Oracle statspack综合分析数据库性能综合分析报告



详细解读 3.90 STATSPACK 报告





4、TOP 5及其他等待事件信息-------------------------------------------------5


5.1 SQL统计信息-逻辑读-------------------------------------------------7

5.2 SQL统计信息-物理读------------------------------------------------13

5.3 SQL统计信息-执行次数----------------------------------------------14

5.4 SQL统计信息-调用、解析次数----------------------------------------17

5.5 SQL统计信息-共享内存占用------------------------------------------21

5.6 SQL统计信息-多版本缓存--------------------------------------------21



8、Buffer Pool统计信息----------------------------------------------------29


10、Buffer Pool调整的Advisory---------------------------------------------30

11、Buffer Pool等待情况统计------------------------------------------------30

12、PGA统计信息   -----------------------------------------------------------30






18、SGA内存分配   -----------------------------------------------------------36
















总结:数据库名ORCL,实例名orcl,数据库版本号9.,是否集群NO,主机名server1,报告产生时间20分钟,并发数53,buffer cache大小92M,Shared pool size大小128M;


STATSPACK report for


DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     Cluster Host

------------ ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- ------- ------------

ORCL          1278871612 orcl                1   NO      server1


            Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment

            ------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------

Begin Snap:      11 05-Sep-14 09:52:32       54       6.3

  End Snap:      12 05-Sep-14 10:12:38       53       6.0

   Elapsed:               20.10 (mins)


Cache Sizes (end)


               Buffer Cache:        92M      Std Block Size:         4K

           Shared Pool Size:       128M          Log Buffer:       400K





总结:1 redo size:(标志数据变更频率, 数据库任务的繁重与否)每秒产生日志5.9K,每秒产生11个事物(反映数据库任务繁重与否);

      2 Logical reads:平均每秒产生逻辑读8099个block; Logical Reads= Consistent Gets + DB Block Gets

      3 block changes:每秒block变化30个

      4 physical reads:平均每秒从磁盘读取1268个block,数值过大,性能极差,应该增大buffer cache的值,提高性能

      5 physical writes:平均每秒数据库写磁盘166个block;

      6 user calls:每秒用户调用42次

      7 parses:每秒解析23次

      8 hard parses:每秒产生硬解析0.41次

      9 sorts:每秒产生0.90次排序

      10 logons:每秒登录次数为0

      11 executes:每秒执行28.32次

      12 transactions:每秒产生0.54次事务

      13 % Blocks changed per Read在每一次逻辑读中更改的块的百分比为0.37。

      14 Rollback per transaction %:看回滚率是不是很高,因为回滚很耗资源 ,如果回滚率过高,可能说明你的数据库经历了太多的无效操作 ,过多的回滚可能还会带来Undo Block的竞争 该参数计算公式如下: Round(User rollbacks / (user commits + user rollbacks) ,4)* 100% 。

      15  Recursive Call %:递归调用的百分比,如果有很多PL/SQL,那么这个值就会比较高。

      16 Rows per Sort:平均每次排序操作的行数为1924。


Load Profile

~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Per Second       Per Transaction

                                   ---------------       ---------------

                  Redo size:              6,057.96             11,291.96

              Logical reads:              8,099.27             15,096.93

              Block changes:                 30.10                 56.10

             Physical reads:              1,268.93              2,365.26

            Physical writes:                166.22                309.83

                 User calls:                 42.33                 78.90

                     Parses:                 23.20                 43.25

                Hard parses:                  0.41                  0.77

                      Sorts:                  0.90                  1.67

                     Logons:                  0.00                  0.00

                   Executes:                 28.32                 52.79

               Transactions:                  0.54


  % Blocks changed per Read:    0.37    Recursive Call %:    68.59

 Rollback per transaction %:    7.57       Rows per Sort:  1924.14






/* 实例的有效性,这部分值越接近100越好,分项内容详细说明如下:

1)Buffer Nowait %在缓冲区中获取Buffer的未等待比率99.99。Buffer Nowait的这个值一般需要大于99%。否则可能存在争用,可以在后面的等待事件中进一步确认。

2)Redo NoWait %在Redo缓冲区获取Buffer空间的未等待比率100。当redo buffer达到1M时,就需要写到redo log文件,所以一般当redo buffer设置超过1M,不太可能存在等待buffer空间分配的情况。当前,一般设置为2M的redo buffer,对于内存总量来说,应该不是一个太大的值。

