创建型设计模式-原型 Prototype



简单说就是把 A 对象的属性,都赋值到 B 上,注意必须是深拷贝,即 clone 后的 AB 关联的对象是不同的对象。


  • 抽象原型类

    定义 clone 方法

  • 具体实现类

    实现 clone 方法


创建型设计模式-原型 Prototype_第1张图片


class Prototype
    public $primitive;
    public $component;
    public $circularReference;

    public function __clone()
        $this->component = clone $this->component;

        $this->circularReference = clone $this->circularReference;
        $this->circularReference->prototype = $this;

class ComponentWithBackReference
    public $prototype;

    public function __construct(Prototype $prototype)
        $this->prototype = $prototype;

function clientCode()
    $p1 = new Prototype();
    $p1->primitive = 245;
    $p1->component = new \DateTime();
    $p1->circularReference = new ComponentWithBackReference($p1);

    $p2 = clone $p1;
    if ($p1->primitive === $p2->primitive) {
        echo "Primitive field values have been carried over to a clone. Yay!\n";
    } else {
        echo "Primitive field values have not been copied. Booo!\n";
    if ($p1->component === $p2->component) {
        echo "Simple component has not been cloned. Booo!\n";
    } else {
        echo "Simple component has been cloned. Yay!\n";

    if ($p1->circularReference === $p2->circularReference) {
        echo "Component with back reference has not been cloned. Booo!\n";
    } else {
        echo "Component with back reference has been cloned. Yay!\n";

    if ($p1->circularReference->prototype === $p2->circularReference->prototype) {
        echo "Component with back reference is linked to original object. Booo!\n";
    } else {
        echo "Component with back reference is linked to the clone. Yay!\n";



Primitive field values have been carried over to a clone. Yay!
Simple component has been cloned. Yay!
Component with back reference has been cloned. Yay!
Component with back reference is linked to the clone. Yay!
