
一、 自然语言处理与计算语言学

Conference       Long Paper           Short Paper
ACL'14 26.2% (146/572) 26.1% (139/551)
ACL'15 25.0% (173/692) 22.4% (145/648)
ACL'16 28.0% (231/825) 21.0% (97/463)
ACL'17 25.0% (195/751) 18.9% (107/567)
ACL'18 25.3% (258/1018) 24.0% (126/526)
ACL'19 25.7% (447/1737) 18.2% (213/1168)
ACL'20 25.4% (571/2244) 17.6% (208/1185)
ACL'21 24.5% (571/2327) 13.6% (139/1023)
ACL'21 Findings 14.6% (339/2327) 11.5% (118/1023)
ACL'22 ? (604/?) ? (97/?)
ACL'22 Findings ? (361/?) ? (361/?)
ACL'23 23.5% (910/3872) 16.5% (164/992)
ACL'23 Findings 18.4% (712/3872) 19.1% (189/992)
EMNLP'14 30.4% (155/510) 27.8% (70/252)
EMNLP'15 26.2% (157/600) 22.1% (155/700)
EMNLP'16 25.8% (177/687) 21.8% (87/400)
EMNLP'17 25.8% (216/836) 18.4% (107/582)
EMNLP'18 25.5% (351/1376) 23.2% (198/855)
EMNLP'19 25.6% (465/1813) 20.5% (218/1063)
EMNLP'20 24.5% (602/2455) 16.6% (150/904)
EMNLP'20 Findings 13.5% (332/2455) 12.7% (115/904)
EMNLP'21 25.6% (650/2540) 17.9% (190/1060)
EMNLP'21 Findings 11.8% (300/2540) 11.2% (119/1060)
EMNLP'22 22.1% (715/3242) 12.0% (114/948)
EMNLP'22 Findings 14.0% (453/3242) 10.1% (96/948)
NAACL-HLT'13 30.0% (88/293) 32.1% (51/162)
NAACL-HLT'15 29.1% (117/402) 22.1% (69/312)
NAACL-HLT'16 25.3% (100/396) 28.9% (82/284)
NAACL-HLT'18 32.0% (207/647) 29.4% (125/425)
NAACL-HLT'19 26.3% (281/1067) 21.3% (142/666)
NAACL-HLT'21 29.2% (366/1254) 22.6% (123/544)
NAACL-HLT'22 ? (358/?) ? (84/?)
NAACL-HLT'22 Findings ? (183/?) ? (26/?)
COLING'12 27% (311/1000+) -
COLING'14 30.8% (217/705) -
COLING'16 32.4% (337/1039) -
COLING'18 37.4% (332/888) -
COLING'20 33.4% (622/1862) -
COLING'22 33.4% (522/1563) 24.2% (112/463)


Conference       Long Paper           Short Paper
CVPR'14 29.9% (540/1807) (104 orals and 436 posters) -
CVPR'15 28.3% (602/2123) (71 orals and 531 posters) -
CVPR'16 29.9% (643/2145) (83 orals, 123 spotlights and 437 posters) -
CVPR'17 29.9% (783/2620) (71 orals, 144 spotlights and 568 posters) -
CVPR'18 29.6% (979/3303) (70 orals, 224 spotlights and 685 posters) -
CVPR'19 25.0% (1294/5160) (288 short orals and 1294 posters) -
CVPR'20 22.1% (1470/6656) -
CVPR'21 23.7% (1661/7015) (295 orals and 1366 posters) -
CVPR'22 25.3% (2067/8161) -
CVPR'23 25.8% (2360/9155) -
ICCV'13 27.9% (454/1629) (41 orals and 413 posters) -
ICCV'15 30.9% (525/1698) -
ICCV'17 29.0% (621/2143) (45 orals, 56 spotlights and 520 posters) -
ICCV'19 25.0% (1077/4304) (187 short orals and 1077 posters) -
ECCV'14 27.9% (363/1444) (38 orals and 325 posters) -
ECCV'16 26.6% (415/1561) (28 orals, 45 spotlights and 342 posters) -
ECCV'18 31.8% (776/2439) (59 orals and 717 posters) -
ECCV'20 27.1% (1361/5025) (104 orals, 161 spotlights and 1096 posters) -


