数据库管理-第104期 RAC上升级SSH的坑(20230918)

数据库管理-第104期 RAC上升级SSH的坑(20230918)


1 升级SSH

数据库管理-第104期 RAC上升级SSH的坑(20230918)_第1张图片
数据库管理-第104期 RAC上升级SSH的坑(20230918)_第2张图片

2 问题

数据库管理-第104期 RAC上升级SSH的坑(20230918)_第3张图片

2023-09-17 21:59:06,270 INFO  [1] oracle.dbsysmodel.driver.sdk.util.OsysUtility - Output message :::  
2023-09-17 21:59:13,200 WARNING [1] oracle.dbsysmodel.driver.sdk.util.OsysUtility - Failed: 
Verifying '/tmp/' ...FAILED (PRVF-7546)
Verifying Shared Storage Accessibility:/u01/app/19.3.0/grid/crs/install ...PASSED

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful. 
Checks did not pass for the following nodes:

这里看到检查remote节点/tmp目录时出现了问题,这里需要说明一下,在RAC集群rolling方式升级的时候,是会调用CVU(Cluster Verification Utility)来验证集群各节点情况,而相关文件就会存放在/tmp文件夹下:
数据库管理-第104期 RAC上升级SSH的坑(20230918)_第4张图片
这里也说一下我这里为什么选择19.16做测试:1. 这个是我手上生产使用且稳定的版本;2. 该版本是适配了OpenSSH_8版本了的(Cluvfy Fails Pre-checks Upgrade 19c GI From 12c - OpenSSH_8 (Doc ID 2929286.1))。因此这个版本可以最大限度减少一些问题的产生,然而问题依旧。

3 如何解决

这里其实就是这么个问题(按照INS-06006 GI RunInstaller Fails If OpenSSH Is Upgraded to 8.x (Doc ID 2555697.1)):

[root@host03 ~]# scp host04:"'/root/test'" ./
(root@host04) Password: 
scp: '/root/test': No such file or directory

## OpenSSH 8.x
[root@host03 ~]# scp -T host04:"'/root/test'" ./
(root@host04) Password:
## The file transfers will be successful.

## OpenSSH 9.x
[root@host03 ~]# scp -T host04:"'/root/test'" ./
(root@host04) Password: 
scp: '/root/test': No such file or directory

[root@host03 ~]# scp -T -O host04:"'/root/test'" ./
(root@host04) Password: 
test                                                    100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00

因此在使用适用于OpenSSH 8.x的解决方案处理问题的时候,仍然会出现无法执行CVU的问题。
通过man scp的方式检查-T和-O参数的解释:

-O     Use the legacy SCP protocol for file transfers instead of the SFTP protocol.  Forcing the use of
       the SCP protocol may be necessary for servers that do not implement SFTP, for backwards-compati‐
       bility for particular filename wildcard patterns and for expanding paths with a `~'  prefix  for
       older SFTP servers.
-T     Disable strict filename checking.  By default when copying files from a remote host to  a  local
       directory  scp  checks  that the received filenames match those requested on the command-line to
       prevent the remote end from sending unexpected or unwanted files.  Because of differences in how
       various operating systems and shells interpret filename wildcards, these checks may cause wanted
       files to be rejected.  This option disables these checks at the expense of fully  trusting  that
       the server will not send unexpected filenames.

因此这里在OpenSSH 8.x解决方案的基础上还需要增加-O的参数,完成解决方案如下:

# Rename the original scp.
mv /usr/bin/scp /usr/bin/scp.orig

# Create a new file .
vi /usr/bin/scp

# Add the below line to the new created file .
/usr/bin/scp.orig -T -O $*

# Change the file permission.
chmod 555 /usr/bin/scp

# Begin operation(sush as installation, opatch(auto), CVU and so on)

# After operation
mv /usr/bin/scp.orig /usr/bin/scp

数据库管理-第104期 RAC上升级SSH的坑(20230918)_第5张图片


