delphi 数据库_Delphi数据库编程初学者指南

delphi 数据库

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章节 ( Chapters )

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CHAPTER 1:Fundamentals of Database Development (with Delphi)Delphi as the database programming tool, Data Access with Delphi...just a few words, Building a new MS Access database.related to this chapter!

第1章:数据库开发基础(使用Delphi) Delphi作为数据库编程工具,使用Delphi进行数据访问...仅需几句话,即可构建一个新的MS Access数据库。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 2:Connecting to a database. BDE? ADO?Connecting to a database. What is the BDE? What is ADO? How to connect to an Access database - the UDL file? Looking forward: the smallest ADO example.related to this chapter!

第2章:连接到数据库。 BDE? ADO? 连接到数据库。 什么是BDE? 什么是ADO? 如何连接到Access数据库-UDL文件? 展望:最小的ADO示例。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 3:Pictures inside a databaseDisplaying images (BMP, JPEG, ...) inside an Access database with ADO and Delphi.related to this chapter!

第3章: 数据库中的 图片使用ADO和Delphi在Access数据库中显示图像(BMP,JPEG等)。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 4:Data browsing and navigation Building a data browsing form - linking data components. Navigating through a recordset with a DBNavigator.related to this chapter!

第4章: 数据浏览和导航 构建数据浏览表单-链接数据组件。 使用DBNavigator浏览记录集。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 5:Behind data in datasetsWhat is the state of data? Iterating through a recordset, bookmarking and reading the data from a database table.related to this chapter!

第5章:数据集中数据的后面数据的状态是什么? 遍历记录集,添加书签并从数据库表中读取数据。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 6:Data modificationsLearn how to add, insert and delete records from a database table.related to this chapter!

第6章:数据修改了解如何在数据库表中添加,插入和删除记录。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 7:Queries with ADOTake a look at how you can take advantage of the TADOQuery component to boost your ADO-Delphi productivity. related to this chapter!

第7章: 使用ADO进行查询 看一下如何利用TADOQuery组件来提高ADO-Delphi的生产率。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 8:Data filteringUsing Filters to narrow the scope of data that is presented to the user.related to this chapter!

第8章:数据过滤使用过滤器来缩小提供给用户的数据范围。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 9:Searching for dataWalking through various methods of data seeking and locating while developing ADO based Delphi database applications.related to this chapter!

第9章:搜索数据在开发基于ADO的Delphi数据库应用程序时,将通过各种数据查找和定位方法进行介绍。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 10:ADO CursorsHow ADO uses cursors as a storage and access mechanism, and what you should do to choose the best cursor for your Delphi ADO application.related to this chapter!

第10章: ADO游标ADO 如何使用游标作为存储和访问机制,以及如何为Delphi ADO应用程序选择最佳游标。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 11:From Paradox to Access with ADO and DelphiFocusing on the TADOCommand components and using the SQL DDL language to help porting your BDE/Paradox data to ADO/Access.related to this chapter!

第11章:从Paradox到使用ADO和Delphi进行访问着眼于TADOCommand组件并使用SQL DDL语言来帮助将BDE / Paradox数据移植到ADO / Access。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 12:Master detail relationships How to use master-detail database relationships, with ADO and Delphi, to deal effectively with the problem of joining two database tables to present information. related to this chapter!

第12章:主控细节关系如何通过ADO和Delphi使用主从数据库关系来有效地解决将两个数据库表联接以呈现信息的问题。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 13:New...Access Database from Delphi How to create an MS Access database without the MS Access. How to create a table, add an index to an existing table, how to join two tables and set up referential integrity. No MS Access, only Pure Delphi code. related to this chapter!

第13章: Delphi中的New ... Access数据库如何在没有MS Access的情况下创建MS Access数据库。 如何创建表,向现有表添加索引,如何联接两个表以及设置参照完整性。 没有MS Access,只有Pure Delphi代码。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 14:Charting with Databases Introducing the TDBChart component by integrating some basic charts into a Delphi ADO based application to quickly make graphs directly for the data in recordsets without requiring any code. related to this chapter!

第14章: 使用数据库 绘制图表通过将一些基本图表集成到基于Delphi ADO的应用程序中来引入TDBChart组件,从而无需任何代码即可直接直接为记录集中的数据制作图形。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 15:Lookup! See how to use lookup fields in Delphi to achieve faster, better and safer data editing. Also, find how to create a new field for a dataset and discuss some of the key lookup properties. Plus, take a look at how to place a combo box inside a DBGrid. related to this chapter!

