INIT: ne=2; head[]置为0; addedge()加入所有弧;| CALL: flow(n, s, t);

INIT: ne=2; head[] 置为 0; addedge() 加入所有弧 ;
| CALL: flow(n, s, t);
#define typec int // type of cost
const typec inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; // max of cost
struct edge { int x, y, nxt; typec c; } bf[E];
int ne, head[N], cur[N], ps[N], dep[N];
void addedge( int x, int y, typec c)
// add an arc(x -> y, c); vertex: 0 ~ n-1;
bf[ne].x = x; bf[ne].y = y; bf[ne].c = c;
bf[ne].nxt = head[x]; head[x] = ne++;
bf[ne].x = y; bf[ne].y = x; bf[ne].c = 0;
bf[ne].nxt = head[y]; head[y] = ne++;
typec flow( int n, int s, int t)
typec tr, res = 0;
int i, j, k, f, r, top;
while (1) {
memset(dep, -1, n * sizeof ( int ));
for (f = dep[ps[0] = s] = 0, r = 1; f != r; )
for (i = ps[f++], j = head[i]; j; j = bf[j].nxt)
if (bf[j].c && -1 == dep[k = bf[j].y]){
dep[k] = dep[i] + 1; ps[r++] = k;
if (k == t) { f = r; break ; }
if (-1 == dep[t]) break ;
memcpy(cur, head, n * sizeof ( int ));
for (i = s, top = 0; ; ) {
if (i == t) {
for (k = 0, tr = inf; k < top; ++k)
if (bf[ps[k]].c < tr)
tr = bf[ps[f = k]].c;
for (k = 0; k < top; ++k)
bf[ps[k]].c -= tr, bf[ps[k]^1].c += tr;
res += tr; i = bf[ps[top = f]].x;
for (j=cur[i]; cur[i]; j = cur[i] = bf[cur[i]].nxt)
if (bf[j].c && dep[i]+1 == dep[bf[j].y]) break ;
if (cur[i]) {
ps[top++] = cur[i];
i = bf[cur[i]].y;
else {
if (0 == top) break ;
dep[i] = -1; i = bf[ps[--top]].x;
return res;
