
Ts keyPoint

unknown any void never different

(num as unknown as string).split('')
foo(p as unknown){
    return p.length
  return p.length // error: unknown can't own property
 foo:()=>void //I don't care the foo return type
// confirm return error or never return
function foo():never {throw new Error('error message')}
function foo():never { while(true){}}


const ref = useRef();
ref.current!.name // confirm have the current property
a?.b?.c  // while a isn't null, then a.b
a ?? 10  // while a isn't null or undefined ,then 10 , false '' 0  NaN is true 


interface Person {name: string}
 const getValue = (obj: Person , k: keyof Person)=>{
    return obj[k]
 const getValue = (obj: T, k: K)=>{
    return obj[k]
type typeToNumber{
  [k in keyof T]: number // 遍历 traverse
type Person {name: string}
typeToNumber(Person) //{name: number}


 type Person2  = {
    name: string,
    age: T

  const p: Person2 = {
    name: 'guolei',
    age: 18


// 用来约束范性的类型 T:number是不对的因为T是一个类不是变量
 function sum(value: T[]): number {
    // let count = 0;
    // value.forEach(v => count += v);
    // return count;
    return value.reduce((a,b)=>a+b, 0)

infer 变量指代 类似let i = 0

  type foo = T extends { t: infer K } ? K : boolean;

  const num: foo<{t: number} > = 100;

common unit

  interface Person {
    name: string
  const getValue = (obj: Person, k: keyof Person)=>{
    return obj[k]

  type Person2  = {
    name: string,
    age: T

  const p: Person2 = {
    name: 'guolei',
    age: 18

  function sum(value: T[]): number {
    // let count = 0;
    // value.forEach(v => count += v);
    // return count;
    return value.reduce((a,b)=>a+b, 0)

  type foo = T extends { t: infer K } ? K : boolean;

  const num: foo<{ t: number }> = 100;

  type Animal = {
    name: string,
    age: number,
    sex?: string

  type Partial2 = {
    [p in keyof T]?: T[p]

  const particalAnimal: Partial2 = { name: 'xingming' }
  type Record2 = {
    [p in T]: K

  const recordAnimal: Record2 = { 'k1': 'k661' }

  type Pick2 = {
    [p in K]: T[p] 
  const pickAnimal: Pick2 = { name: 'kkkk', age: 100 }

  type Exclude2 = T extends K ? never: T
  const excludeAnimal: Exclude2 = 'age';

  type Omit2 = Pick2>;
  const omitAnimal: Omit2 = { sex: 'nan' }

  type Require2 = {
    [p in keyof T]-?: T[p]

  const requireAnimal: Require2 = { name: 'k', age: 1232, sex: 'man'}

  type ReturnType2 = T extends () => infer K ? K : any;

    type foo2 = () => number;
  const num2: ReturnType2 = 100