第15章:查找! 了解如何在Delphi中使用查找字段来实现更快,更好和更安全的数据编辑。 另外,找到如何为数据集创建新字段并讨论一些关键查找属性。 另外,看看如何在DBGrid内放置一个组合框。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 16:Compacting an Access database with ADO and Delphi While working in a database application you change data in a database, the database becomes fragmented and uses more disk space than is necessary. Periodically, you can compact your database to defragment the database file. This article shows how to use JRO from Delphi in order to compact an Access database from code. related to this chapter!

第16章:使用ADO和Delphi压缩Access数据库在数据库应用程序中工作时,您更改数据库中的数据时,数据库变得碎片化,并使用了不必要的磁盘空间。 您可以定期压缩数据库以对数据库文件进行碎片整理。 本文介绍了如何使用Delphi中的JRO以便通过代码压缩Access数据库。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 17:Database reports with Delphi and ADO How to use QuickReport set of components to create database reports with Delphi. See how to produce database output with text, images, charts and memos - quickly and easily. related to this chapter!

第17章:使用Delphi和ADO进行数据库报告如何使用QuickReport组组件通过Delphi创建数据库报告。 了解如何快速,轻松地使用文本,图像,图表和备忘录生成数据库输出。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 18:Data Modules How to use the TDataModule class - central location for collecting and encapsulating DataSet and DataSource objects, their properties, events and code. related to this chapter!

第18章:数据模块如何使用TDataModule类-收集和封装DataSet和DataSource对象,它们的属性,事件和代码的中心位置。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 19:Handling database errors Introducing error handling techniques in Delphi ADO database application development. Find out about global exception handling and dataset specific error events. See how to write an error logging procedure. related to this chapter!

第19章: 处理数据库错误 在Delphi ADO数据库应用程序开发中引入错误处理技术。 了解有关全局异常处理和特定于数据集的错误事件的信息。 请参阅如何编写错误记录过程。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 20:From ADO Query to HTML How to export your data to HTML using Delphi and ADO. This is the first step in publishing your database on the Internet - see how to create a static HTML page from an ADO query. related to this chapter!

第20章:从ADO查询到HTML 如何使用Delphi和ADO将数据导出到HTML。 这是在Internet上发布数据库的第一步-了解如何从ADO查询创建静态HTML页面。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 21:Using ADO in Delphi 3 and 4 (before AdoExpress / dbGO) How to import Active Data Objects (ADO) type-libraries in Delphi 3 and 4 to create a wrapper around components that encapsulate the functionality of ADO objects, properties and methods. related to this chapter!

第21章:在Delphi 3和4中使用ADO(在AdoExpress / dbGO之前) 如何在Delphi 3和4 中导入活动数据对象(ADO)类型库以围绕组件封装包装,这些组件封装了ADO对象,属性和方法的功能。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 22:Transactions in Delphi ADO database development How many times have you wanted to insert, delete or update a lot of records collectively wanting that either all of them get executed or if there is an error then none is executed at all? This article will show you how to post or undo a series of changes made to the source data in a single call. related to this chapter!

第22章: Delphi ADO数据库开发中的事务您想插入,删除或更新很多记录,这些记录是集体希望所有记录都被执行,或者如果有错误然后根本不执行,则要进行几次? 本文将向您展示如何在单个调用中发布或撤消对源数据所做的一系列更改。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 23:Deploying Delphi ADO database applications It is time to make your Delphi ADO database application available for others to run. Once you have created a Delphi ADO based solution, the final step is to successfully deploy it to the user's computer. related to this chapter!

第23章:部署Delphi ADO数据库应用程序现在应该使您的Delphi ADO数据库应用程序可供其他人运行。 创建基于Delphi ADO的解决方案后,最后一步是将其成功部署到用户计算机上。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 24:Delphi ADO/DB programming: Real Problems - Real Solutions In real world situations, really doing database programming is much more complex than writing about. This chapter points to some great Delphi Programming Forum threads initiated by this Course - discussions that solve problems on the field.

第24章: Delphi ADO / DB编程:实际问题-实际解决方案在现实世界中,真正进行数据库编程比编写要复杂得多。 本章指出了本课程发起的一些出色的Delphi编程论坛线程-讨论了解决现场问题的讨论。

CHAPTER 25:TOP ADO programming TIPS Collection of frequently asked questions, answers, tips and tricks about ADO programming. related to this chapter!

第25章:顶级ADO编程技巧关于ADO编程的常见问题,答案,技巧和窍门的集合。 与本章有关!

CHAPTER 26:Quiz: Delphi ADO Programming What would it look like: Who Wants to be a Delphi ADO Database Programming Guru - the trivia game. related to this chapter!

第26章:测验:Delphi ADO编程它将是什么样的:谁想成为一个Delphi ADO数据库编程大师-琐事游戏。 与本章有关!

