
2022年7月13日 1集

It gives me great pleasure to declare them husband and wife.我很荣幸宣布他们结为夫妻

You spoiled everything it's like a nightmare.你搞砸了所有事情,简直恶梦一场

All my friends and family are out there. how can i face them?我的亲朋好友都在现场,我以后拿什么见人

That obviously means that he still loves me.表示他还爱我

Why don't you go down and get us a table? we'll be down in five minutes.你先下去占位子,我们五分钟就下去

Do you guys mind staying here for a while?在这儿待一会儿如何

You don't need to rub my butt.你不需要摸我的屁股

please promise me that you'll tell her that.请保证,你一定会告诉她

2022年7月15日 2集

It's not too shabby for me.对于我来说不差

No one will tell me where Emily is.没人告诉我艾米莉在哪儿

I'm not comfortable having that kind of power and control over someone's life.我不喜欢主宰别人的生活


I'm not sure what to do with that right now.我不知道现在该怎么回答

2022年7月21日 3集

I'll be delivering your babies.我负责替你接生

I hate to miss an opportunity because i didn't ask.我不想因为没有开口而失去机会

Why not goof around with him?为什么不和他随便玩玩呢

2022年7月22日 4集

We're going to be like two idiots in love.我们就像坠入爱河的一对白痴

There's one thing that really scares me still.有件事儿还是让我担心

As long as you don't see her anyone.只要你不再见她

Only if i promise never to see her again.条件是我保证不再见她

You've known her since high school and you cannot just cut her out of your life.你跟她从高中认识 不能说不见就不见

You can't make this decision with a toy.你不能用玩具来决定命运

The bottom line is that you love her.最重要的的是你爱她

2022年7月25日 5集

This is a garden-view and we paid for an ocean-view room.这间房是花园景观,我们订的是海景房

But the good thing is we can still see each other until she gets here.好在她来之前的我们还能继续见面

I don't want her to hate me. I don't know what to do.我不希望她恨我,真不知道该怎么办

The reason we didn't tell anyone was we didn't wanna make a big deal out of it.我们之所以没告诉大家是不想你们大惊小怪

2022年7月27日 6集

I'm totally on board.我完全赞同

You have no idea what it takes to make a marriage work.你们根本不知道如何维持婚姻

It's about compromise.它是相互妥协

I feel so guilty about him. 我对他很抱歉

It's the best thing I've ever had wrapped around me.这是裹在我身上最棒的东西

You'll see you're the only person i want to be with.你就知道我只想跟你在一起

You can't know where i am all the time.你不可能永远掌握我的行踪

This marriage is never gonna work if you don't trust me.如果你不信任我,这个婚姻永远有问题

Is there anything we can do?需要我们做什么吗

2022年7月28日 7集

He's gonna screwed up for a long time.他还要失魂落魄很久的时间

2022年7月29日 8集

I couldn't possibly eat another bite.我连一口都吃不下了

It's not supposed to be funny.It'ssupposed to be scary.不是搞笑,是吓人

I'm never going out with him again.我再也不跟他约会了

I don't care how much he begs.他再求我也没用

2022年7月30日 9集

let's see what everybody thinks of it.听听大家怎么说

2022年7月31日 10集

Spread it out a little.你要把工作分散一点

You meddled in our relationship.你插手了我们的感情世界

2022年8月1日 11集

Every day I'm going to do one thing i have never done before.

2022年8月3日 12集

We don't have to talk about work. we could talk about anything.我们不必聊工作,什么都可以聊

He can't even breathe. 他喘不过气来

She's popping pills她在吃药

Where the hell have you been?你死哪儿去了

please just take a moment before you judge me.在批评我之前先想一下

You're telling me there's nothing going on between you and her你告诉我你和她之间没有什么

It's not strong enough to defend itself.连自己都保护不了

What  a great way to make some extra pocket money.真是个赚零花钱的好方法


You almost crushed my hat.你差点儿踩扁我的帽子

Listen i just wanted to apologize about this afternoon and the whole massage thing.听我说 我想为下午和按摩的事道歉

You don't have to be best at everything.你又不必事事都争取第一

You don't know me at all.你一点儿都不了解我

2022年8月9日 15集

I'm really tired of being your relationship tutor.我不想再当你的爱情指导了

You better do something or I'm gonna walk out that door right now.你最好做些什么否则我现在就走人

Try to get some sympathy.争取一些同情心

You ruined everyone's fun.扫了大家的兴

I have something that i would like to say.我有话要说

I would have been able spend the rest of my life with the woman i love.能跟心爱的人共度下半生


The delivery charge is almost as much as the couch!运费几乎跟沙发价格一样贵

Come on. You've been acting strange all day.拜托,你一整天怪怪的

I think it's a great idea to become friends with someone before you date.我觉得先做朋友再交往是一个很好的想法

This was listed as your last known address so i checked it out.这是你最后登记的住址,我就过来看看

It's cut in half.它断两半了


Did i squeeze too hard?我握得太用力了吗

I just love the beginning parts of relationship.我最喜欢刚开始恋爱的感觉

I'm more excited about where we are now.我们现在的状况让我更兴奋

I've never been in a relationship that's lasted this long before.我从来没谈过这么久的恋爱

To get past the beginning and still be around each other all the time.过了刚开始的激情期,还想跟对方相处在一起

2022年8月11日 18集

I wish i had to smoke for my career.真希望我为了事业这么做

It was more important for me to see him succeed看到他成功,对我来说更重要

I'll catch you guys later.后会有期

2022年8月12日 19集

You flirt with guys all the time?你动不动就跟人打情骂俏?

It doesn't mean anything那不代表什么

Why are you being weird?你干嘛怪里怪气的

2022年8月18日 20集

I'm wondering if we made a mistake giving up so fast.不知道我们匆忙放弃,是不是一个错误

This witness won't return my calls so we're gonna see if we can surprise him coming home.这个目击证人不回我电话,我们去他家堵他

You are lucky to be alive.活着是一种幸运

So live every day to the fullest.每一天都要活的精彩

He with no regard for his own safety throws himself on me他完全不顾自己的安危扑倒我身上保护我

The most amazing thing happened tonight.今晚发生了最不寻常的事儿

I had an actual near-death experience.我真正面临到了濒临死亡的经历

I want to seize every opportunity.我要把握每一个机会

That woman made you miserable.那个女人把你给整惨了


My pants are a little loose.我的裤子有点儿松了

I'm lucky enough to find someone that i really love.我很幸运能找到我的真爱

I just wanna be around her as much as i can.我想要尽量多和她在一起

It's too soon for you guys.你们不能操之过急

I really want this relationship to move forward.我很想让这段关系更近一步

I want you to move in with me.我要你搬来一起住

Don't you think that it's a little too soon?你不觉得稍微太快了点儿吗

There's so much we don't know about each other.我们彼此还有很多地方并不太了解

My eyes are a little itchy.我的眼睛有点儿痒

2022年8月19日 22集

You remember me even though you're a big star你当了明星还记得我

2022年8月22日 23集

You haven't taken my calls for a week.你一星期都不接我电话

Of course you can take a couple of days.你当然可以请几天假

You can walk around naked.你可以脱光光到处走

It's got everything i could ever want.我要的东西应有尽有

After all this  time How can you not trust me?你怎么到现在还不相信我

2022年8月23日 24集

I've never loved anybody as much as i love you.我不曾这样爱过一个人
