import torch
x = torch.randn(3,1,5,4)
conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(1,4,3,1,1)
res = conv(x)
print(res.shape) # torch.Size([3, 4, 5, 4])
#所以说,很明显,只要padding的参数设置为1 + filter大小为3*3,那么输出的图像高、宽==输入的高、宽
运行结果:torch.Size([3, 4, 5, 4]
import torch
x = torch.randn(3,1,5,4)
conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(1,4,(2,3))
res = conv(x)
print(res.shape) # torch.Size([3, 4, 4, 2])
输入:x[ batch_size, channels, height_1, width_1 ]
batch_size,一个batch中样本的个数 3
channels,通道数,也就是当前层的深度 1
height_1, 图片的高 5
width_1, 图片的宽 4
卷积操作:Conv2d[ channels, output, height_2, width_2 ]
channels,通道数,和上面保持一致,也就是当前层的深度 1
output ,输出的深度 4【需要4个filter】
height_2,卷积核的高 2
width_2,卷积核的宽 3
输出:res[ batch_size,output, height_3, width_3 ]
batch_size,,一个batch中样例的个数,同上 3
output, 输出的深度 4
height_3, 卷积结果的高度 4
width_3,卷积结果的宽度 2
新的channels的数目 == filters的数目,
输入:x[ batch_size, channels, height_1, width_1 ]
batch_size,一个batch中样本的个数 2,也就是有2个tensor张量,后面3是张量的厚、高、宽
import torch.nn as nn
import torch
if __name__ == '__main__':
bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
ip = torch.randn(2, 3, 2, 2)
output = bn(ip)
具体参见这一篇文章:白话详细解读(七)----- Batch Normalization_底层研究生的博客-CSDN博客
nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2, 0), #但是pooling会改变图像的大小,图像会变成64*(128/2)*(128/2)
第一个“2”: 代表kernel_size,也就是窗口的大小,这里只有1个数值,那就是正方形的了
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
#下面逐步分析如下创建Dataset 和 DataLoader的示例代码
class Plus1Dataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, a=0, b=1): #(1)定义这个类的构造函数,self是固定的要求,a,b是自己设置的变量
super(Dataset, self).__init__()#继承得到积累的构造函数
assert a <= b #需要a<=b,否则终断开(断言语法)
self.a = a
self.b = b
def __len__(self):
return self.b - self.a + 1 #(2)定义len函数,返回b-a+1
def __getitem__(self, index): #(3)定义getitem函数,有一个参数index,一般都是返回这个index位置的那一行数据
assert self.a-1 <= index <= self.b-1
return index, index+1
data_train = Plus1Dataset(a=1,b=16)
data_train_loader = DataLoader(data_train, batch_size=4, shuffle=True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
test = plt.imread("./00000000.png")
plt.axis('off') # 关闭坐标轴
from PIL import Image
# Load the image
image = Image.open("image.jpg")
# Save the image with a new name and format
output_path = "output.png"
image.save(output_path, "PNG")
# Show the output path
print("Image saved at:", output_path)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
test = plt.imread("./00000000.png")
test2 = Image.open("00000000.png")
mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
train_transforms =transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((500,500)), #这个函数可以将图像转变为统一的500*500的大小
#transforms.CenterCrop(300), #这个就是从中心裁剪300*300的大小的图片,原来其他部分都不要了
#transforms.RandomCrop(300), #随机裁剪出一个300*300部分
#transforms.Normalize(mean = mean,std=std) #反正就是 归一化,没什么好说的
#transforms.Grayscale(), #将图像转变为channel==1的灰度图
img1 = train_transforms(test2)
save_path = "test_output.png"
print("Image as below:",save_path)
img1.show() #似乎Image只有这个函数可以显示图像,而且是用默认图像查看器打开的,算了,就这样吧
Pytorch nn.Softmax(dim=?) - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
这篇文章中详细讲解了 Softmax函数中的dim参数的用法:
class Classifier(nn.Module): #这里定义了这个CNN食物图像分类的nuaral network结构
def __init__(self):
super(Classifier, self).__init__()
# The arguments for commonly used modules:
# torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding)
# torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size, stride, padding)
# input image size: [3, 128, 128]
self.cnn_layers = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(3, 64, 3, 1, 1), #通过我的计算,输出的大小应该是64[厚]*128[高]*128[宽]
nn.BatchNorm2d(64), #参数是channels(filters)的数量,只会改变数据分布,不会改变数据形状
nn.ReLU(), #先通过BN,再使用ReLU是真的香,这样就可以最大化的利用BN得到的(0,1)正太分布了
nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2, 0),#但是pooling会改变图像的大小,图像会变成64*(128/2)*(128/2)
nn.Conv2d(64, 128, 3, 1, 1),
nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2, 0),#图像大小128*32*32
nn.Conv2d(128, 256, 3, 1, 1),
nn.MaxPool2d(4, 4, 0),#图像大小256*8*8
self.fc_layers = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(256 * 8 * 8, 256),
nn.Linear(256, 256),
nn.Linear(256, 11)
def forward(self, x):
# input (x): [batch_size, 3, 128, 128]
# output: [batch_size, 11]
# Extract features by convolutional layers.
x = self.cnn_layers(x)
# The extracted feature map must be flatten before going to fully-connected layers.
x = x.flatten(1) #需要展平之后,才能调用Linear()层
# The features are transformed by fully-connected layers to obtain the final logits.
x = self.fc_layers(x)
