

Why are explicit lifetimes needed in Rust?


I was reading the lifetimes chapter of the Rust book, and I came across this example for a named/explicit lifetime:


struct Foo<'a> {

    x: &'a i32,


fn main() {

    let x;                    // -+ x goes into scope

                              //  |

    {                        //  |

        let y = &5;          // ---+ y goes into scope

        let f = Foo { x: y }; // ---+ f goes into scope

        x = &f.x;            //  | | error here

    }                        // ---+ f and y go out of scope

                              //  |

    println!("{}", x);        //  |

}                            // -+ x goes out of scope

It's quite clear to me that the error being prevented by the compiler is the use-after-free of the reference assigned to x: after the inner scope is done, f and therefore &f.x become invalid, and should not have been assigned to x.

对我来说是非常清晰的,这个是编译器防止赋值给x的引用”释放后使用“的问题:在内部作用域结束之后,f 以及进而&f.x变为无效,所以不应该赋值给x。

My issue is that the problem could have easily been analyzed away without using the explicit 'a lifetime, for instance by inferring an illegal assignment of a reference to a wider scope (x = &f.x;)

我的问题是,在没有使用显示的'a生命周期,问题可以容易的被分析出来,比如,对于一个更广作用域(x = &f.x),可以推断出一个引用的赋值是错误非法的。

In which cases are explicit lifetimes actually needed to prevent use-after-free (or some other class?) errors?



For future readers of this question, please note it links to the first edition of the book and there's now a second edition :)



The other answers all have salient points (fjh's concrete example where an explicit lifetime is needed), but are missing one key thing: why are explicit lifetimes needed when the compiler will tell you you've got them wrong?


This is actually the same question as "why are explicit types needed when the compiler can infer them". A hypothetical example:

这个实际上和 "why are explicit types needed when the compiler can infer them" 是相同的问题。一个假设的例子:

fn foo() -> _ { 



Of course, the compiler can see that I'm returning a &'static str, so why does the programmer have to type it?

当然,编译器能够明白我正在返回一个&'static str,所以为什么程序员还不得不键入它呢?

The main reason is that while the compiler can see what your code does, it doesn't know what your intent was.


Functions are a natural boundary to firewall the effects of changing code. If we were to allow lifetimes to be completely inspected from the code, then an innocent-looking change might affect the lifetimes, which could then cause errors in a function far away. This isn't a hypothetical example. As I understand it, Haskell has this problem when you rely on type inference for top-level functions. Rust nipped that particular problem in the bud.


There is also an efficiency benefit to the compiler — only function signatures need to be parsed in order to verify types and lifetimes. More importantly, it has an efficiency benefit for the programmer. If we didn't have explicit lifetimes, what does this function do:


fn foo(a: &u8, b: &u8) -> &u8

It's impossible to tell without inspecting the source, which would go against a huge number of coding best practices.


”by inferring an illegal assignment of a reference to a wider scope“

Scopes are lifetimes, essentially. A bit more clearly, a lifetime 'a is a generic lifetime parameter that can be specialized with a specific scope at compile time, based on the call site.


本质上作用域就是生命周期。更清楚一点,一个生命周期'a 是一个通用的生命周期参数,它在编译时可以专门用于一个指定作用域,基于调用的位置。

"are explicit lifetimes actually needed to prevent [...] errors?"

Not at all. Lifetimes are needed to prevent errors, but explicit lifetimes are needed to protect what little sanity programmers have.




@jco Imagine you have some top-level function f x = x + 1 without a type signature that you're using in another module. If you later change the definition to f x = sqrt $ x + 1, its type changes from Num a => a -> a to Floating a => a -> a, which will cause type errors at all the call sites where f is called with e.g. an Int argument. Having a type signature ensures that errors occur locally.

@jco 想象你有一些顶级函数f x = x + 1 ,它们没有一个类型的签名(定义),你正在另一个模块使用。如果你稍后改变定义为f x = sqrt $ x + 1,它的类型从Num a => a -> a 改变为 Floating a => a -> a,那么当f函数带Int(比如)参数被调用时,所有调用的位置都会引起类型错误。有一个类型签名(定义)确定的话,错误只会发生在局部。

"Scopes are lifetimes, essentially. A bit more clearly, a lifetime 'a is a generic lifetime parameter that can be specialized with a specific scope at call time. " Wow that's a really great, illuminating point. I'd like it if it was included in the book this explicitly.

”本质上作用域就是生命周期。更清楚一点,一个生命周期'a 是一个通用的生命周期参数,它在编译时可以专门用于一个指定作用域“。哇哦,它真的很棒,给人启发。如果它显示的包含在书中我将非常高兴。

@fjh Thanks. Just to see if I grok it -- the point is that if the type was explicitly stated before adding sqrt $, only a local error would have occurred after the change, and not a lot of errors in other places (which is much better if we didn't want to change the actual type)?

@fjh 谢谢。看看我是否理解了 -- 要点是如果在添加sqrt $前类型被显示的声明,那么在改变之后仅仅会有一个局部错误,而不是在其它地方有很多错误(如果我们不会改变目前的类型则好很多)?

@jco Exactly. Not specifying a type means that you can accidentally change the interface of a function. That's one of the reasons that it is strongly encouraged to annotate all top-level items in Haskell.

@jco 的确如此。没有指定一个类型意味着一个函数的接口你能够意外的改变。这个就是为什么在Haskell语言中要强烈鼓励注释所有顶级项目的原因。

Also if a function receives two references and returns a reference then it might sometimes return the first reference and sometimes the second one. In this case it is impossible to infer a lifetime for the returned reference. Explicit lifetimes help to avoid/clarify such a situation.



Let's have a look at the following example.


fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a u32, y: &'b u32) -> &'a u32 {



fn main() {

    let x = 12;

    let z: &u32 = {

        let y = 42;

        foo(&x, &y)



Here, the explicit lifetimes are important. This compiles because the result of foo has the same lifetime as its first argument ('a), so it may outlive its second argument. This is expressed by the lifetime names in the signature of foo. If you switched the arguments in the call to foo the compiler would complain that y does not live long enough:


error[E0597]: `y` does not live long enough

  --> src/main.rs:10:5


9  |        foo(&y, &x)

  |              - borrow occurs here

10 |    };

  |    ^ `y` dropped here while still borrowed

11 | }

  | - borrowed value needs to live until here