Conference       Long Paper           Short Paper
ICML'14 15.0% (Cycle I), 22.0% (Cycle II) -
ICML'15 26.0% (270/1037) -
ICML'16 24.0% (322/?) -
ICML'17 25.9% (434/1676) -
ICML'18 25.1% (621/2473) -
ICML'19 22.6% (773/3424) -
ICML'20 21.8% (1088/4990) -
ICML'21 21.5% (1184/5513) (166 long talks, 1018 short talks) -
ICML'22 21.9% (1235/5630) (118 long talks, 1117 short talks) -
ICML'23 27.9% (1827/6538) (158 live orals, 1669 virtual orals with posters) -
NeurIPS'14 24.7% (414/1678) -
NeurIPS'15 21.9% (403/1838) -
NeurIPS'16 23.6% (569/2403) -
NeurIPS'17 20.9% (678/3240) (40 orals, 112 spotlights and 526 posters) -
NeurIPS'18 20.8% (1011/4856) (30 orals, 168 spotlights and 813 posters) -
NeurIPS'19 21.1% (1428/6743) (36 orals, 164 spotlights and 1228 posters) -
NeurIPS'20 20.1% (1900/9454) (105 orals, 280 spotlights and 1515 posters) -
NeurIPS'21 25.7% (2344/9122) (55 orals, 260 spotlights and 2029 posters) -
NeurIPS'22 25.6% (?/10411) (? orals, ? spotlights and ? posters) -
NeurIPS'23 26.1% (?/12343) (? orals, ? spotlights and ? posters) -
ICLR'14 - -
ICLR'15 - -
ICLR'16 - -
ICLR'17 39.1% (198/507) (15 orals and 183 posters) -
ICLR'18 32.0% (314/981) (23 orals and 291 posters) -
ICLR'19 31.4% (500/1591) (24 orals and 476 posters) -
ICLR'20 26.5% (687/2594) (48 orals, 107 spotlights and 532 posters) -
ICLR'21 28.7% (860/2997) (53 orals, 114 spotlights and 693 posters) -
ICLR'22 32.9% (1095/3328) (54 orals, 176 spotlights and 865 posters) -
ICLR'23 32.0% (1574/4956) (91 orals, 280 spotlights and 1203 posters) -
COLT'14 32.1% (45/140) -
COLT'15 34.8% (62/178) -
COLT'16 26.1% (53/203) -
COLT'17 32.5% (74/228) -
COLT'18 27.2% (91/335) -
COLT'19 30.0% (118/393) -
COLT'20 30.9% (120/388) -
UAI'14 32.0% (94/292) -
UAI'15 34.0% (99/291) -
UAI'16 31.0% (85/275) -
UAI'17 31.0% (87/282) -
UAI'18 30.8% (104/337) -
UAI'19 26.0% (118/450) -
UAI'20 27.5% (142/515) -
UAI'21 26.3% (205/777) -
UAI'22 32.3% (230/712) (36 orals and 194 posters) -
UAI'23 31.2% (243/778) -
AISTATS'14 35.8% (120/335) -
AISTATS'15 28.7% (127/442) -
AISTATS'16 30.7% (165/537) -
AISTATS'17 31.7% (168/530) -
AISTATS'18 33.2% (214/645) -
AISTATS'19 32.4% (360/1111) -
AISTATS'20 - -
AISTATS'21 29.8% (455/1527) (48 orals) -
AISTATS'22 29.2% (493/1685) -


Conference       Long Paper           Short Paper
AAAI'14 28.0% (398/1406) -
AAAI'15 26.7% (531/1991) -
AAAI'16 25.8% (549/2132) -
AAAI'17 24.6% (638/2590) -
AAAI'18 24.6% (933/3800) -
AAAI'19 16.2% (1150/7095) -
AAAI'20 20.6% (1591/7737) -
AAAI'21 21.4% (1692/7911) -
AAAI'22 15.0% (1349/9020) -
AAAI'23 19.6% (1721/8777) -
IJCAI'13 28.0% (413/1473) -
IJCAI'15 28.6% (572/1996) -
IJCAI'16 24.0% (551/2294) -
IJCAI'17 26.0% (660/2540) -
IJCAI'18 20.5% (710/3470) -
IJCAI'19 17.9% (850/4752) -
IJCAI'20 12.6% (592/4717) -
IJCAI'21 13.9% (587/4204) -
IJCAI'22 14.9% (679/4535) -


