Socket 是网络协议栈暴露给编程人员的 API,相比复杂的计算机网络协议,API 对关键操作和配置数据进行了抽象,简化了程序编程。
本文讲述的 socket 内容源自 Linux man。本文主要对各 API 进行详细介绍,从而更好的理解 socket 编程。
connect() 遵循 POSIX.1 - 2008
标准 c 库,libc, -lc
int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr,
socklen_t addrlen);
connect() 系统调用在 sockfd 指定的 socket 上连接 addr 指定的地址,addrlen 参数指定了 addr 的大小,addr 地址格式取决于 socket 的地址空间,可以参考 socket(2)。
如果 socket 是 SOCK_DGRAM 类型,那么 addr 是发送报文的默认地址,也是唯一接收报文的地址。如果 socket 类型是 SOCK_STREAM 或者 SOCK_SEQPACKET,那么这个调用就是尝试和绑定了 addr 地址的 socket 建立连接。
一些协议套接字(比如 UNIX 流套接字)只能成功连接一次。
一些协议套接字(比如 UNIX TCP 套接字和网络数据报套接字)可以多次 connect() 来修改连接。
一些协议套接字(比如 UNIX TCP 套接字和网络数据报套接字)可以通过将 sockaddr 的 sa_family 设置为 AF_UNSPEC 来消除连接,之后 socket 就可以连接到其他地址了。(AF_UNSPEC 在 Linux 2.2 之后支持)。
如果连接或者绑定成功,那么返回 0。
发生错误时,返回 -1,并设置errno 来指示错误类型。
错误值定义如下(这里指示普通 socket 的错误,还可能存在 domain-specific 错误码):
EACCES | UNIX 域套接字通过路径名唯一标识,并且是套接字文件是没有写权限的,路径中任何一级的搜索权限也是没有的,可以参考 path_resolution(7) |
EACCES/EPERM | 用户尝试连接到一个广播地址,却没有设置套接字的广播标记,或者请求被防火墙规则拦截了 |
EACCES | 如果开启了 SELinux 策略,也可能会导致连接被拒绝(比如策略规定 HTTP 代理只能连接到 HTTP 服务器关联的端口,而 HTTP 代理却连接了其他端口) |
EADDRINUSE | 本地地址已经在用了 |
EADDRNOTAVAIL | (网络域套接字)sockfd 指定的套接字没有绑定到地址,并且在尝试将其绑定到临时端口时,临时端口用尽了 |
EAFNOSUPPORT | 地址家族不正确 |
EAGAIN | 对于非阻塞的 UNIX 域套接字,套接字是非阻塞的,连接无法立即完成。对于其他套接字家族,这个错误标识路由缓存没有足够的条目了 |
EALREADY | 套接字是非阻塞的,并且之前的连接尝试还没有完成 |
EBADF | sockfd 不是一个打开的文件描述符 |
ECONNREFUSED | connect() 操作的流套接字发现没有人在监听对应的远程地址 |
EFAULT | 套接字结构地址超出用户地址空间 |
EINPROGRESS | 套接字是非阻塞的,连接不能立即完成。(UNIX 域套接字会返回 EAGAIN)。可以通过 select(2) 或者 poll(2) 查看套接字的可写事件,来确定连接完成。select(2) 指示可写后,使用 getsockopt(2) 来读取 SOL_SOCKET 级的 SO_ERROR 选项,来确定连接完全成功(SO_ERROR 为 0)或者未成功(SO_ERROR 为这里列出来的普通错误)。 |
EINTR | 系统调用被信号打断 |
EISCONN | 套接字已经连接 |
ENOTSOCK | 文件描述符并没有指向一个套接字 |
EPROTOTYPE | 该套接字不支持指定的通信协议。这个错误可能在出现在连接一个 UNIX 域报文套接字到一个流套接字 |
ETIMEDOUT | 连接超时。可能是服务器太忙了以至于无法接收新的连接。注意:当服务器开启 syncookies 时,IP 套接字的超时可能会非常长。 |
如果 connect() 失败,那么套接字的状态是未知的。一个易于移植的程序应该关闭该套接字应该再创建一个新套接字,重新连接。
这里我们展示下 select() 的用法示例,来将最近几篇内容串起来:
#define SERVER_PORT 12345
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i, len, rc, on = 1;
int listen_sd, max_sd, new_sd;
int desc_ready, end_server = FALSE;
int close_conn;
char buffer[80];
struct sockaddr_in6 addr;
struct timeval timeout;
struct fd_set master_set, working_set;
/* Create an AF_INET6 stream socket to receive incoming */
/* connections on */
listen_sd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (listen_sd < 0)
perror("socket() failed");
/* Allow socket descriptor to be reuseable */
rc = setsockopt(listen_sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
(char *)&on, sizeof(on));
if (rc < 0)
perror("setsockopt() failed");
/* Set socket to be nonblocking. All of the sockets for */
/* the incoming connections will also be nonblocking since */
/* they will inherit that state from the listening socket. */
rc = ioctl(listen_sd, FIONBIO, (char *)&on);
if (rc < 0)
perror("ioctl() failed");
/* Bind the socket */
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
memcpy(&addr.sin6_addr, &in6addr_any, sizeof(in6addr_any));
addr.sin6_port = htons(SERVER_PORT);
rc = bind(listen_sd,
(struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
if (rc < 0)
perror("bind() failed");
/* Set the listen back log */
rc = listen(listen_sd, 32);
if (rc < 0)
perror("listen() failed");
/* Initialize the master fd_set */
max_sd = listen_sd;
FD_SET(listen_sd, &master_set);
/* Initialize the timeval struct to 3 minutes. If no */
/* activity after 3 minutes this program will end. */
timeout.tv_sec = 3 * 60;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
