Gson - 一个Java序列化/反序列化库


GitHub - google/gson: A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back



Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre-existing objects that you do not have source-code of.

There are a few open-source projects that can convert Java objects to JSON. However, most of them require that you place Java annotations in your classes; something that you can not do if you do not have access to the source-code. Most also do not fully support the use of Java Generics. Gson considers both of these as very important design goals.

ℹ️ Gson is currently in maintenance mode; existing bugs will be fixed, but large new features will likely not be added. If you want to add a new feature, please first search for existing GitHub issues, or create a new one to discuss the feature and get feedback.


  • Provide simple toJson() and fromJson() methods to convert Java objects to JSON and vice-versa
  • Allow pre-existing unmodifiable objects to be converted to and from JSON
  • Extensive support of Java Generics
  • Allow custom representations for objects
  • Support arbitrarily complex objects (with deep inheritance hierarchies and extensive use of generic types)



dependencies {
  implementation ''

