cmake的官方网站为:CMake Tutorial
The CMake tutorial provides a step-by-step guide that covers common build system issues that CMake helps address. Seeing how various topics all work together in an example project can be very helpful.
CMake 教程提供了一个循序渐进的指南,涵盖了 CMake 可帮助解决的常见构建系统问题。在一个示例项目中了解各个主题是如何协同工作的,会非常有帮助。
The tutorial source code examples are available in this archive. Each step has its own subdirectory containing code that may be used as a starting point. The tutorial examples are progressive so that each step provides the complete solution for the previous step.
Usage requirements of a target parameters allow for far better control over a library or executable’s link and include line while also giving more control over the transitive property of targets inside CMake. The primary commands that leverage usage requirements are:
目标参数的使用要求可以更好地控制库或可执行文件的链接和包含行,同时还能在 CMake 内部更好地控制目标的传递属性。利用使用要求的主要命令有:
Add usage requirements for a library.
In this exercise, we will refactor our code from Adding a Library to use the modern CMake approach. We will let our library define its own usage requirements so they are passed transitively to other targets as necessary. In this case, MathFunctions will specify any needed include directories itself. Then, the consuming target Tutorial simply needs to link to MathFunctions and not worry about any additional include directories.
在本练习中,我们将重构添加库中的代码,以使用现代 CMake 方法。我们将让我们的库定义自己的使用要求,以便在必要时将它们传递给其他目标。在这种情况下,MathFunctions 将自行指定所需的包含目录。然后,目标 Tutorial 只需链接到 MathFunctions,而不必担心任何额外的 include 目录。
The starting source code is provided in the Step3 directory. In this exercise, complete TODO 1 through TODO 3.
Step3 目录中提供了起始源代码。在本练习中,完成 TODO 1 到 TODO 3。
First, add a call to target_include_directories() in MathFunctions/CMakeLists. Remember that CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR is the path to the source directory currently being processed.
首先,在 MathFunctions/CMakeLists
中添加对 target_include_directories()
Then, update (and simplify!) the call to target_include_directories() in the top-level CMakeLists.txt.
然后,更新(并简化!)顶层 CMakeLists.txt 中对 target_include_directories()
Make a new directory called Step3_build, run the cmake executable or the cmake-gui to configure the project and then build it with your chosen build tool or by using cmake --build . from the build directory. Here’s a refresher of what that looks like from the command line:
新建一个名为 Step3_build 的目录,运行 cmake 可执行文件或 cmake-gui 配置项目,然后使用你选择的构建工具或从构建目录中使用 cmake --build .
mkdir Step3_build
cd Step3_build
cmake ../Step3
cmake --build .
Next, use the newly built Tutorial and verify that it is working as expected.
Let’s update the code from the previous step to use the modern CMake approach of usage requirements.
让我们更新上一步的代码,使用现代 CMake 方法来满足使用要求。
We want to state that anybody linking to MathFunctions needs to include the current source directory, while MathFunctions itself doesn’t. This can be expressed with an INTERFACE usage requirement. Remember INTERFACE means things that consumers require but the producer doesn’t.
我们希望规定,链接到 MathFunctions
的任何人都需要包含当前源代码目录,而 MathFunctions
本身则不需要。这可以用 INTERFACE
At the end of MathFunctions/CMakeLists.txt, use target_include_directories() with the INTERFACE keyword, as follows:
在 MathFunctions/CMakeLists.txt
的末尾,使用带有 INTERFACE
关键字的 target_include_directories()
TODO 1: Click to show/hide answer
TODO 1: MathFunctions/CMakeLists.txt
Now that we’ve specified usage requirements for MathFunctions we can safely remove our uses of the EXTRA_INCLUDES variable from the top-level CMakeLists.txt.
