5.11 Firmware Commit command

5.11 Firmware Commit command

Note: 这个命令在旧版本NVM Express revision 1.0 and 1.1里面叫做 Firmware Activate。
Firmware Commit command是用来修改固件image或者引导分区。
当修改Firmware image时,Firmware commit command 会确认,一个可用的Firmware image 已经被download 并且将修改提交到特定的固件插槽。host会选择在下一次controller level reset的时候去激活firmware image,作为次命令的一部分。 主机可以通过检查图247中识别控制器数据结构中的固件修订字段来确定当前执行的固件修改。主机可以通过检查固件插槽信息日志页面来确定要在下一次控制器级别重置时执行的固件修订。NVM子系统中的所有控制器共享固件插槽,并且相同的固件映像应用于所有控制器。固件映像的激活可能会导致主机不期望的控制器行为发生变化。在这种情况下,如果Commit Action(提交操作)字段设置为011b,则控制器应中止状态为Firmware Activation Requires Conventional Reset(固件激活需要常规重置)的命令。

Figure 175: Firmware Commit – Command Dword 10

Bits Description
31 Boot Partition ID (BPID): Specifies the Boot Partition that shall be used for the Commit Action, if applicable.
30:06 Reserved
05:03 Commit Action (CA):This field specifies the action that is taken (refer to section 8.1) on the image downloaded with the Firmware Image Download command or on a previously downloaded and placed image. The actions are indicated in the following table. value refer to Fiure 1
02:00 Firmware Slot (FS): Specifies the firmware slot that shall be used for the Commit Action, if applicable. If the value specified is 0h, then the controller shall choose the firmware slot (i.e., slot 1 to slot 7) to use for the operation

Figure 1: Action Value

value Definition
000b Downloaded image replaces the existing image, if any, in the specified Firmware Slot. The newly placed image is not activated.
001b Downloaded image replaces the existing image, if any, in the specified Firmware Slot. The newly placed image is activated at the next Controller Level Reset.
010b The existing image in the specified Firmware Slot is activated at the next Controller Level Reset.
011b Downloaded image replaces the existing image, if any, in the specified Firmware Slot and is then activated immediately. If there is not a newly downloaded image, then the existing image in the specified firmware slot is activated immediately.
100b to 101b Reserved
110b Downloaded image replaces the Boot Partition specified by the Boot Partition ID field.
111b Mark the Boot Partition specified in the BPID field as active and update BPINFO.ABPID.

5.11.1 Command Completion

Firmware Commit command specific status values are defined in Figure 176.

Figure 176: Firmware Commit – Command Specific Status Values

value Description
06h Invalid Firmware Slot:
07h Invalid Firmware Image:
0Bh Firmware Activation Requires Conventional Reset:
10h Firmware Activation Requires NVM Subsystem Reset
11h Firmware Activation Requires Controller Level Reset
12h Firmware Activation Requires Maximum Time Violation
13h Firmware Activation Prohibited
14h Overlapping Range
1Eh Boot Partition Write Prohibited
