Adjusting EQ--调整均衡器---商业即兴10

Adjusting EQ

A lot of companies have begun to put stock in the concept of emotional intelligence (EQ).That manner of thinking is relatively new in the business world and is probably not something that robber barons of eras past worried much about. Over the last decade though EQ has become a hot topic because the dynamic of the workplace has continued to change. Employees increasingly put a great deal of value  in finding a workplace where they feel their talents are recognized and appreciated, and where they feel a sense of belonging.This has become especially true for Millennials in the workforce, who often rank personal satisfaction and individual sense of purpose even higher than paycheck when it comes to the appeal of a workplace.


If we’re looking at how workers “feel” about work, we are in the realm of examining emotions, and emotional intelligence is simply the ability to recognize those emotions and make thoughtful decisions based on them. The robber baron may have been able to harrumph away any consideration of employees’ emotional states, but these days it makes excellent business sense that if the mind-set of the employee is changing then the role of the employer must change.


According to Daniel Goleman, one of the pioneers in this field and author of “What Makes a Leader: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters,”there are five components of emotional intelligence at work:self-awareness, self-regulation, internal motivation, empathy, and social skills.With improvisation in mind, I would expand on those components this way:

据该领域的先驱之一,作者“领导者是什么:为什么情商如此重要”的作者丹尼尔·戈尔曼(Daniel Goleman)表示,工作中的情商有五个组成部分:自我意识,自我调节,内在动机,同理心,和社交技能。考虑到即兴创作,我将通过以下方式扩展这些组成部分:

Self-awareness. This is the ability to recognize what you are doing (emotion, actions, and language) in real time so that you can make the intelligent decision to continue that behavior or change it to affect the people in the way you desire to influence them.Take time to postpone judgment to assess your situation, circumstances, and actions as accurately as possible. 


As important as it is to be self-confident, it may be equally important to be humble.When success arises, credit the people around you who deserve it, and when struggle or failure pokes its head up, be sure to understand what role you played in this situation and where perhaps you—as a leader—missed areas for greater success. Look to define areas for improvement. Once you have an understanding of your behavior and the role you played in any given situation,create a road map to your growth by objectively evaluating your strengths and weaknesses. Then define simple action steps that you can practice in casual, no-stakes situations so that you can employ your learnings in specific, higher-stakes situations.


Self-regulation. As we’ve already stressed, postponement of judgment does not mean abandonment of judgment. With a bit of forethought, take deliberate time to use the knowledge you’ve gained from your work on self-awareness to make subtle tweaks or large changes in yourself, with thoughtful goals of affecting others. Unless your style of leadership is that of a ruthless tyrant, focus on “Yes, and” for adaptability, finding comfort in loosening the reins and becoming open to the unique perspectives of those around you.


Internal motivation. If we are motivated by the head, the wallet, the heart, and the gut, intrinsic motivation comes from the last two—it is the drive that makes your soul sing. While Chapter 4 will show you techniques for manipulating energy to feed intrinsic motivation, you can extend the literal use of the two-word phrase “Yes, and” to create a ‘Yes, and’ philosophy. This philosophy,which taps into our intrinsic motivation, accepts what is given to us in any given situation at face value (the good, the bad, or the ugly) and looks to create paths to success every time (anywhere,with anyone). The “Yes, and” philosophy is a commitment to operating at the top of our intelligence, at all levels, from EQ to IQ.


Empathy. The ability to feel the emotions of others is a powerful leadership trait, engendering trust and building supportive relationships quickly. Use “Yes, and” to slow your brain down to engage and connect fully. “Yes, and” in relation to empathy creates an outward focus, a concentration that is directed to the person or people with whom you are engaged. This level of awareness allows you to react, adapt, and communicate on a personal and impactful level:


• “Yes” = I hear what you are saying. You have my undivided attention. I am fully committed to listening to you and understanding you to the best of my ability.

• “And” = This is how I can relate to you. This is how I can support you. This is how I can be of service to you. This is how I am grateful to you for sharing this with me.

•“是” =我听到您在说什么。你全神贯注。我完全致力于倾听您的意见,并尽我所能来理解您。

•“和” =这就是我如何与您建立联系。这就是我可以为您提供支持的方式。这就是我可以为您服务的方式。这就是我感谢您与我分享的方式。

Social skills. The equation to create good social skills contains a   constantly shifting set of variables. As you have read, improvisation is an inherently communicative art form; as such it directly lends itself to developing social skills. Cling to “Yes, and” as a technique for finding common ground, for active listening, and for quickly building rapport on both a personal and a team level.


In an era of social media and information sharing, a company’s culture is almost as transparent as the lens of a microscope. Recruitment and retention of great, talented employees is increasing, and the perceived EQ level of a company has a huge impact on current and prospective personnel. Just like a person trying a new restaurant on the basis of online reviews, potential hot recruits are more prone to believe in an organization by what the company’s employees have said online than by what a recruiter promoted to them. 


The meat of this meal: talent enticement is impacted substantially through employee engagement.7 One of the truest and most powerful statements in all of human resources is that employees don’t quit companies; they quit people. Given the current interest in EQ, “Yes, and” should be seen as an effective power booster for upping the emotional intelligence of the workplace, because—no surprise—the skill set that improvisation inherently strengthens is the same skill set used to reach emotional intelligence: awareness, focus and concentration in the moment, empathetic listening and communication, unconditional support, postponement of judgment, collaboration, celebration of diverse perspectives, adaptability.


If we are all in the people business and we understand that the extreme majority of people like to feel valued, then “Yes, and . . . ” is a priceless EQ addition to the corporate culture because it requires a culture in which you make it clear that you value the person talking to you enough to isolate your thoughts and give that individual your undivided, focused attention and then respond openly and honestly without an agenda. A “Yes, and” culture is a system in which—because everyone is attentive to what each person in the team is saying—the decision-making process can improve, and perhaps even accelerate (if you know your words really count, you won’t waste them).


“Yes, and . . . ” is adaptable enough to be the underlying foundation for a corporate culture, and it can also be used as a specific tool during any particular interaction. Even so, that does not mean the philosophy will govern every decision. Remember, “Yes, and” is not a panacea or magic elixir to cure all business woes. Sometimes “No”is the right answer. Enlightened leaders must make that decision for themselves, often in real time. “Yes, and” must be applied thoughtfully and strategically, again in real time.


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