CBIS need comebine with Model of Viable System

by Nico / YuwanZhang

Nowaday we are in the evolution of Industry 4.0 which emcompasses some technologies such as IOT , IOS and cloud computing cyper-physical systems for automation and data exchange ,data analysis ,prediction and so on . One objective is to create a virtual copy of physical world .This will result in loss of jobs because some maunal job will be substituted by automotion .

Constant changes in the business process model and information flow that drive the modern market, which is constantly seeking integration between man, machine and the system of manufacturing production where, together, they constitute a strong interconnected network in an independent and intelligent way(D. Vuksanovi et al,2018).

To prevent the future failures ,making prediction plays an important role , how to make prediciton need big data and alogorithms , the procedure include :capture data by sensors ,data mining ,transforming data into useful information which can be useful for senior managers to make better decision and predict future events .

Computer-based Information system need conbine with the Model of Viable System

The reason why Information system need combine with the modle of viable system is we are living in a VUCA world , the intense change of market and environment is happening every single day . In addtion , for information system to be self-adaptable in the highly saturate market is to adopt viable system because viable system performs the transformations that is expected to do and is able to survive changes in the environment. It must be able to respond to common events (such as customers' requests), but also have to be able to react to unexpected events in their environment (such as : the appearance of new products or social change)(Callaos, N., L. Holmes & R. Osers,1998).

The components of model of viable system include :

(a)implementation , the activities and practices need to be undertooken to accomplish the mission or objective of company.

(b)coordination ,through coordination of resources , organizations ,people ,work routines and so on to make the formal decision .

(c)control ,capture and analysis of internal information what is inside the system .

(d)intelligence , capture and analysis of external information what is happening in the external environment ,thus can have the opportunities to predict the futuer events and incidents

(e)policy . the policy can affect the decision making , prediciton and so on .

CBIS support the communication demands of VSM

The CBIS -Computer-based Information system support many of the communication needs of VSM such as implementation , coordination , control ,intelligence and policy .

The CBIS capture, store, process, transmit, retrieve or present information and data ,what's more ,storage and retrieval is the center of CBIS . In a nutsell, CBIS deal with information .

(a) TPS - transaction processing systems: TPS create , store the information what is happening or happened in the processes of transaction , in addition , the states of things which being affected by the processes will be recorded also . support implementation of VSM

(b) DPS - data processing systems: DPS read and process the records then transform into useful information what the organization or customer need . support implementation of VSM

(c) DMS - data mining systems: DMS using statistics , inference mechanism to analyze the big data to detect correllation within it ,uncovering patterns and other valuable information from large records . support control , intelligence and policy of VSM

(d) MIS - management information systems: MIS is used for decision making through providing meaningful and useful information to senior managers , it involves people ,organization ,processes and techonology . support control and coordination of VSM

(e) DSS - decision support systems: DSS gather ,analyze data and synthesize it into reports facilitate decision-making . the difference between DSS and MIS is DSS can be made in situations that are not well structured eg unstructred and semi-structred . support control and coordination of VSM

(f) WMS - workflow management systems: WMS is a tool to help the routine of business processes to be more effective and effecient .support coordination of VSM

(g) ESS - environmental scanning systems: ESS provide mechanisms for searching and retrieving information from databases external to the organization (Callaos, N., L. Holmes & R. Osers,1998) support intelligence of VSM

(h) EIS - executive information systems: EIS can be described as a powerful interface to MIS, ESS or DSS; they also include mechanisms for on line data analysis (Callaos, N., L. Holmes & R. Osers,1998) support control , coordination and intelligence of VSM

No system stand alone , they complementary to each other , for example :

TPS collect records concerning events within an organization; DPS process them; DMS automatically analyse them; MIS filter them; DSS use the results of that filtering to support decision making activities. WMS coordinate tasks that use TPS, DPS or other types of CBIS; ESS collect records concerning events exterior to the organization.(Callaos, N., L. Holmes & R. Osers,1998)

One major work in the future will be deploying a decision or solution through big data , by adapotion of productive and powderful data-handing language - Python , robust and stable database management system - SQL  and  learn how to adapt and deal with the external environment - algorithms .


Callaos, N., L. Holmes & R. Osers, “Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 12-16 July 1998, Volume 4, 497-502

Rafael Albuquerque Câmara; Henrique São Mamede Vitor Duarte dos Santos  ,"Predictive Industrial Maintenance  with a Viable Systems Model and Maintenance 4.0 " Lisboa ,2019

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