return x
def get_pseudo_labels(dataset, model, threshold=0.65): #参数是dataset,model和门槛
# This functions generates pseudo-labels of a dataset using given model.
# It returns an instance of DatasetFolder containing images whose prediction confidences exceed a given threshold.
# You are NOT allowed to use any models trained on external data for pseudo-labeling.
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"#设备选择
# Construct a data loader.
data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False) #创建一个data_loader
# Make sure the model is in eval mode.
# Define softmax function.
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
# Iterate over the dataset by batches.
for batch in tqdm(data_loader):
img, _ = batch
# Forward the data
# Using torch.no_grad() accelerates the forward process.
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(img.to(device))
# Obtain the probability distributions by applying softmax on logits.
probs = softmax(logits)
# ---------- TODO ----------
# Filter the data and construct a new dataset.
# # Turn off the eval mode.
return dataset
# ---------- Training ----------
# Make sure the model is in train mode before training.
model.train() #开启train模式
# These are used to record information in training.
train_loss = [] #准备好记录train过程中的loss数值和accuracy的数值
train_accs = []
# Iterate the training set by batches.
for batch in tqdm(train_loader): #每一个batch中进行的操作
# A batch consists of image data and corresponding labels.
imgs, labels = batch #从这个batch中获取到imgs数据数组 和 labels数据数组
# Forward the data. (Make sure data and model are on the same device.)
logits = model(imgs.to(device)) #计算出这一个batch的logits
# Calculate the cross-entropy loss.
# We don't need to apply softmax before computing cross-entropy as it is done automatically.
loss = criterion(logits, labels.to(device)) #计算logits和labels之间的loss
# Gradients stored in the parameters in the previous step should be cleared out first.
optimizer.zero_grad() #清空之前的grad
# Compute the gradients for parameters.
# Clip the gradient norms for stable training.
grad_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_norm=10)
# Update the parameters with computed gradients.
optimizer.step() #调用backward+step进行常规化的模型更新 + clip_grad_norm防止梯度爆炸
# Compute the accuracy for current batch.
acc = (logits.argmax(dim=-1) == labels.to(device)).float().mean()
# Record the loss and accuracy.
train_loss.append(loss.item()) #将这个batch的loss放到数组中
train_accs.append(acc) #将这个batch的acc放到数组中
# The average loss and accuracy of the training set is the average of the recorded values.
train_loss = sum(train_loss) / len(train_loss)
train_acc = sum(train_accs) / len(train_accs)
# Print the information.
print(f"[ Train | {epoch + 1:03d}/{n_epochs:03d} ] loss = {train_loss:.5f}, acc = {train_acc:.5f}")
# ---------- Validation ----------
# Make sure the model is in eval mode so that some modules like dropout are disabled and work normally.
# These are used to record information in validation.
valid_loss = []
valid_accs = []
# Iterate the validation set by batches.
for batch in tqdm(valid_loader):
# A batch consists of image data and corresponding labels.
imgs, labels = batch
# We don't need gradient in validation.
# Using torch.no_grad() accelerates the forward process.
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(imgs.to(device))
# We can still compute the loss (but not the gradient).
loss = criterion(logits, labels.to(device))
# Compute the accuracy for current batch.
acc = (logits.argmax(dim=-1) == labels.to(device)).float().mean()
# Record the loss and accuracy.
# The average loss and accuracy for entire validation set is the average of the recorded values.
valid_loss = sum(valid_loss) / len(valid_loss)
valid_acc = sum(valid_accs) / len(valid_accs)
# Print the information.
print(f"[ Valid | {epoch + 1:03d}/{n_epochs:03d} ] loss = {valid_loss:.5f}, acc = {valid_acc:.5f}")
# Make sure the model is in eval mode.
# Some modules like Dropout or BatchNorm affect if the model is in training mode.
# Initialize a list to store the predictions.
predictions = [] #开启eval()模式后,设置一个pred数组,用于存储通过model计算得到的预测结果,之后用于和labels进行比较
# Iterate the testing set by batches.
for batch in tqdm(test_loader): #还是利用tqdm进行迭代,一个个的batch进行处理
# A batch consists of image data and corresponding labels.
# But here the variable "labels" is useless since we do not have the ground-truth.
# If printing out the labels, you will find that it is always 0.
# This is because the wrapper (DatasetFolder) returns images and labels for each batch,
# so we have to create fake labels to make it work normally.
imgs, labels = batch #获取图像数据
# We don't need gradient in testing, and we don't even have labels to compute loss.
# Using torch.no_grad() accelerates the forward process.
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(imgs.to(device)) #计算得到预测的结果
# Take the class with greatest logit as prediction and record it.
predictions.extend(logits.argmax(dim=-1).cpu().numpy().tolist()) #直接将预测的logits转换为preditions里面一些one-hot vec
# Save predictions into the file.
with open("predict.csv", "w") as f: #创建一个predict.csv文件
# The first row must be "Id, Category"
f.write("Id,Category\n") #第一行是:Id, Category
# For the rest of the rows, each image id corresponds to a predicted class.
for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): #将predictions中的结果逐个写入到这个文件中
(1)这是用sample代码跑34个epoch时的 accuracy,在train上面已经很好了,但是在valid上面还是处于50%左右