"c. Get to know your blind spots.

"c. Get to know your blind spots. When you are closed-minded and form an opinion in an area where you have a blind spot, it can be deadly. So take some time to record the circumstances in which you’ve consistently made bad decisions because you failed to see what others saw. Ask others— especially those who’ve seen what you’ve missed—to help you with this. Write a list, tack it up on the wall, and stare at it. If ever you find yourself about to make a decision (especially a big decision) in one of these areas without consulting others, understand that you’re taking a big risk and that it would be illogical to expect that you’ll get the results you think you will.

c.认识自己的思维盲点。假如你是一个头脑 封闭的人,又在自己有盲点的领域形成了一种观 点,结果可能是致命的。所以,花点时间记录一 下,你经常在哪些方面因为看不到别人看到的东 西而做出糟糕的决策。可以请其他人帮你,尤其 是那些曾看到你所忽略的东西的人。列一张单 子,钉在墙上,仔细盯着看。每当你准备在这些 方面自行做出决定(尤其是重大决定)的时候, 你都要明白你是在大冒险,不会实现想要的结 果。"

你可能感兴趣的:("c. Get to know your blind spots.)