既然我们已经指定了 MathFunctions
的使用要求,就可以放心地从 CMakeLists.txt
Remove this line:
TODO 2: Click to show/hide answer
TODO 2: CMakeLists.txt
And the lines:
TODO 3: Click to show/hide answer
TODO 3: CMakeLists.txt
target_include_directories(Tutorial PUBLIC
The remaining code looks like:
Click to show/hide the resulting code
Remaining code after removing EXTRA_INCLUDES
# add the executable
add_executable(Tutorial tutorial.cxx)
target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC MathFunctions)
# add the binary tree to the search path for include files
# so that we will find TutorialConfig.h
target_include_directories(Tutorial PUBLIC
Notice that with this technique, the only thing our executable target does to use our library is call target_link_libraries() with the name of the library target. In larger projects, the classic method of specifying library dependencies manually becomes very complicated very quickly.
请注意,使用这种技术,我们的可执行目标要使用我们的库,唯一要做的就是调用 target_link_libraries()
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
# set the project name and version
project(Tutorial VERSION 1.0)
# TODO 4: Replace the following code by:
# * Creating an interface library called tutorial_compiler_flags
# Hint: use add_library() with the INTERFACE signature
# * Add compiler feature cxx_std_11 to tutorial_compiler_flags
# Hint: Use target_compile_features()
# specify the C++ standard
# configure a header file to pass some of the CMake settings
# to the source code
configure_file(TutorialConfig.h.in TutorialConfig.h)
# TODO 2: Remove EXTRA_INCLUDES list
# add the MathFunctions library
# add the executable
add_executable(Tutorial tutorial.cxx)
# TODO 5: Link Tutorial to tutorial_compiler_flags
target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC MathFunctions)
# TODO 3: Remove use of EXTRA_INCLUDES
# add the binary tree to the search path for include files
# so that we will find TutorialConfig.h
target_include_directories(Tutorial PUBLIC
add_library(MathFunctions MathFunctions.cxx)
# TODO 1: State that anybody linking to MathFunctions needs to include the
# current source directory, while MathFunctions itself doesn't.
# Hint: Use target_include_directories with the INTERFACE keyword
# should we use our own math functions
option(USE_MYMATH "Use tutorial provided math implementation" ON)
target_compile_definitions(MathFunctions PRIVATE "USE_MYMATH")
# library that just does sqrt
add_library(SqrtLibrary STATIC
# TODO 7: Link SqrtLibrary to tutorial_compiler_flags
target_link_libraries(MathFunctions PUBLIC SqrtLibrary)
# TODO 6: Link MathFunctions to tutorial_compiler_flags
$ ./Tutorial 25
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 13
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 7.46154
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5.40603
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5.01525
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5.00002
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
The square root of 25 is 5
Now that we have switched our code to a more modern approach, let’s demonstrate a modern technique to set properties to multiple targets.
Let’s refactor our existing code to use an INTERFACE library. We will use that library in the next step to demonstrate a common use for generator expressions.
让我们重构现有代码,使用 INTERFACE
Add an INTERFACE library target to specify the required C++ standard.
库目标,指定所需的 C++ 标准。
In this exercise, we will refactor our code to use an INTERFACE library to specify the C++ standard.
在本练习中,我们将重构代码,使用 INTERFACE
库来指定 C++ 标准。
Start this exercise from what we left at the end of Step3 exercise 1. You will have to complete TODO 4 through TODO 7.
从步骤 3 练习 1 结束时留下的内容开始本练习。您必须完成 TODO 4 到 TODO 7。
Start by editing the top level CMakeLists.txt file. Construct an INTERFACE library target called tutorial_compiler_flags and specify cxx_std_11 as a target compiler feature.
首先编辑顶层 CMakeLists.txt
文件。创建名为 tutorial_compiler_flags
库目标,并指定 cxx_std_11
Modify CMakeLists.txt and MathFunctions/CMakeLists.txt so that all targets have a target_link_libraries() call to tutorial_compiler_flags.
修改 CMakeLists.txt
和 MathFunctions/CMakeLists.txt
,使所有目标都有 target_link_libraries()
调用 tutorial_compiler_flags
Since we have our build directory already configured from Exercise 1, simply rebuild our code by calling the following:
由于我们已经在练习 1 中配置了构建目录,因此只需调用以下命令重建代码即可:
cd Step3_build
cmake --build .
Next, use the newly built Tutorial and verify that it is working as expected.
Let’s update our code from the previous step to use interface libraries to set our C++ requirements.
