1.先把蜂巢坐标系(d, p, q)转换为直角坐标系(x, y),不妨把正六边形中心到各边的距离记作1.
direction = [(-2, 0), (-1, a), (1, a), (2, 0), (1, -a), (-1, -a)],其中a=math.sqrt(3)
x = direction[d][0]*p + direction[(d+2)%6][0]*q y = direction[d][1]*p + direction[(d+2)%6][1]*q
2.B(x1, y1)与C(x2, y2)的关系分为5种:
3)B在C的左下:y1 4)B在C的右上:y1>y2且x1>x2 5)B在C的右下:y1 对情形1)最简单,沿方向0或3移动即可,移动步数:|x2-x1|//2 对情形2),先把B沿方向4移动到B‘,使得B’与C同行,再把B‘沿方向3移动到C;但如果B’到了C点右边,则会使得移动的步数不是最少,此时要先把B沿方向4移动到C点正上方的B‘,再把B’移动到C。 其它3种情况,类似情况2)。具体代码如下,视频讲解可见: 蜂巢_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 特别注意,取整使用round, 博主开始使用int取整,结果有几条测试数据的输出比标准输出小1,耗费我不少时间才发现是取整的原因。import math
a = math.sqrt(3)
direction = [(-2, 0), (-1, a), (1, a), (2, 0), (1, -a), (-1, -a)]
def transform(d,p,q):#把坐标转为直角坐标系下的值
x = direction[d][0]*p + direction[(d+2)%6][0]*q
y = direction[d][1]*p + direction[(d+2)%6][1]*q
return x, y
def count_step(d1, p1, q1, d2, p2, q2):
x1, y1 = transform(d1, p1, q1) # B点坐标
x2, y2 = transform(d2, p2, q2) # C点坐标
y_steps = round(math.fabs(y1 - y2) / a)
# 1. B点在C点左上,从B点出发先沿方向4走到与C同行,再沿方向3到C点
if y1 > y2 and x1 <= x2:
x1 = x1 + direction[4][0] * y_steps
if x1 <= x2:# B点到与C点同一行的位置
x_steps = math.fabs(x2 - x1) // 2
return round(y_steps + x_steps)
# 先沿方向4走(x2-x1)/direction[4][0]步,走到与C点横坐标相等的位置
y_steps_1 = round((x2 - x1)/direction[4][0])
# 此时在纵轴,走了 y_steps1 * direction[4][1]
y1 = y1 + direction[4][1] * y_steps_1
# 还需要从C点正上方走到C点
y_steps_2 = round((y1 - y2)/a)
return y_steps_1 + y_steps_2
# 2. B点在C点同一行的左边或右边
if y1 == y2:
return int( math.fabs(x2 - x1) // 2)
# 3. B点在C点左下,从B点出发先沿方向2走到与C同行,再沿方向3到C点
if y1 < y2 and x1 <= x2:
x1 = x1 + direction[2][0] * y_steps
if x1 <= x2:
x_steps = math.fabs(x2 - x1) // 2
return round(y_steps + x_steps)
y_steps_1 = round((x2 - x1) / direction[2][0])
y1 = y1 + direction[2][1] * y_steps_1
y_steps_2 = round((y2 - y1) / a)
return y_steps_1 + y_steps_2
# 4. B点在C点右上,从B点出发先沿方向5走到与C同行,再沿方向0到C点
if y1 > y2 and x1 >= x2:
x1 = x1 + direction[5][0] * y_steps
if x1 >= x2:
x_steps = math.fabs(x1 - x2) // 2
return round(y_steps + x_steps)
y_steps_1 = round((x2 - x1) / direction[5][0])
y1 = y1 + direction[5][1] * y_steps_1
y_steps_2 = round((y1 - y2) / a)
return y_steps_1 + y_steps_2
# 5. B点在C点右下,从B点出发先沿方向1走到与C同行,再沿方向0到C点
if y1 < y2 and x1 >= x2:
x1 = x1 + direction[1][0] * y_steps
if x1 >= x2:
x_steps = math.fabs(x1 - x2) // 2
return round(y_steps + x_steps)
y_steps_1 = round((x2 - x1) / direction[1][0])
y1 = y1 + direction[1][1] * y_steps_1
y_steps_2 = round((y2 - y1) / a)
return y_steps_1 + y_steps_2
inp = tuple(map(int, input().strip().split()))