每日一词 119 | determine

1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


英英释义:to control what something will be

例句:What you look like determines how people treat you.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

我们很熟悉“determine”常用来表示“下决心”“决定”的用法,今天我们学习它的另一常见地道用法:表示“是…的决定因素”“取决于”。我们可以用 determine 的这个用法在口语和写作中替换 depend on。

《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》中的 depend on 有这样一个例句:   

The cooking time needed depends on the size of the potato.  (所需的烹饪时间取决于土豆的大小。) 

我们可以用 determine 把它改写为:

The size of the potato will determine the cooking time.   


What you look like determines how people treat you.   


1)The scale of the revolt will determine what happens next.   

2)For instance, on Air India, the country's state-owned flag carrier, who you know can apparently determine where you sit.

3. 从认识到会用(作业)



(参考翻译:How much it costs is determined by how much you buy. 或者  The quantity purchased determines the price.)



造句 :Whether you can pass this exam is determined by how much time you have put on it. 

例句:The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time.

Social status is largely determined by the occupation of the main breadwinner.

Our prices are determined by the market.

Economic factors determine the progress which a society can make. 经济因素决定了一个社会所能够进步的程度。

 Demand determines supply. 需求决定供给。

The size of the rice crop is largely determined by the weather. 水稻收获量在很大程度上是由天气决定的。

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