2018-04-22 开胃学习数学系列 - 交叉熵

简单说说 交叉熵。前一篇简要提及了纯粹的信息熵。


交叉熵越低,这个策略就越好,最低的交叉熵也就是使用了真实分布所计算出来的信息熵,因为此时 pk = qk ,交叉熵 = 信息熵。这也是为什么在机器学习中的分类算法中,我们总是最小化交叉熵,因为交叉熵越低,就证明由算法所产生的策略最接近最优策略,也间接证明我们算法所算出的非真实分布越接近真实分布。

Cross entropy is a measure of incremental information in a distribution p in relative to a prior distribution q;


Properties of cross entropy 交叉熵的性质

  • a measure of the lack of incremental information in p from q,
  • reduces to regular entropy when the prior q is uniform
    当prior q是uniform 的时候,交叉熵会减少到regular 熵
  • maximized with value 0 when p=q
    当p = q时,最大值为0
  • no additional information. Proof: apply the Lagrange multiplier
  • h(p|q)=−∞ if pk>0 for some qk=0
  • new discovery adds infinite amount of new information
    如果对于某些准确分布中qk = 0,新分布pk> 0,则h(p | q)= - ∞
  • finite if pk=0 for some qk>0
    not much value for disapproving an existing theory
    如果对于某些准确分布qk> 0,新分布pk = 0,说明对现有理论的修整拒绝并没有多大价值
    -Prior and posterior distributions are asymmetric h(p|q)≠h(q|p)
    先验分布和后验分布是不对称的h(p | q)≠h(q | p)
  • Kullback–Leibler distance is actually a misnomer

市场中的Prior beliefs概念

Prior beliefs are common in the market,Prior beliefs在市场上很常见:
e.g., stock returns are normally distributed 例如股票收益通常是正态分布的
Maximizing cross entropy is an ideal objective function to capture prior beliefs
最大化交叉熵是捕捉prior beliefs的理想目标方式

Only introduce minimal perturbation to the prior beliefs q
只对 prior beliefs q引入最小的扰动 minimal perturbation
While incorporating additional constraints to the distribution p

Cross entropy optimization with bid/ask

Take the discrete form of cross entropy:

  • A is a matrix that computes benchmark prices from the distribution
    A是从分布中,计算benchmark prices 的矩阵
  • b is the observed mid price of benchmark instruments
    b是观察到的benchmark instruments 的中间价格
  • e is the pricing error to the mid price
  • W is a diagonal penalty matrix, we usually choose W−1=αE
    W是一个对角惩罚矩阵,我们通常选择W^-1 =αE
  • where E is a diagonal matrix of bid/ask spreads
  • α controls the trade off between fit quality and entropy
    α控制 fit quality 和熵之间的权衡


  1. Prior beliefs概念:只对 prior beliefs q引入最小的扰动 minimal perturbation 什么意思
  2. Cross entropy optimization with bid/ask: W是一个对角惩罚矩阵,我们通常选择W^-1 =αE


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