一、 笙默考试管理系统-MyExamTest----codemirror
二、 笙默考试管理系统-MyExamTest----codemirror
三、 笙默考试管理系统-MyExamTest----codemirror
四、 笙默考试管理系统-MyExamTest----codemirror
五、 笙默考试管理系统-MyExamTest----codemirror
if (x > toX) return to;
// Try to guess a suitable lower bound as well.
estimated = Math.floor(to * 0.8); estX = getX(estimated);
if (estX < x) {from = estimated; fromX = estX;}
// Do a binary search between these bounds.
for (;;) {
if (to - from <= 1) return (toX - x > x - fromX) ? from : to;
var middle = Math.ceil((from + to) / 2), middleX = getX(middle);
if (middleX > x) {to = middle; toX = middleX;}
else {from = middle; fromX = middleX;}
var tempId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffff).toString(16);
function measureLine(line, ch) {
var extra = "";
// Include extra text at the end to make sure the measured line is wrapped in the right way.
if (options.lineWrapping) {
var end = line.text.indexOf(" ", ch + 2);
extra = htmlEscape(line.text.slice(ch + 1, end < 0 ? line.text.length : end + (ie ? 5 : 0)));
measure.innerHTML = "" + line.getHTML(null, null, false, tabText, ch) +
'' + htmlEscape(line.text.charAt(ch) || " ") + "" +
extra + "";
var elt = document.getElementById("CodeMirror-temp-" + tempId);
var top = elt.offsetTop, left = elt.offsetLeft;
// Older IEs report zero offsets for spans directly after a wrap
if (ie && ch && top == 0 && left == 0) {
var backup = document.createElement("span");
backup.innerHTML = "x";
elt.parentNode.insertBefore(backup, elt.nextSibling);
top = backup.offsetTop;
return {top: top, left: left};
function localCoords(pos, inLineWrap) {
var x, lh = textHeight(), y = lh * (heightAtLine(doc, pos.line) - (inLineWrap ? displayOffset : 0));
if (pos.ch == 0) x = 0;
else {
var sp = measureLine(getLine(pos.line), pos.ch);
x = sp.left;
if (options.lineWrapping) y += Math.max(0, sp.top);
return {x: x, y: y, yBot: y + lh};
// Coords must be lineSpace-local
function coordsChar(x, y) {
if (y < 0) y = 0;
var th = textHeight(), cw = charWidth(), heightPos = displayOffset + Math.floor(y / th);
var lineNo = lineAtHeight(doc, heightPos);
if (lineNo >= doc.size) return {line: doc.size - 1, ch: getLine(doc.size - 1).text.length};
var lineObj = getLine(lineNo), text = lineObj.text;
var tw = options.lineWrapping, innerOff = tw ? heightPos - heightAtLine(doc, lineNo) : 0;
if (x <= 0 && innerOff == 0) return {line: lineNo, ch: 0};
function getX(len) {
var sp = measureLine(lineObj, len);
if (tw) {
var off = Math.round(sp.top / th);
return Math.max(0, sp.left + (off - innerOff) * scroller.clientWidth);
return sp.left;