在上一篇 Flutter安装及版本切换 中,主要介绍了 Flutter SDK 的安装以及通过 git 命令行切换 Flutter SDK 版本。命令行切换成本较高,且经常会遇到各种工具链问题。
类似 pyenv-virtualenv、RVM、NVM 等各种 VM(Version Manager),Flutter 领域也有 FVM
,提供了便利的 per-project 配置和 global 版本管理功能。
fvm @github
helps with the need for consistent app builds by referencing the Flutter SDK version used on a per-project basis. It also allows you to have multiple Flutter versions installed to quickly validate and test upcoming Flutter releases with your apps without waiting for Flutter installation every time.
下文主要串讲通过 fvm 命令下载和切换 Flutter SDK 的操作流程。
如嫌命令行麻烦,也可改用 GUI 版的管理工具 Sidekick。
参考 installation。
macOS 下建议使用 brew 安装:
brew tap leoafarias/fvm
brew install fvm
brew 卸载命令:
brew uninstall fvm
brew untap leoafarias/fvm
参考 configuration。
安装fvm后,考虑设置环境变量 FVM_HOME
# ~/.zshrc
export FVM_HOME="$HOME/.fvm"
否则默认的 flutter SDK 缓存路径为 ~/fvm/versions
fvm releases
: View all Flutter SDK releases available for install.
列举远程可用的 flutter SDK 发行版。
$ fvm releases | tail -14
Apr 30 21 │ 2.0.6
May 10 21 │ 2.2.0-10.3.pre
May 10 21 │ 2.3.0-1.0.pre
May 18 21 │ 2.2.0
May 18 21 │ 2.3.0-12.1.pre
May 19 21 │ 2.2.0 beta
May 27 21 │ 2.2.1 stable
May 27 21 │ 2.3.0-16.0.pre dev
fvm install
: Installs Flutter SDK Version. Gives you the ability to install Flutter releases
or channels
fvm install beta/stable/dev
: 安装指定channel的当前版本 flutter SDK;fvm install 1.22.6
: 安装指定版本(1.22.6)的 flutter SDK;以下安装指定版本和channel:
fvm install 1.22.6
:安装 flutter 2.0 之前最后一个 stable 版本 1.22.6;fvm install stable
:如果当前的 stable 为 2.2.1,安装的 stable 等效于 fvm install 2.2.1
;fvm install dev
:安装最新的 dev 2.3.0-16.0.pre 预览版本,以便完成一些实验性功能开发和验证;执行了 fvm install 2.2.1
后可执行 fvm remove 2.2.1
fantasy@MBP ~ $ tree -L 1 $FVM_HOME/versions
├── 1.22.6
├── beta
├── dev
└── stable
4 directories, 0 files
fantasy@MBP ~ $ fvm list
Cache Directory: /Users/fantasy/.fvm/versions
在当前 flutter_project 目录执行 fvm use version
即可切换flutter SDK版本。
FVM will create a relative symlink in your project from .fvm/flutter_sdk
to the cache of the selected version. Add it to your .gitignore
添加到 .gitignore 文件,避免误传上库。
在flutter项目 my_flutter_project 下执行 fvm use stable
切换 flutter SDK 为最新 stable 版本:
fantasy@MBP ~/Projects//my_flutter_project $ fvm use stable
Project now uses Flutter [stable]
中同步记录了"flutterSdkVersion": "stable"
接下来,可用 fvm flutter
代替 flutter
在当前项目目录下执行 fvm list
,当前正在使用的 flutter SDK 版本将会标识为 active:
fantasy@MBP ~/Projects//my_flutter_project $ fvm list
Cache Directory: /Users/fantasy/.fvm/versions
stable (active)
在当前项目目录下执行 fvm flutter --version
,可查看使用的 flutter SDK 版本信息:
fantasy@MBP ~/Projects/my_flutter_project $ fvm flutter --version
Flutter 2.2.1 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Framework • revision 02c026b03c (9 days ago) • 2021-05-27 12:24:44 -0700
Engine • revision 0fdb562ac8
Tools • Dart 2.13.1
fvm flutter clean
fvm flutter pub get
fvm flutter run
project flavors
:某个项目外发版本还是用稳定的 1.22.6,但是 flutter 2 的适配工作同步进行中,则可为该项目创建多个 flavor,方便主干和适配分支切换 flavors 中预配的 flutter SDK 版本。
指定某个 flutter SDK 版本为 flavor 别名。
To choose a Flutter SDK version for a specific flavor you just use the use
fvm use {version} --flavor {flavor_name}
This will pin version
to flavor_name
,flavors 映射(flavor_name -> version)将被记录到配置文件 .fvm/fvm_config.json
fantasy@MBP ~/Projects//my_flutter_project $ fvm use 1.22.6 --flavor production
Project now uses Flutter [1.22.6] on [production] flavor.