/* Loop waiting for incoming connects or for incoming data */
/* on any of the connected sockets. */
/* Copy the master fd_set over to the working fd_set. */
memcpy(&working_set, &master_set, sizeof(master_set));
/* Call select() and wait 3 minutes for it to complete. */
printf("Waiting on select()...\n");
rc = select(max_sd + 1, &working_set, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
/* Check to see if the select call failed. */
if (rc < 0)
perror(" select() failed");
/* Check to see if the 3 minute time out expired. */
if (rc == 0)
printf(" select() timed out. End program.\n");
/* One or more descriptors are readable. Need to */
/* determine which ones they are. */
desc_ready = rc;
for (i=0; i <= max_sd && desc_ready > 0; ++i)
/* Check to see if this descriptor is ready */
if (FD_ISSET(i, &working_set))
/* A descriptor was found that was readable - one */
/* less has to be looked for. This is being done */
/* so that we can stop looking at the working set */
/* once we have found all of the descriptors that */
/* were ready. */
desc_ready -= 1;
/* Check to see if this is the listening socket */
if (i == listen_sd)
printf(" Listening socket is readable\n");
/* Accept all incoming connections that are */
/* queued up on the listening socket before we */
/* loop back and call select again. */
/* Accept each incoming connection. If */
/* accept fails with EWOULDBLOCK, then we */
/* have accepted all of them. Any other */
/* failure on accept will cause us to end the */
/* server. */
new_sd = accept(listen_sd, NULL, NULL);
if (new_sd < 0)
if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
perror(" accept() failed");
end_server = TRUE;
/* Add the new incoming connection to the */
/* master read set */
printf(" New incoming connection - %d\n", new_sd);
FD_SET(new_sd, &master_set);
if (new_sd > max_sd)
max_sd = new_sd;
/* Loop back up and accept another incoming */
/* connection */
} while (new_sd != -1);
/* This is not the listening socket, therefore an */
/* existing connection must be readable */
printf(" Descriptor %d is readable\n", i);
close_conn = FALSE;
/* Receive all incoming data on this socket */
/* before we loop back and call select again. */
/* Receive data on this connection until the */
/* recv fails with EWOULDBLOCK. If any other */
/* failure occurs, we will close the */
/* connection. */
rc = recv(i, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
if (rc < 0)
if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
perror(" recv() failed");
close_conn = TRUE;
/* Check to see if the connection has been */
/* closed by the client */
if (rc == 0)
printf(" Connection closed\n");
close_conn = TRUE;
/* Data was received */
len = rc;
printf(" %d bytes received\n", len);
/* Echo the data back to the client */
rc = send(i, buffer, len, 0);
if (rc < 0)
perror(" send() failed");
close_conn = TRUE;
} while (TRUE);
/* If the close_conn flag was turned on, we need */
/* to clean up this active connection. This */
/* clean up process includes removing the */
/* descriptor from the master set and */
/* determining the new maximum descriptor value */
/* based on the bits that are still turned on in */
/* the master set. */
if (close_conn)
FD_CLR(i, &master_set);
if (i == max_sd)
while (FD_ISSET(max_sd, &master_set) == FALSE)
max_sd -= 1;
} /* End of existing connection is readable */
} /* End of if (FD_ISSET(i, &working_set)) */
} /* End of loop through selectable descriptors */
} while (end_server == FALSE);
/* Clean up all of the sockets that are open */
for (i=0; i <= max_sd; ++i)
if (FD_ISSET(i, &master_set))