3)Buffer Hit %数据块在数据缓冲区中的命中率84.66,通常应在95%以上。否则,小于95%,需要调整重要的参数,小于90%可能是要加db_cache_size。一个高的命中率,不一定代表这个系统的性能是最优的,比如大量的非选择性的索引被频繁访问,就会造成命中率很高的假相(大量的db file sequential read),但是一个比较低的命中率,一般就会对这个系统的性能产生影响,需要调整。命中率的突变,往往是一个不好的信息。如果命中率突然增大,可以检查top buffer get SQL,查看导致大量逻辑读的语句和索引,如果命中率突然减小,可以检查top physical reads SQL,检查产生大量物理读的语句,主要是那些没有使用索引或者索引被删除的。

4)In-memory Sort %在内存中的排序率97.23。如果低于95%,可以通过适当调大初始化参数PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET或者SORT_AREA_SIZE来解决,注意这两个参数设置作用的范围时不同的,SORT_AREA_SIZE是针对每个session设置的,PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET则时针对所有的sesion的。

5)Library Hit %STATEMENT在共享区的命中率99.36,通常应该保持在95%以上,否则需要要考虑:加大共享池;使用绑定变量;修改cursor_sharing等参数。

6)Soft Parse %sql在共享区的命中率98.23,小于<95%,需要考虑绑定,如果低于80%,那么就可以认为sql基本没有被重用。

7)Execute to Parse %一个语句执行和分析了多少次的度量18.07。计算公式为:Execute to Parse =100 * (1 - Parses/Executions)。本例中,差不多每execution 5次需要一次parse。所以如果系统Parses > Executions,就可能出现该比率小于0的情况。该值<0通常说明shared pool设置或者语句效率存在问题,造成反复解析,reparse可能较严重,或者是可能同snapshot有关,通常说明数据库性能存在问题。

8)Latch Hit %100,要确保>99%,否则存在严重的性能问题。当该值出现问题的时候,我们可以借助后面的等待时间和latch分析来查找解决问题。

9)Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %计算公式为:Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %= 100*(parse time cpu / parse time elapsed)。即:解析实际运行时间/(解析实际运行时间+解析中等待资源时间)。如果该比率为100%,意味着CPU等待时间为0,没有任何等待。

10)% Non-Parse CPU计算公式为:% Non-Parse CPU =round(100*1-PARSE_CPU/TOT_CPU),2)。如果这个值比较小,表示解析消耗的CPU时间过多。与PARSE_CPU相比,如果TOT_CPU很高,这个比值将接近100%,这是很好的,说明计算机执行的大部分工作是执行查询的工作,而不是分析查询的工作。

11)Memory Usage %正在使用的共享池的百分,93.91。这个数字应该长时间稳定在75%~90%。如果这个百分比太低,表明共享池设置过大,带来额外的管理上的负担,从而在某些条件下会导致性能的下降。如果这个百分率太高,会使共享池外部的组件老化,如果SQL语句被再次执行,这将使得SQL语句被硬解析。在一个大小合适的系统中,共享池的使用率将处于75%到略低于90%的范围内。

12)% SQL with executions>1这是在共享池中有多少个执行次数大于一次的SQL语句的度量。在一个趋向于循环运行的系统中,必须认真考虑这个数字。在这个循环系统中,在一天中相对于另一部分时间的部分时间里执行了一组不同的SQL语句。在共享池中,在观察期间将有一组未被执行过的SQL语句,这仅仅是因为要执行它们的语句在观察期间没有运行。只有系统连续运行相同的SQL语句组,这个数字才会接近100%。这里显示,在这个共享池中几乎有80%的SQL语句在14分钟的观察窗口中运行次数多于一次。剩下的20%的语句可能已经在那里了--系统只是没有去执行。

13)% Memory for SQL w/exec>1这是与不频繁使用的SQL语句相比,频繁使用的SQL语句消耗内存多少的一个度量。这个数字将在总体上与% SQL with executions>1非常接近,除非有某些查询任务消耗的内存没有规律。在稳定状态下,总体上会看见随着时间的推移大约有75%~85%的共享池被使用。如果Statspack报表的时间窗口足够大到覆盖所有的周期,执行次数大于一次的SQL语句的百分率应该接近于100%。这是一个受观察之间持续时间影响的统计数字。可以期望它随观察之间的时间长度增大而增大。





Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)


            Buffer Nowait %:   99.99       Redo NoWait %:  100.00

            Buffer  Hit   %:   84.66    In-memory Sort %:   97.23

            Library Hit   %:   99.36        Soft Parse %:   98.23

         Execute to Parse %:   18.07         Latch Hit %:  100.00

Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:             % Non-Parse CPU:

 Shared Pool Statistics        Begin   End

                               ------  ------

             Memory Usage %:   93.91   93.39

    % SQL with executions>1:   83.82   85.67

  % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   79.22   80.51




4、TOP 5及其他等待事件信息



1 db file sequential read 该事件说明在单个数据块上大量等待,该值过高通常是由于表间连接顺序很糟糕(没有正确选择驱动行源),或者使用了非选择性索引。通过将这种等待与statspack报表中已知其它问题联系起来(如效率不高的sql),通过检查确保索引扫描是必须的,并确保多表连接的连接顺序来调整。

2 db file scattered read  Top 5 Wait Events该事件通常与全表扫描或者fast full index scan有关。因为全表扫描是被放入内存中进行的进行的,通常情况下基于性能的考虑,有时候也可能是分配不到足够长的连续内存空间,所以会将数据块分散(scattered)读入Buffer Cache中。该等待过大可能是缺少索引或者没有合适的索引(可以调整optimizer_index_cost_adj) 。这种情况也可能是正常的,因为执行全表扫描可能比索引扫描效率更高。当系统存在这些等待时,需要通过检查来确定全表扫描是否必需的来调整。因为全表扫描被置于LRU(Least Recently Used,最近最少适用)列表的冷端(cold end),对于频繁访问的较小的数据表,可以选择把他们Cache 到内存中,以避免反复读取。当这个等待事件比较显著时,可以结合v$session_longops 动态性能视图来进行诊断,该视图中记录了长时间(运行时间超过6 秒的)运行的事物,可能很多是全表扫描操作(不管怎样,这部分信息都是值得我们注意的)。

3 log file parallel write 从log buffer 写redo 记录到redo log 文件,主要指常规写操作(相对于log file sync)。如果你的Log group 存在多个组成员,当flush log buffer 时,写操作是并行的,这时候此等待事件可能出现。尽管这个写操作并行处理,直到所有I/O 操作完成该写操作才会完成(如果你的磁盘支持异步IO或者使用IO SLAVE,那么即使只有一个redo log file member,也有可能出现此等待)。这个参数和log file sync 时间相比较可以用来衡量log file 的写入成本。通常称为同步成本率。改善这个等待的方法是将redo logs放到I/O快的盘中,尽量不使用raid5,确保表空间不是处在热备模式下,确保redo log和data的数据文件位于不同的磁盘中。

4 log file sync 当一个用户提交或回滚数据时,LGWR将会话的redo记录从日志缓冲区填充到日志文件中,用户的进程必须等待这个填充工作完成。在每次提交时都出现,如果这个等待事件影响到数据库性能,那么就需要修改应用程序的提交频率, 为减少这个等待事件,须一次提交更多记录,或者将重做日志REDO LOG 文件访在不同的物理磁盘上,提高I/O的性能。

5 control file parallel write 当server 进程更新所有控制文件时,这个事件可能出现。如果等待很短,可以不用考虑。如果等待时间较长,检查存放控制文件的物理磁盘I/O 是否存在瓶颈。多个控制文件是完全相同的拷贝,用于镜像以提高安全性。对于业务系统,多个控制文件应该存放在不同的磁盘上,一般来说三个是足够的,如果只有两个物理硬盘,那么两个控制文件也是可以接受的。在同一个磁盘上保存多个控制文件是不具备实际意义的。减少这个等待,可以考虑如下方法:①减少控制文件的个数(在确保安全的前提下)。②如果系统支持,使用异步IO。③转移控制文件到IO 负担轻的物理磁盘。



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                            Wait     % Total

Event                                               Waits  Time (s)   Wt Time

-------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- -------

db file sequential read                            17,193           9   37.92

db file scattered read                            198,888           5   19.68

log file parallel write                             2,296           4   17.60

log file sync                                       1,428           2   10.47

control file parallel write                           392           2    6.54


^LWait Events for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> s  - second

-> cs - centisecond -     100th of a second

-> ms - millisecond -    1000th of a second

-> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second

-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)



                                                     Total Wait   wait    Waits

Event                               Waits   Timeouts  Time (s)    (ms)     /txn

---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------

db file sequential read            17,193          0          9      1     26.6

db file scattered read            198,888          0          5      0    307.4

log file parallel write             2,296          0          4      2      3.5

log file sync                       1,428          0          2      2      2.2

control file parallel write           392          0          2      4      0.6

direct path write                 187,139          0          1      0    289.2

buffer busy waits                     510          0          0      1      0.8

async disk IO                     208,382          0          0      0    322.1

db file parallel read                   2          0          0    110      0.0

latch free                             11          8          0      8      0.0

log buffer space                        5          0          0      9      0.0

direct path read                   20,386          0          0      0     31.5

SQL*Net more data to client           984          0          0      0      1.5

control file sequential read          176          0          0      0      0.3

db file parallel write                358        358          0      0      0.6

SQL*Net break/reset to clien            4          0          0      0      0.0

LGWR wait for redo copy                 2          0          0      0      0.0

row cache lock                          1          0          0      0      0.0

SQL*Net message from client        50,961          0     46,227    907     78.8

SQL*Net message to client          50,959          0          0      0     78.8

SQL*Net more data from clien          558          0          0      0      0.9


^LBackground Wait Events for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)



