isPrefix([], List2) -> io:format("A is prefix of B ~n");
isPrefix([H1 | ListA], [H2 | ListB]) ->
case H1 == H2 of
true -> isPrefix(ListA, ListB);
false -> io:format("A is not prefix of B ~n")
getTwice(List) ->
getTwice(List, []).
getTwice([], Acc) -> Acc;
getTwice([Item | Rest], Acc) ->
%% 当前元素在后面有重复出现,且在结果列表中没出现过,就加入
case lists:member(Item, Rest) and not lists:member(Item, Acc) of
true -> getTwice(Rest, [Item | Acc]);
false -> getTwice(Rest, Acc)
find_sublist_pos(_, []) -> not_found;
find_sublist_pos(Sublist, B) ->
find_sublist_pos(Sublist, B, 1).
find_sublist_pos(Sublist, RestB, Pos) when length(RestB) < length(Sublist) ->
find_sublist_pos(Sublist, RestB, Pos) ->
case starts_with(Sublist, RestB) of
true -> {found, Pos};
false -> find_sublist_pos(Sublist, tl(RestB), Pos + 1) % tl获取列表的尾部集合(除了头元素的其他元素)
%% 第一个列表是否为第二列表的前缀
%% 空列表是任何列表的前缀
starts_with([], _) -> true;
starts_with(_, []) -> false;
starts_with([H1 | T1], [H2 | T2]) when H1 =:= H2 ->
starts_with(T1, T2);
starts_with(_, _) -> false. %% 元素值不同,为false
在一个全部元素为{Key, Value}元组结构的元组或列表中,查找列表或元组中第一个
例如:在[{a, 1}, {b, 2}, {c, 3}, {a, 4}] 如果查找第一个a为键的元素即输出 {a, 1}
findfirstkey_a([]) -> false;
findfirstkey_a([Head | Rest]) ->
{Key, Val} = Head,
case Key == 'a' of
true -> Head;
false -> findfirstkey_a(Rest)
在一个全部元素为{Key, Value}元组结构的元组或列表中,用列表输出查找到的列表或元组中全部指定键的元素
例如:在[{a, 1}, {b, 2}, {c, 3}, {a, 4}] 如果查找全部a为键的元素即输出 [{a, 1}, {a, 4}]
findkey_a(List) ->
findkey_a(List, []).
findkey_a([], Acc) -> Acc;
findkey_a([Head | Rest], Acc) ->
%io:format("Head = ~p~n Acc = ~p~n", [Head, Acc]),
{Key, _} = Head,
case Key == 'a' of
true -> findkey_a(Rest, [Head | Acc]);
false -> findkey_a(Rest, Acc)
在一个全部元素为{Key, Value}元组结构的元组或列表中,删除列表或元组中第一个符合指定键的元素且输出时不改变顺序
例如:在[{a, 1}, {b, 2}, {c, 3}, {a, 4}] 如果删除第一个a为键的元素即输出 [{b, 2}, {c, 3}, {a, 4}]
deletefirstkey_a(List) ->
deletefirstkey_a(List, [], false). % 第三个参数表示是否出现过了a
deletefirstkey_a([], Acc,_) -> Acc;
deletefirstkey_a([{Key, _} | Rest], Acc, false) when Key =:= a->
deletefirstkey_a(Rest, Acc, true);
deletefirstkey_a([Head | Rest], Acc, true) ->
deletefirstkey_a(Rest, [Head | Acc], true).
在一个全部元素为{Key, Value}元组结构的元组或列表中,替换列表或元组中第一个符合指定键的元素且输出时不改变顺序
例如:输入列表[{a, 1}, {b, 2}, {c, 3}, {a, 4}] 查找键为a,值替换为10
即输出[{a, 10}, {b, 2}, {c, 3}, {a, 4}] 46
replacefirstkey_a(List) ->
replacefirstkey_a(List, [], 0). % 第三个参数表示是否出现过了a
replacefirstkey_a([], Acc,_) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
replacefirstkey_a([{Key, _} | Rest], Acc, 0) when Key =:= a->
replacefirstkey_a(Rest, [{Key, 10}|Acc], 1);
%% 第一次插入后,即便 Key为 a ,也不会再走上面的逻辑
replacefirstkey_a([Head | Rest], Acc, _) ->
replacefirstkey_a(Rest, [Head | Acc], 1).
