生素和矿物质,如钙,potessium和其他有用的补充剂,在辣木叶中含量丰富。我们的Oorja药片都由这些叶子组成。



对于胃部问题和弱神经系统,应该采取果实 -  bilva fal。

永远不要服用白糖。只能食用红糖或gud。像idli dhokla是最好的食物,因为它含有各种氨基酸。