                                                     Total Wait   wait    Waits

Event                               Waits   Timeouts  Time (s)    (ms)     /txn

---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------

log file parallel write             2,296          0          4      2      3.5

control file parallel write           392          0          2      4      0.6

db file scattered read                252          0          0      1      0.4

db file sequential read                25          0          0      0      0.0

control file sequential read          117          0          0      0      0.2

db file parallel write                358        358          0      0      0.6

LGWR wait for redo copy                 2          0          0      0      0.0

rdbms ipc message                   4,713      1,167      4,686    994      7.3

pmon timer                            402        402      1,178   2929      0.6

smon timer                              4          4      1,081 ######      0.0





5.1 SQL统计信息-逻辑读



这一部分,通过Buffer Gets对SQL语句进行排序,即通过它执行了多少个逻辑I/O来排序。顶端的注释表明一个PL/SQL单元的缓存获得(Buffer Gets)包括被这个代码块执行的所有SQL语句的Buffer Gets。因此将经常在这个列表的顶端看到PL/SQL过程,因为存储过程执行的单独的语句的数目被总计出来。

在这里的Buffer Gets是一个累积值,所以这个值大并不一定意味着这条语句的性能存在问题。通常我们可以通过对比该条语句的Buffer Getsphysical reads值,如果这两个比较接近,肯定这条语句是存在问题的,我们可以通过执行计划来分析,为什么physical reads的值如此之高。另外,我们在这里也可以关注gets per exec的值,这个值如果太大,表明这条语句可能使用了一个比较差的索引或者使用了不当的表连接



^LSQL ordered by Gets for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Buffer Gets Threshold:   10000

-> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by

   all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code.  As individual SQL

   statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed

   total % to exceed 100


                                                     CPU      Elapsd

  Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value

--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------

        907,935            3      302,645.0    9.3     0.00      0.00 1464371672

select sum(-s_txn_id.cr_flag*txn_amt) in_amt_sum from hist_trans

_m left join s_txn_id on hist_trans_m.txn_id=s_txn_id.txn_id lef

t join mch_info on mch_info.mid=hist_trans_m.mid where s_txn_id.

cr_flag=-1 and hist_trans_m.tran_status=:1  AND hist_trans_m.set

tle_date>=:2  AND hist_trans_m.settle_date<=:3  AND mch_info.mch


        768,270            3      256,090.0    7.9     0.00      0.00 3312443568

select sum(s_txn_id.cr_flag*txn_amt) out_amt_sum from hist_trans

_m left join s_txn_id on hist_trans_m.txn_id=s_txn_id.txn_id lef

t join mch_info on mch_info.mid=hist_trans_m.mid where s_txn_id.

cr_flag=1 and hist_trans_m.tran_status=:1  AND hist_trans_m.sett

le_date>=:2  AND hist_trans_m.settle_date<=:3  AND mch_info.mch_

        497,421          172        2,892.0    5.1     0.00      0.00 3766522002

select count(*)  into :b0  from csr where ((teller=:b1 and org_c

ode=:b2) and tran_status=:b3)


