
coral: n hard substance formed from the skeletons of very small sea animals & orange-pink

enslave: v make a slave of (someone) & enslavement n

intelligible: adj able to be understood & intelligibility n

methane: n colourless inflammable gas

destination: n place to which someone or something is going

fertile: adj capable of producing young, crops, or vegetation; highly productive e.g. a fertile mind & fertility n & fertilize v provide (an animal or plant) with sperm or pollen to bring about fertilization; supply (soil) with nutrients & fertilization n

outweight: be more important, significant, or influential than

scatter: v throw about in various directions; disperse &scatterbrain n empty-headed person

statistic: n numerical fact collected and classified systematically & statistics n science of classifying and interpreting numerical information & statistical adj & statistically adv & statistician n person who compiles and studies statistics