让我们更新上一步的代码,使用接口库来设置 C++ 要求。
To start, we need to remove the two set() calls on the variables CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD and CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED. The specific lines to remove are as follows:
上的两个 set()
Next, we need to create an interface library, tutorial_compiler_flags. And then use target_compile_features() to add the compiler feature cxx_std_11.
接下来,我们需要创建一个接口库 tutorial_compiler_flags
。然后使用 target_compile_features()
添加编译器特性 cxx_std_11
TODO 4: Click to show/hide answer
TODO 4: CMakeLists.txt
add_library(tutorial_compiler_flags INTERFACE)
target_compile_features(tutorial_compiler_flags INTERFACE cxx_std_11)
Finally, with our interface library set up, we need to link our executable Target, our MathFunctions library, and our SqrtLibrary library to our new tutorial_compiler_flags library. Respectively, the code will look like this:
库和 SqrtLibrary
库链接到新的 tutorial_compiler_flags
TODO 5: Click to show/hide answer
TODO 5: CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC MathFunctions tutorial_compiler_flags)
TODO 6: Click to show/hide answer
TODO 6: MathFunctions/CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries(SqrtLibrary PUBLIC tutorial_compiler_flags)
and this:
TODO 7: Click to show/hide answer
TODO 7: MathFunctions/CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries(MathFunctions PUBLIC SqrtLibrary)
With this, all of our code still requires C++ 11 to build. Notice though that with this method, it gives us the ability to be specific about which targets get specific requirements. In addition, we create a single source of truth in our interface library.
这样,我们的所有代码仍然需要 C++ 11 才能构建。不过请注意,有了这种方法,我们就能明确哪些目标需要特定的要求。此外,我们还在接口库中创建了一个单一的真相源。
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
# set the project name and version
project(Tutorial VERSION 1.0)
# TODO 4: Replace the following code by:
# * Creating an interface library called tutorial_compiler_flags
# Hint: use add_library() with the INTERFACE signature
# * Add compiler feature cxx_std_11 to tutorial_compiler_flags
# Hint: Use target_compile_features()
add_library(tutorial_compiler_flags INTERFACE)
target_compile_features(tutorial_compiler_flags INTERFACE cxx_std_11)
# specify the C++ standard
# configure a header file to pass some of the CMake settings
# to the source code
configure_file(TutorialConfig.h.in TutorialConfig.h)
# TODO 2: Remove EXTRA_INCLUDES list
# add the MathFunctions library
# add the executable
add_executable(Tutorial tutorial.cxx)
# TODO 5: Link Tutorial to tutorial_compiler_flags
# target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC MathFunctions)
target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC MathFunctions tutorial_compiler_flags)
# TODO 3: Remove use of EXTRA_INCLUDES
# add the binary tree to the search path for include files
# so that we will find TutorialConfig.h
target_include_directories(Tutorial PUBLIC
add_library(MathFunctions MathFunctions.cxx)
# TODO 1: State that anybody linking to MathFunctions needs to include the
# current source directory, while MathFunctions itself doesn't.
# Hint: Use target_include_directories with the INTERFACE keyword
# should we use our own math functions
option(USE_MYMATH "Use tutorial provided math implementation" ON)
target_compile_definitions(MathFunctions PRIVATE "USE_MYMATH")
# library that just does sqrt
add_library(SqrtLibrary STATIC
# TODO 7: Link SqrtLibrary to tutorial_compiler_flags
target_link_libraries(MathFunctions PUBLIC SqrtLibrary)
# TODO 6: Link MathFunctions to tutorial_compiler_flags
target_link_libraries(SqrtLibrary PUBLIC tutorial_compiler_flags)
$ ./Tutorial 25
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 13
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 7.46154
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5.40603
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5.01525
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5.00002
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
Computing sqrt of 25 to be 5
The square root of 25 is 5
$ ./Tutorial 100
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 50.5
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 26.2401
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 15.0255
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 10.8404
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 10.0326
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 10.0001
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 10
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 10
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 10
Computing sqrt of 100 to be 10
The square root of 100 is 10