Artemis的Scalers Talk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day7920181225


[Day 1551 2018-12-25]

Lesson79 By air

I used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy. My parents, used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly. Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.



aɪ juzd tə ˈtrævəl baɪ ɛr ə greɪt dil wɛn aɪ wəz ə bɔɪ. maɪ ˈpɛrənts, juzd tə lɪv ɪn saʊθ əˈmɛrəkə ənd aɪ juzd tə flaɪ ðɛr frəm ˈjʊrəp ɪn ðə ˈhɑləˌdeɪz. ə flaɪt əˈtɛndənt wəd teɪk ʧɑrʤ əv mi ənd aɪ ˈnɛvər həd ən ənˈplɛzənt ɪkˈspɪriəns. aɪ əm juzd tə ˈtrævəlɪŋ baɪ ɛr ənd ˈoʊnli ɑn wʌn əˈkeɪʒən həv aɪ ˈɛvər fɛlt ˈfraɪtənd. ˈæftər ˈteɪkɪŋ ɔf, wi wər ˈflaɪɪŋ loʊ ˈoʊvər ðə ˈsɪti ənd ˈsloʊli ˈgeɪnɪŋ haɪt, wɛn ðə pleɪn ˈsʌdənli tɜrnd raʊnd ənd flu bæk tə ði ˈɛrˌpɔrt. waɪl wi wər ˈweɪtɪŋ tə lænd, ə flaɪt əˈtɛndənt toʊld əs tə kip kɑm ənd tə gɛt ɔf ðə pleɪn ˈkwaɪətli əz sun əz ɪt həd tʌʧt daʊn. ˈɛvriˌbɑdi ɑn bɔrd wəz ˈwɜrid ənd wi wər ˈkjʊriəs tə faɪnd aʊt wʌt həd ˈhæpənd. ˈleɪtər wi lɜrnt ðət ðər wəz ə ˈvɛri ɪmˈpɔrtənt ˈpɜrsən ɑn bɔrd. ðə pəˈlis həd bɪn toʊld ðət ə bɑm həd bɪn ˈplæntəd ɑn ðə pleɪn. ˈæftər wi həd ˈlændəd, ðə pleɪn wəz sɜrʧt ˈθɜroʊli. ˈfɔrʧənətli, ˈnʌθɪŋ wəz faʊnd ənd faɪv ˈaʊərz ˈleɪtər wi wər ˈeɪbəl tə teɪk ɔf əˈgɛn.


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