git提交失败running pre-commit hook: lint-staged [33m‼ Some of your tasks use `git add` command

git提交失败running pre-commit hook: lint-staged [33m‼ Some of your tasks use `git add` command_第1张图片

0 file committed, 1 file failed to commit: 代码更新 > running pre-commit hook: lint-staged [33m[33m‼[33m Some of your tasks use git add command. Please remove it from the config since all modifications made by tasks will be automatically added to the git commit index. [39m [STARTED] Preparing… [SUCCESS] Preparing… [STARTED] Running tasks… [STARTED] Running tasks for src/**/*.{ts,vue} [STARTED] eslint --fix [FAILED] [91meslint --fix[39m [2m[FAILED][22m [SUCCESS] Running tasks… [STARTED] Applying modifications… [SKIPPED] Skipped because of errors from tasks. [STARTED] Reverting to original state because of errors… [SUCCESS] Reverting to original state because of errors… [STARTED] Cleaning up… [SUCCESS] Cleaning up… [91m[91m×[91m eslint --fix:[39m D:\IdeaProjects\dflow-ui\src\views\notice\notice.vue 6:11 error Custom elements in iteration require ‘v-bind:key’ directives vue/valid-v-for ✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings) pre-commit hook failed (add --no-verify to bypass)

在网上找了很多 都没有用 ,其实这是这个提交git规范检查,查看vue的配置文件json,看看有没有这个东西
git提交失败running pre-commit hook: lint-staged [33m‼ Some of your tasks use `git add` command_第2张图片
