20171204 Chapter 1 Literary Patriotic Duck

Reading journal – The Gay Genius

20171204 Chapter 1 Literary Patriotic Duck

1 OutstandingQuestion ( the author is answering)


3 MostInteresting Sentences and my thoughts

1.He wanted towrest the secrets of the universe, was half defeated, and died with a laugh.


2.Roughly, (goodwriting) is like the sailing of clouds or flowing of water, moving forwardwhere it is natural to move forward, and stopping where it must stop. From thenatural flow of thoughts and language arises its wayward, abundant charm.

大概是苏轼这样的天才文豪才敢说写作不过是行云流水,提笔就写,该停就停。不用冥思苦想,下笔就是名篇。普通人大概只能像村上春树一样把写作当作职业来做,规定时间规定数量来完成。还得像一样ON WRITING WELL的作者一样,字斟句酌,只求打磨出更好的作品。

3.A holy cause isalways a dangerous thing. When a cause becomes holy, the means used to achieveit inevitably becomes vile.


Words and expressions


释义:v.to stop doing, using, or having somethingthat you enjoy放弃、抛弃、戒掉(喜欢的事物)

例句:She will never forsakeher vegetarian principles.



原文: Nothing is sodangerous to a nation’s destiny as a misguided butopinionatedidealist.

释义:adj. expressing very

strong opinions about things固执己见的,武断的

造句:My boss is veryopinionated and sometimes bad-tempered.


释义:adj. happening,

printed tec. after someone’s death死后发生的;死后出版的

举例:a posthumouscollection of his article

4.a galaxy of

原文: At the time of SuTungpo’s youth there was a brilliant galaxy ofscholars gathered at the court of the Chinese emperor.


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