附录 ( Appendices )

What follows is a list of articles (quick tips) explaining how to use various Delphi DB related components more efficiently at design and run time.

以下是文章列表(快速提示),它们解释了如何在设计和运行时更有效地使用各种与Delphi DB相关的组件。

APPENDIX 0DB Aware Grid ComponentsThe list of the best Data Aware Grid components available for Delphi. The TDBGrid component enhanced to maximum.

附录0 DB Aware Grid组件可用于Delphi的最佳Data Aware Grid组件列表。 TDBGrid组件已增强到最大。

APPENDIX ADBGrid to the MAXContrary to most other Delphi data-aware controls, the DBGrid component has many nice features and is more powerful than you would have thought. The "standard" DBGrid does its job of displaying and manipulating records from a dataset in a tabular grid. However, there are many ways (and reasons) why you should consider customizing the output of a DBGrid:

附录 最大化的DBGrid与大多数其他Delphi数据感知控件相反,DBGrid组件具有许多不错的功能,并且比您想象的要强大。 “标准” DBGrid的工作是显示和处理表格网格中数据集的记录。 但是,有许多方法(和原因)为何应考虑自定义DBGrid的输出:

Adjusting DBGrid column widths automatically, DBGrid with MultiSelect Coloring DBGrid, Selecting and highlighting a row in a DBGrid - "OnMouseOverRow", Sorting records in DBGrid by Clicking on Column Title, Adding components to a DBGrid - theory, CheckBox inside a DBGrid, DateTimePicker (calendar) inside a DBGrid, Drop down pick list inside a DBGrid - part 1, Drop down list (DBLookupComboBox) inside a DBGrid - part 2, Accessing protected members of a DBGrid, Exposing the OnClick event for a DBGrid, What is being typed into the DBGrid?, How to Display Only Selected Fields in a DbGrid, How to get DBGrid Cell coordinates, How to create a simple database display form, Get the line number of a selected row in a DBGrid, Prevent CTRL+DELETE in DBGrid, How to correctly use the mouse wheel in DBGrid, Making the Enter key work like a Tab key in a DBGrid ...

自动调整DBGrid列的宽度,使用MultiSelect为DBGrid着色的DBGrid,在DBGrid中选择并突出显示一行-“ OnMouseOverRow”,通过单击列标题,在DBGrid中添加组件-理论,在DBGrid中的CheckBox,DateTimePicker(日历),DBGrid内的下拉选择列表(第1部分),DBGrid内的下拉列表(DBLookupComboBox),第2部分,访问DBGrid的受保护成员,暴露DBGrid的OnClick事件,所键入的内容DBGrid ?,如何仅显示DbGrid中的选定字段,如何获取DBGrid单元格坐标,如何创建简单的数据库显示表单,获取DBGrid中选定行的行号,防止在DBGrid中进行CTRL + DELETE,如何正确使用DBGrid中的鼠标滚轮,使Enter键像DBGrid中的Tab键一样工作...

APPENDIX BCustomizing the DBNavigatorEnhancing the TDBNavigator component with modified graphics (glyphs), custom button captions, and more. Exposing the OnMouseUp/Down event for every button.related to this quick tip!

附录B 自定义DBNavigator 使用修改后的图形(字形),自定义按钮标题等增强TDBNavigator组件。 公开每个按钮的OnMouseUp / Down事件。 与这个快速提示有关!

APPENDIX CAccessing and managing MS Excel sheets with DelphiHow to retrieve, display and edit Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with ADO (dbGO) and Delphi. This step-by-step article describes how to connect to Excel, retrieve sheet data, and enable editing of data (using the DBGrid). You'll also find a list of most common errors (and how to deal with them) that might pop up in the process. related to this quick tip!

附录C 使用Delphi访问和管理MS Excel工作表 如何使用ADO(dbGO)和Delphi检索,显示和编辑Microsoft Excel电子表格。 本文分步介绍了如何连接到Excel,检索工作表数据以及启用数据编辑(使用DBGrid)。 您还将找到可能会在此过程中弹出的最常见错误(以及如何处理)的列表。 与这个快速提示有关!

APPENDIX DEnumerating available SQL Servers. Retrieving databases on a SQL ServerHere's how to create your own connection dialog for a SQL Server database. Full Delphi source code for getting the list of available MS SQL Servers (on a network) and listing database names on a Server. related to this quick tip!

附录D枚举可用SQL Server。 在SQL Server上检索数据库以下是如何为SQL Server数据库创建自己的连接对话框。 完整的Delphi源代码,用于获取可用MS SQL Server列表(在网络上)并列出服务器上的数据库名称。 与这个快速提示有关!


delphi 数据库