生成含有指定数量元素的元组,每个元素为随机integer元素, 要求元素不能有重复的(可以使用API)
gen_int(N) ->
gen_int(N, []).
gen_int(0, Acc) -> {tuple, lists:reverse(Acc)};
gen_int(N, Acc) ->
Random = rand:uniform(10000),
case lists:member(Random, Acc) of
true -> gen_int(N, Acc);
false -> gen_int(N - 1, [Random | Acc])
在一个全部元素为{Key, Value}元组结构的元组或列表中,将列表中相同key的值进行合并
例如:[{a,1},{b,2},{c,3},{b,4},{b,5},{c,6},{d,7},{d,8}] 输出 [{a,1},{b,11},{c,9},{d,15}]
mergekv(List) ->
mergekv(List, maps:new()).
mergekv([], AccMap) -> maps:to_list(AccMap);
mergekv([{Key, Value} | T], AccMap) ->
io:format(“{p,p}~n”, [Key, Value]),
NewValue = case maps:is_key(Key, AccMap) of
true -> maps:get(Key, AccMap) + Value;
false -> Value
NewAccMap = maps:put(Key, NewValue, AccMap), % 注意要用一个新的变量接受结果
mergekv(T, NewAccMap).
binary:<<1,2>><<3,4>> 拼接后为 <<1,2,3,4>> 未完成
tuple:{a,b},{c} 拼接后为 {a,b,c}
list:[10],[20] 拼接后为 [10,20]
%% 无法执行!!!
concat_binary(Binary1, Binary2) ->
Size1 = size(Binary1),
Size2 = size(Binary2),
NewSize = Size1 + Size2,
NewBinary = <<0:NewSize/unit:8>>,
NewBinary = binary_concat(Binary1, Binary2, NewBinary, 0, Size1),
binary_concat(_, _, NewBinary, Size, Size) ->
binary_concat(Binary1, Binary2, NewBinary, Index, Size1) when Index < size(Binary2) ->
Byte = binary_part(Binary2, Index, 1), % 从Binary2中从Index位置开始提取1长度的数据
UpdatedBinary = setelement(Size1 + Index + 1, NewBinary, Byte),
binary_concat(Binary1, Binary2, UpdatedBinary, Index + 1, Size1).
%% Tuple
concat_tuple(Tuple1, Tuple2) ->
concat_tuple(Tuple1, Tuple2, size(Tuple1), size(Tuple2), {}).
concat_tuple(Tuple1, Tuple2, 0, 0, AccTuple) ->
%% 将Tuple1拼接到新元组中
concat_tuple(Tuple1, Tuple2, Index1, Index2, AccTuple) when Index1 > 0 ->
NewTuple = erlang:append_element(AccTuple, element(Index1, Tuple1)),
concat_tuple(Tuple1, Tuple2, Index1 - 1, Index2, NewTuple);
%% 将Tuple2拼接到新元组中
concat_tuple(Tuple1, Tuple2, 0, Index2, AccTuple) ->
NewTuple = erlang:append_element(AccTuple, element(Index2, Tuple2)),
concat_tuple(Tuple1, Tuple2, 0, Index2 -1, NewTuple).
%% 列表的拼接
concat_list(List1, List2) ->
concat_list(List1, List2, []).
concat_list([],[], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
concat_list([H | T], List2, Acc) ->
concat_list(T, List2, [H | Acc]);
concat_list([], [H | T], Acc) ->
concat_list([], T, [H | Acc]).