ConfigMaps in K8s






  1. 在集群中使用kubectl create configmap命令创建的ConfigMaps将在集群中持久存在,直到被手动删除。
  2. 如果使用ConfigMap的定义文件来创建ConfigMap,并将其提交给Kubernetes API,那么ConfigMap将持久存在,直到手动删除。


  1. 将ConfigMap作为卷挂载到Pod中,该Pod将与ConfigMap的生命周期保持一致。如果ConfigMap被删除,Pod将无法访问ConfigMap中的配置。
  2. 将ConfigMap中的数据作为环境变量注入到Pod中,ConfigMap的寿命与Pod的寿命无关。即使删除了ConfigMap,Pod仍然可以继续使用ConfigMap中的配置。但是,如果重启Pod或启动新的Pod,它们将无法访问被删除的ConfigMap中的数据。

总结起来,通过使用kubectl create或定义文件创建ConfigMaps,并将其作为卷挂载到Pod中,可以保证ConfigMap的寿命与Pod的寿命相同。如果将ConfigMap的数据作为环境变量注入到Pod中,ConfigMap的寿命与Pod的寿命无关,并且即使配置Map被删除,Pod仍然可以使用之前注入的配置。


ConfigMaps in Kubernetes (K8s) are designed to store application configuration information. They are a resource object that stores key-value pairs as a resource in the Kubernetes cluster, and can be used in Pods as volumes or environment variables.

The design of ConfigMaps aims to decouple application configuration from the application itself. It can store any configuration information required by an application, such as database connection strings, API keys, log levels, etc. By using ConfigMaps, configurations can be changed without rebuilding or redeploying the application, making configuration management more flexible and maintainable.

The lifespan of ConfigMaps depends on how they are created and used:


  1. ConfigMaps created using the kubectl create configmap command will persist in the cluster until manually deleted.
  2. If a ConfigMap is created using a ConfigMap definition file and submitted to the Kubernetes API, it will persist until manually deleted.


  1. If a ConfigMap is mounted as a volume in a Pod, the lifespan of the ConfigMap will be tied to the Pod. If the ConfigMap is deleted, the Pod will lose access to the configuration stored in the ConfigMap.
  2. If the data from a ConfigMap is injected into a Pod as environment variables, the lifespan of the ConfigMap is independent of the Pod. Even if the ConfigMap is deleted, the Pod can still use the injected configuration. However, if the Pod is restarted or a new Pod is started, it will not be able to access the deleted ConfigMap data.

To summarize, ConfigMaps created using kubectl create or a definition file and mounted as volumes in Pods will have the same lifespan as the Pods. If the ConfigMap’s data is injected as environment variables in a Pod, the ConfigMap’s lifespan is independent of the Pod’s lifespan, and the Pod can still use the injected configuration even if the ConfigMap is deleted.




  1. 首先,创建一个名为my-configmap.yaml的配置文件,其中包含ConfigMap的定义:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-configmap
  config.yaml: |
    key1: value1
    key2: value2
    key3: value3


  1. 使用kubectl命令将ConfigMap创建到集群中:
kubectl apply -f my-configmap.yaml
  1. 在Deployment或Pod的配置中使用ConfigMap。
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
  replicas: 1
      - name: my-container
        image: nginx
        - name: config-volume
          mountPath: /etc/config
      - name: config-volume
          name: my-configmap


  1. 部署Deployment到集群中:
kubectl apply-f my-deployment.yaml



apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
  replicas: 1
        - name: my-container
          image: nginx
            - name: CONFIG_KEY
                  name: my-configmap
                  key: key1



On the other hand

In a distant future, where space exploration and colonization have become the norm, ConfigMaps have taken on a crucial role in the operation of advanced space stations and interstellar vessels. These ConfigMaps are sophisticated devices that contain all necessary information and parameters to control and configure the various systems on board.

Imagine a stunning, massive space station floating gracefully at the edge of a nebula. Within its sleek corridors, humans and advanced artificial intelligence coexist in perfect harmony. This advanced society has harnessed the power of ConfigMaps to create a seamless integration between human intuition and machine intelligence.

Onboard the space station, ConfigMaps are meticulously maintained and regularly updated by skilled engineers. These engineers are responsible for inputting the precise instructions, algorithms, and protocols needed to ensure the smooth operation of all onboard systems. They carefully configure the ConfigMaps to regulate life support systems, power distribution networks, communication protocols, and even the station’s defensive capabilities.

As the space station embarks on its mission to explore uncharted galaxies, ConfigMaps become even more critical. They ensure the seamless adaptability of the space station in ever-changing environments. The ConfigMaps contain detailed mappings of the cosmic radiation levels, gravitational forces, and atmospheric conditions of each celestial body. With this information, the ConfigMaps are constantly updated to optimize the station’s performance and safeguard the lives of its inhabitants.

In this future, ConfigMaps are not limited to space stations alone. Interstellar vessels, capable of traveling vast distances within the blink of an eye, utilize ConfigMaps as well. These ConfigMaps provide the necessary data to navigate through treacherous asteroid fields, evade hostile alien species, and perform intricate docking maneuvers with other ships.

To ensure the security and reliability of ConfigMaps, advanced encryption algorithms and artificial intelligence are deployed. The ConfigMaps are safeguarded against unauthorized access and tampering, guaranteeing the integrity of their contents. Only authorized personnel can modify or update the ConfigMaps, ensuring that every change is carefully evaluated and approved.

ConfigMaps have become the backbone of space exploration in this futuristic world, enabling humanity to venture into the farthest reaches of the universe. Through their advanced configuration capabilities, these devices ensure the seamless operation of space stations and interstellar vessels, making the impossible possible.

As humans and machines continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and explore new frontiers, ConfigMaps will evolve and adapt, becoming even more advanced and indispensable. They will continue to serve as the bridge between human ingenuity and the limitless potential of technology, enabling us to uncover the mysteries of the cosmos, one ConfigMap at a time.
