【模型量化】AIMET文档 - AIMET TensorFlow Quantization SIM API


  • [AIMET TensorFlow Quantization SIM API](https://quic.github.io/aimet-pages/releases/latest/api_docs/tensorflow_quantsim.html#api-tf-quantsim)
    • 顶层API:量化模拟模型类QuantizationSimModel
      • 量化方案说明
      • 用于计算模型的编码的API
      • 将量化好的模型导出到目标部署机器的API

AIMET TensorFlow Quantization SIM API


  • 主要就是一个类:aimet_tensorflow.quantsim.QuantizationSimModel
  • 作用:给指定的模型添加量化模拟算子,从而创建一个QuantSim模型。
    • 主要有两个优点:
      • 在浮点设备上模拟真实部署的硬件设备上的推理准确率以及性能。
      • 可以对模型进行微调(即QAT技术)在一定程度上抵消量化带来的性能损失。
  • 类的定义为:
    • class aimet_tensorflow.quantsim.QuantizationSimModel(session: tf.compat.v1.Session, starting_op_names: List[str], output_op_names: List[str], quant_scheme: Union[str, QuantScheme] = 'tf_enhanced', rounding_mode: str = 'nearest', default_output_bw: int = 8, default_param_bw: int = 8, use_cuda: bool = True, config_file: str = None, default_data_type: QuantizationDataType = QuantizationDataType.int)
    • 参数说明:
      • session():指定的模型作为session,将量化算子插入到session中,类型是tf.compat.v1.Session
      • starting_op_names ([]):模型的计算图中第一个算子的名称,类型是字符串列表
      • output_op_names([]):模型的计算图中输出算子的名称,类型是字符串列表
      • quant_scheme([, QuantScheme]):量化方案,目前支持的量化方案是post_training_tf和post_training_tf_enhanced,默认为post_training_tf_enhanced
        • QuantScheme:枚举类型,详见:class aimet_common.defs.QuantScheme
      • rounding mode:舍入方案,支持‘最近’与‘随机’模式,类型是字符串,默认值为‘最近’模式
      • default_output_bw:激活值的位宽,默认8位int
      • default_param_bw:参数张量的位宽,默认8位int
      • use_cuda:bool类型,是否在GPU上进行量化操作
      • config_file([]):配置文件的路径,配置文件主要用于指定模型中量化算子的相关规则。
      • default_data_type:– 用于量化所有层参数的默认数据类型。支持的数据类型是 QuantizationDataType.int QuantizationDataType.float。
        • 注意:当 default_output_bw=16 和 default_param_bw=16 时仅支持 default_data_type=QuantizationDataType.float 类型
    • 返回值:object类型,它可以在tensorflow图上执行量化操作。
    • 异常类型:值错误类型,当处理类定义中某一个输入参数出错时,给出提示。


  • AIMET支持多种量化方案:
    • PTQ后量化:使用 TF 或者 TF-Enhanced 量化方式来计算模型的编码
      • 这里的编码指的是:量化需要的min、max、scale 和 zero point,编码说明详见Quantization Encoding Specification
    • QAT量化感知训练:主要是在训练的过程中学习 min 和 max
      • Range Learning with TF Initialization:用 TF 方式来初始化编码,然后再训练过程中微调这些编码,以提升模型的性能
      • Range Learning with TF-Enhanced Initialization:用 TF-Enhanced 方式来初始化编码,然后再训练过程中微调这些编码,以提升模型的性能


  • QuantizationSimModel类方法
  • QuantizationSimModel.compute_encodings(self, forward_pass_callback: Callable[[tf.compat.v1.Session, Any], None],
    • 为模型中所有的量化模拟节点计算编码。
    • 也可以用于为Range Learning设置出示的编码值
    • 参数说明:
      • forward_pass_callback([[,],]):一个回调函数,主要是能在session中跑前向。
        • 此回调函数应使用有代表性数据来跑前向,目的是为了让计算得到的编码适用于数据集中所有的数据样本。
        • 此回调在内部能自行选择要用于计算编码的数据样本数。
      • forward_pass_callback_args:这些参数按原样传递给第一个参数,即forward_pass_callback。此参数的类型由用户确定。例如,可以只是一个表示使用的数据样本数量的整数,也可以是元组类型的参数或表示更复杂的对象。
    • 返回值:没有


  • QuantizationSimModel类方法

  • export(self, path: str, filename_prefix: str, orig_sess: tf.compat.v1.Session = None)