fantasy@MBP ~/Projects//my_flutter_project $ fvm use stable --flavor beta
Project now uses Flutter [beta] on [beta] flavor.
fantasy@MBP ~/Projects//my_flutter_project $ fvm use stable --flavor stable
Project now uses Flutter [stable] on [stable] flavor.
fantasy@MBP ~/Projects//my_flutter_project $ fvm use dev --flavor dev
Project now uses Flutter [dev] on [dev] flavor.
fantasy@MBP ~/Projects//my_flutter_project $ cat .fvm/fvm_config.json
"flutterSdkVersion": "stable",
"flavors": {
"production": "1.22.6",
"beta": "beta",
"stable": "stable",
"dev": "dev"
列举当前项目配置的 flavors(To list all configured flavors)。
fantasy@MBP ~/Projects//my_flutter_project $ fvm flavor
Project flavors configured for "my_flutter_project":
[1] production
[2] beta
[3] stable
[4] dev
Select an environment: ^C
按照提示,可在 Select an environment 后面输入 2
或 beta
切换到 beta 开发环境。如果仅为查看,可按下 Ctrl+C 退出。
Will get the version configured for the flavor and set as the project version.
fvm flavor {flavor_name}
为当前项目切换到 flavor_name 对应的版本。
例如 fvm flavor production
将切换到 1.22.6 版本,等效于 fvm use 1.22.6
中的 flutterSdkVersion 将同步更新为1.22.6
可全局配置 vscode(~/Library/Application\ Support/Code\ -\ Insiders/User/settings.json
"dart.flutterSdkPaths": ["/Users/usr/fvm/versions"]
"dart.flutterSdkPaths": [
则可在 vscode 控制面板中执行 Flutter: Change SDK
切换 Flutter SDK 版本,将同步记录到当前项目的 vscode 配置文件 .vscode/settings.json
也可直接编辑当前项目的 vscode 配置文件 .vscode/settings.json
"dart.flutterSdkPath": ".fvm/flutter_sdk",
// or "dart.flutterSdkPaths": [".fvm/flutter_sdk"]
// Remove .fvm files from search
"search.exclude": {
"**/.fvm": true
// Remove from file watching
"files.watcherExclude": {
"**/.fvm": true
参考 configuration。
如果APP目前还未完成适配flutter 2.0,暂时可将 1.22.6 设置为全局主力版本。
执行 fvm global 1.22.6
,提示需要将相关路径添加到 PATH:
fantasy@MBP ~ $ fvm global 1.22.6
Flutter "1.22.6" has been set as global
However your "flutter" path current points to:
to use global Flutter SDK through FVM you should change it to:
vim ~/.zshrc
打开编辑 zsh 配置,将 default Flutter SDK 可执行文件所在路径添加到环境变量 PATH:
export PATH=$HOME/fvm/default/bin:$PATH
目录可以看到,default 实际上是versions/1.22.6
如果iOS工程报以下错误,考虑执行 flutter precache
[!] Invalid `Podfile` file: No such file or directory @ rb_file_s_stat - /Users/fantasy/.fvm/versions/1.22.6/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios/Flutter.framework.
重新执行 fvm list
,可以看到 1.22.6 已经被标识为 global:
fantasy@MBP ~ $ fvm list
Cache Directory: /Users/fantasy/fvm/versions
1.22.6 (global)
此时,执行 flutter --version
,将显示全局版本为 Flutter 1.22.6, Dart 2.10.5
如果通过 fvm global 命令全局指定 flutter SDK 版本(例如 stable),则可调用 flutter upgrade
升级到 stable channel 当前最新版本。
如果通过 fvm use 命令为当前项目指定特定 flutter SDK 版本(例如 dev),则可调用 fvm flutter upgrade
以下梳理网上比较常见的两个民间 fvm,可选使用。
基于 Flutter 的⼩程序框架实践 文末介绍 xinfeng-tech/fvm
dashixiong91 / fvm - dashixiong91 / homebrew-fvm
brew tap dashixiong91/fvm
brew install fvm
以下基于旧的 xinfeng-tech/fvm:
go-fvm:flutter 版本切换助手:befovy / fvm
其核心逻辑就是在本地文件夹中缓存多个 Flutter 版本,并为项目创建指定 Flutter 版本的软链接。或者在全局环境创建指定版本的 Flutter 软链接。
brew tap befovy/taps
brew install fvm