Conference       Long Paper           Short Paper
KDD'14 14.6% (151/1036) -
KDD'15 19.5% (160/819) -
KDD'16 13.7% (142/1115) -
KDD'17 17.4% (130/748) -
KDD'18 18.4% (181/983) (107 orals and 74 posters) -
KDD'19 14.2% (170/1200) (110 orals and 60 posters) -
KDD'20 16.9% (216/1279) -
KDD'22 15.0% (254/1695) -
KDD'23 22.1% (313/1416) -
SIGIR'14 21.0% (82/387) 40.0% (104/263)
SIGIR'15 20.0% (70/351) 31.3% (79/252)
SIGIR'16 18.0% (62/341) 30.6% (104/339)
SIGIR'17 22.0% (78/362) 30.0% (121/398)
SIGIR'18 21.0% (86/409) 30.0% (98/327)
SIGIR'19 19.7% (84/426) 24.4% (108/443)
SIGIR'20 26.5% (147/555) 30.2% (153/507)
SIGIR'21 21.0% (151/720) 27.6% (145/526)
SIGIR'22 20.3% (161/794) 24.7% (165/667)
TheWebConf'14 13.0% (84/645) -
TheWebConf'15 14.0% (131/929) -
TheWebConf'16 16.0% (115/727) -
TheWebConf'17 17.0% (164/966) -
TheWebConf'18 15.0% (171/1140) -
TheWebConf'19 18.0% (225/1247) 19.9% (72/361)
TheWebConf'20 19.2% (217/1129) 24.7% (98/397)
TheWebConf'21 20.6% (357/1736) -
TheWebConf'22 17.7% (323/1822) -
TheWebConf'23 19.2% (365/1900) -
WSDM'14 18.0% (64/355) -
WSDM'15 16.4% (39/238) -
WSDM'16 18.2% (67/368) -
WSDM'17 15.8% (80/505) -
WSDM'18 16.1% (84/514) -
WSDM'19 16.4% (84/511) -
WSDM'20 14.8% (91/615) -
WSDM'21 18.6% (112/603) -
WSDM'22 15.8% (80/505) -
WSDM'23 17.8% (123/690) -
CIKM'14 21.0% (175/838) 21.9% (57/260)
CIKM'15 26.0% (165/646) 25.0% (69/276)
CIKM'16 23.0% (160/701) 23.5% (55/234)
CIKM'17 20.0% (171/855) 28.4% (119/419)
CIKM'18 17.0% (147/862) 23.2% (96/413)
CIKM'19 19.4% (200/1030) 21.3% (100/470)
CIKM'20 21.0% (193/920) 25.9% (103/397)
CIKM'21 21.7% (271/1251) 28.3% (177/626)
CIKM'22 ?% (272/?) ?% (196/?)
ICDM'14 9.8% (71/727) 9.8% (71/727)
ICDM'15 8.4% (68/807) 9.7% (78/807)
ICDM'16 8.6% (78/904) 11.0% (100/904)
ICDM'17 9.3% (72/778) 10.7% (83/778)
ICDM'18 8.9% (84/948) 11.1% (105/948)
ICDM'19 9.1% (95/1046) 9.5% (99/1046)
ICDM'20 9.8% (91/930) 9.9% (92/930)
ICDM'21 9.9% (98/990) 10.1% (100/990)
RecSys'15 23.0% (35/152) -
RecSys'16 18.2% (29/159) -
RecSys'17 20.8% (26/125) 16.4% (20/122)
RecSys'18 17.7% (32/181) -
RecSys'19 19.0% (36/189) -
RecSys'20 17.9% (39/218) -


Conference       Long Paper           Short Paper
INTERSPEECH'15 51.0% (~743/1458) -
INTERSPEECH'16 50.5% (779/1541) -
INTERSPEECH'17 52.0% (799/1582) -
INTERSPEECH'18 54.3% (749/1320) -
INTERSPEECH'19 49.3% (914/1855) -
INTERSPEECH'20 ~47% (?/?) -
INTERSPEECH'21 48.4% (963/1990) -
ICASSP'14 48.0% (1709/3500) -
ICASSP'15 52.0% (1207/2322) -
ICASSP'16 47.0% (1265/2682) -
ICASSP'17 52.0% (1220/2518) -
ICASSP'18 49.7% (1406/2829) -
ICASSP'19 46.5% (1774/3815) -
ICASSP'21 48.0% (1734/3610) -
ICASSP'22 45.0% (1785/3967) -