    • 主要用于导出量化模拟的模型,以便后面用于硬件设备上。
    • 关于保存的内容的说明:
      • 导出的模型格式是:ckpt或者meta。注意:模型中不包含任何的量化模拟算子。
      • 二量化编码将导出到单独的 JSON 格式文件中,之后如果需要的话,可导入到目标运行时上,也就是部署到相应的硬件设备上。
    • 参数说明:
      • path ():存放模型文件和编码文件的路径,类型是字符串
      • filename_prefix ():两个文件名的前缀,类型是字符串
      • orig_sess ([]):在原始会话中传递的可选参数,无需导出量化节点
    • 返回值:没有
  • 导包

    import tensorflow as tf
    # Import the tensorflow quantisim
    from aimet_tensorflow import quantsim
    from aimet_tensorflow.common import graph_eval
    from aimet_tensorflow.utils import graph_saver
    from aimet_common.defs import QuantScheme
  • 传入标定或校准数据

    def pass_calibration_data(session: tf.Session):
        The User of the QuantizationSimModel API is expected to write this function based on their data set.
        This is not a working function and is provided only as a guideline.
        :param session: Model's session
        # User action required
        # The following line of code is an example of how to use the ImageNet data's validation data loader.
        # Replace the following line with your own dataset's validation data loader.
        data_loader = None  # Your Dataset's data loader
        # User action required
        # For computing the activation encodings, around 1000 unlabelled data samples are required.
        # Edit the following 2 lines based on your dataloader's batch size.
        # batch_size * max_batch_counter should be 1024
        batch_size = 64
        max_batch_counter = 16
        input_tensor = None  # input tensor in session
        train_tensor = None  # train tensor in session
        current_batch_counter = 0
        for input_data, _ in data_loader:
            feed_dict = {input_tensor: input_data,
                         train_tensor: False}
            session.run([], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            current_batch_counter += 1
            if current_batch_counter == max_batch_counter:
  • 后量化以及微调(即QAT)

    def quantize_model():
        Create the Quantization Simulation and finetune the model.
        # load graph
        sess = graph_saver.load_model_from_meta('models/mnist_save.meta', 'models/mnist_save')
        # Create quantsim model to quantize the network using the default 8 bit params/activations
        sim = quantsim.QuantizationSimModel(sess, starting_op_names=['reshape_input'], output_op_names=['dense_1/BiasAdd'],
        # Compute encodings
        sim.compute_encodings(pass_calibration_data, forward_pass_callback_args=None)
        # Do some finetuning
        # User action required
        # The following line of code illustrates that the model is getting finetuned.
        # Replace the following train() function with your pipeline's train() function.
  • 量化和微调训练好的模型,以学习编码(即range learning)

    def quantization_aware_training_range_learning():
        Running Quantize Range Learning Test
        # Allocate the generator you wish to use to provide the network with data
        parser2 = tf_gen.MnistParser(batch_size=100, data_inputs=['reshape_input'])
        generator = tf_gen.TfRecordGenerator(tfrecords=[os.path.join('data', 'mnist', 'validation.tfrecords')],
        sess = graph_saver.load_model_from_meta('models/mnist_save.meta', 'models/mnist_save')
        # Create quantsim model to quantize the network using the default 8 bit params/activations
        # quant scheme set to range learning
        sim = quantsim.QuantizationSimModel(sess, ['reshape_input'], ['dense_1/BiasAdd'],
        # Initialize the model with encodings
        sim.compute_encodings(pass_calibration_data, forward_pass_callback_args=None)
        # Train the model to fine-tune the encodings
        g = sim.session.graph
        sess = sim.session
        with g.as_default():
            parser2 = tf_gen.MnistParser(batch_size=100, data_inputs=['reshape_input'])
            generator2 = tf_gen.TfRecordGenerator(tfrecords=['data/mnist/validation.tfrecords'], parser=parser2)
            cross_entropy = g.get_operation_by_name('xent')
            train_step = g.get_operation_by_name("Adam")
            # do training: learn weights and architecture simultaneously
            x = sim.session.graph.get_tensor_by_name("reshape_input:0")
            y = g.get_tensor_by_name("labels:0")
            fc1_w = g.get_tensor_by_name("dense_1/MatMul/ReadVariableOp:0")
            perf = graph_eval.evaluate_graph(sess, generator2, ['accuracy'], graph_eval.default_eval_func, 1)
            print('Quantized performance: ' + str(perf * 100))
            ce = g.get_tensor_by_name("xent:0")
            train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3, name="TempAdam").minimize(ce)
            mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('./data', one_hot=True)
            for i in range(100):
                batch = mnist.train.next_batch(50)
                sess.run([train_step, fc1_w], feed_dict={x: batch[0], y: batch[1]})
                if i % 10 == 0:
                    perf = graph_eval.evaluate_graph(sess, generator2, ['accuracy'], graph_eval.default_eval_func, 1)
                    print('Quantized performance: ' + str(perf * 100))
        # close session
