Why I won’t be joining the queue at the top of Everest
·名词性定语从句 queue队伍
珠穆朗玛峰,它在英文中有两个常用名,一个是 Chomolungma,这是它的藏语谐音,另一个是 Mount Everest,经常被简称为 Everest。珠峰是世界海拔最高的山峰,坐落在尼泊尔和中国的西藏边境线上,不仅海拔巨高,而且山路崎岖凶险。
For a climber, looking at Nirmal Purja’s picture last week of the queues close to Everest’s summit — delays that may have contributed to several deaths – is something that inspires dread.
对于登山者而言,看着 Nirmal Purja 上周拍的照片会感到不寒而栗。照片拍下了珠峰峰顶附近的长队,而(排队引起的)延误可能导致了数人死亡。
·inspire vt. 激发;启示
n. 恐惧,害怕;忧虑
英文释义:a strong feeling of fear or worry
搭配短语:the dread of losing what we love
词性拓展:dread(v. 对...感到担忧,害怕)
例句:He's dreading the exam.
It depicts an anxiety-inducing conga line in the death zone above 8,000 metres, where the body can’t properly function, and where movement forwards and backwards is seriously impeded. In a sport where efficient autonomous movement is regarded as crucial to safety, you want to ask, why would you put yourself in this position? The answer is to be found, in large part, in the commodification of the world’s highest mountain.
在这张照片中,海拔超过 8,000 米的“死亡地带”上排起了一条令人担忧的长龙。在这个“死亡地带”,人的身体无法正常运转,无论前进还是后退都步履维艰。在(登山这样的)一项运动中,能够自由高效地活动被认为对安全至关重要。所以你可能想问,为什么人们要把自己置于这种险境之中?而答案主要就在于这座世界最高峰的商品化。
·depict vt. 描述;描画
康加舞(一种拉美舞蹈),它最大的特点是:跳舞的人有很多,且是排着队跳。后来 conga line 经常被拿来喻指很长的队伍,中文可以翻译成“长龙”。
·death zone
“死亡地带”,这个名字是登山者用来形容海拔高到没有足够氧气供人呼吸的地带,一般是 8000 米以上。根据数据显示,在攀爬珠峰途中死亡的 200 多人大部分都死于“死亡地带”。
v. 妨碍,阻碍
例句:Rescue attempts were impeded by the storm.
·autonomous adj. 自主的;
·crucial adj.至关重要的
·be to be found = can be find 可以找到
n. 商品化;将…视为一件商品(或货物)
词根词缀:commodity(n. 商品);-fication(...化)
-fication 派生词:beautification(n. 美化);simplification(n. 简化)
搭配短语:the commodification of knowledge and information
Everest has become largely detached from the rest of climbing and mountaineering. It has become a trophy experience, drawing too many otherwise without much interest in the sport.
·be become detached from 和...分开,分离
adj. 炫耀性的
词性拓展:trophy(n. 赢得比赛的人获得的奖杯;战利品)
搭配短语:to present the trophies
英文释义:it is used about things that you get because you want to impress other people
·drawing,现在分词作状语 = attract 表吸引
·be withou = do not have 没有,缺乏
The transactional nature of most Everest attempts has seen a shift in how aspirants view responsibility, moving it away from a question of an individual’s own judgment and subcontracting it to guiding companies, some excellent, some of them far less scrupulous.
adj. 交易型的
词根词缀:transaction(n. 交易,买卖); -al(..的,有...性质的)
搭配短语:transactional charges/fees
·nature n. 特性,本质
·attempt = efford 努力,尝试
·aspirant /ˈæspərənt/
n. 抱负不凡者;有志者
拓展发音: /əˈspaɪərənt/
搭配短语:aspirants to the title of UEFA Champions
·moving it away from A and subcontracting it to B
v. 分包,转包
词根词缀:sub-(under,在…之下);contract(n. 合同)
例句:Some companies would subcontract the translation work out.
·far less 远不及,少得多
adj. 严格的,严谨的;审慎的,严格认真的
搭配短语:scrupulous attention to detail
For Nepal, where the spring Everest season is a valuable annual source of foreign currency, there is little interest in either limiting numbers or regulating the new cut-price Nepalese companies that have been set up to compete with the expensive foreign-owned guiding outfits.
·there is little interest in either A or B 对AB都不敢兴趣
·cut-price/ˌkʌt ˈpraɪs/
adj. 减价的;(商店)出售减价商品的
搭配短语:cut-price tickets
搭配短语:a cut-price supermarket
n. 组织,公司,团队;全套衣服
英文释义:an organization, especially a small firm
Looking at Purja’s photo, it is not only dread you sense, but hubris, too. In the suggestion that its summit can simply be bought, a key point has been lost: that climbing is as much about judicious turning back and failure as it is about reaching the top.
看着 Purja 拍摄的这张照片,你能感受到的不仅仅是恐惧,还有自以为是。花钱就能(登上)珠峰峰顶,但是却漏掉了很重要的一点:攀登不仅关乎于登上顶峰,同样也关乎审时度势地及时下撤、面对失败。
n. 骄傲自大;(希腊悲剧)傲睨神明
例句:There is a bit of hubris in him.
·that引导的同位从句对key point解释说明
·sth. is as much about A as it is about B
例句:Marriage is as much about responsibility, as it is about romance
adj. 明断的;明智而审慎的
英文释义:having or showing reason and good judgment in making decisions
例句:We should make judicious use of the resources available to us.
近年来,随着登珠峰活动渐渐商业化,攀登价格大幅上涨。花多少钱取决于你的攀登形式,后勤支持以及从哪一侧攀登。现在,出于环保因素的考虑,西藏(北坡)标准攀登的名额日益珍稀。如今全世界绝大多数珠峰攀登者都会选择从位于尼泊尔的珠峰南侧登顶。南侧登顶的平均花费约 42,000 美金,北坡约为 39,000 美金。如果一个客户配备一个或多个西方向导从南坡攀登珠峰,至少要花 60,000 美元。普通登山者登不起,登珠峰变成了“有钱人的探险”。
个人如果想自行组团,需要有登上 8,000 米以上雪山的经历,而如果花钱找了登山公司,这个登山门槛就可以变低。有钱人只要多花钱就能降低登山难度,配备顶级的登山装备,从谋划路线到搭建帐篷都由夏尔巴人安排,甚至还能把登珠峰变成一种娱乐活动,请来大厨和摄影师,享受美味佳肴和旅游乐趣。