        345,823           28       12,350.8    3.5     0.00      0.00 2566304132

select count(*) from (select stat_mch.pay_date as pay_date,to_ch

ar( min(settle_date) ) || '-' || to_char( max(settle_date) ) as

period, u_issu_inst.issu_id,u_issu_inst.inst_name as inst_name,s

tat_mch.mid,mch_info.cname as cname , sum(cnt) as cnt,sum(txn_am

t) as txn_amt,sum(fee_amt) as fee_amt,sum(sett_amt) as sett_amt


        345,823           28       12,350.8    3.5     0.00      0.00 4258184794

select * from (select a.*,rownum row_num from (select stat_mch.p

ay_date as pay_date,to_char( min(settle_date) ) || '-' || to_cha

r( max(settle_date) ) as period, u_issu_inst.issu_id,u_issu_inst

.inst_name as inst_name,stat_mch.mid,mch_info.cname as cname , s

um(cnt) as cnt,sum(txn_amt) as txn_amt,sum(fee_amt) as fee_amt,s


        345,799           28       12,350.0    3.5     0.00      0.00  544447472

select sum(cnt) cnt_sum,sum(txn_amt) txn_amt_sum,sum(fee_amt) fe

e_amt_sum,sum(sett_amt) sett_amt_sum  from stat_mch  left join u

_issu_inst on u_issu_inst.issu_id=stat_mch.issu_id left join mch

_info on stat_mch.mid=mch_info.mid where mch_info.cname LIKE :1

 AND stat_mch.pay_date IS NULL


        208,938            9       23,215.3    2.1     0.00      0.00 4236780024

select * from (select a.*,rownum row_num from (select csr.acq_id

 as acq_id,csr.audit_org as audit_org,csr.auditor as auditor,csr

.author as author,csr.card_amt as card_amt,card_client.add_date

as t01__add_date,card_client.auditor as t01__auditor,card_client

.cert_no as t01__cert_no,card_client.cli_addr as t01__cli_addr,c


        141,760            4       35,440.0    1.5     0.00      0.00 2086847580

select count(*) from ((((((hist_trans_m left JOIN s_txn_id ON s_

txn_id.txn_id=hist_trans_m.txn_id) left JOIN u_issu_inst ON u_is

su_inst.issu_id=hist_trans_m.issu_id) left JOIN u_acq_inst ON u_

^LSQL ordered by Gets for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Buffer Gets Threshold:   10000

-> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by

   all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code.  As individual SQL

   statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed

   total % to exceed 100


                                                     CPU      Elapsd

  Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value

--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------

acq_inst.acq_id=hist_trans_m.acq_id) left JOIN s_card_type ON s_

card_type.card_type=hist_trans_m.card_type) left JOIN s_sub_type


         73,122           30        2,437.4    0.7     0.00      0.00 2048733752

BEGIN :1 := p_preopen_check(:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7); END;


         55,822           36        1,550.6    0.6     0.00      0.00 2601970352

select * from mch_info ORDER BY mch_info.mid asc


         54,774            9        6,086.0    0.6     0.00      0.00  870942463

select count(*) from (((csr left JOIN u_issu_inst ON u_issu_inst

.issu_id=csr.issu_id) left JOIN u_acq_inst ON u_acq_inst.acq_id=

csr.acq_id) left JOIN card_client ON card_client.cust_no=csr.cus

t_no) left JOIN s_vouch_type ON s_vouch_type.vouch_type=csr.vouc

h_type where csr.tran_status IN(:1,:2)  AND csr.cleared<>:3  AND


         54,774            9        6,086.0    0.6     0.00      0.00 3269985298

select sum(card_num) as cnt,sum(payed_amt) as amt_total,sum(fq_a

mt) as fee_amt_total from (((csr left JOIN u_issu_inst ON u_issu

_inst.issu_id=csr.issu_id) left JOIN u_acq_inst ON

q_id=csr.acq_id) left JOIN card_client ON card_client.cust_no=cs

r.cust_no) left JOIN s_vouch_type ON s_vouch_type.vouch_type=csr


         43,382            1       43,382.0    0.4     0.00      0.00 3376831664

BEGIN statspack.snap; END;


         37,874           30        1,262.5    0.4     0.00      0.00 2148194035

SELECT count(*) from mk_card   where pan >= :b3 and pan <= :b2

 and issu_id = :b1 and  mkcrd_flag = 4


         37,176            6        6,196.0    0.4     0.00      0.00 1604959415

select count(*) from (mch_info left JOIN auth_area ON auth_area.

area_code=mch_info.area_code) left JOIN mcc_code ON mcc_code.mcc



         37,082            1       37,082.0    0.4     0.00      0.00 1474678425

INSERT into stats$sqltext               ( hash_value

   , text_subset               , piece               , sql_text

              , address               , command_type

   , last_snap_id               )          select st1.hash_value

               , ss.text_subset               , st1.piece


         34,937           28        1,247.8    0.4     0.00      0.00 4005133339

SELECT min(pan) from mk_card   where pan >= :b4 and pan <= :b3

 and issu_id = :b2 and mkcrd_flag = 4   and recv_dept <> :b1


         25,152            8        3,144.0    0.3     0.00      0.00  922806158

select count(*) from ((((((hist_trans_m left JOIN s_txn_id ON s_

txn_id.txn_id=hist_trans_m.txn_id) left JOIN u_issu_inst ON u_is


^LSQL ordered by Gets for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Buffer Gets Threshold:   10000

-> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by

   all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code.  As individual SQL

   statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed

   total % to exceed 100


                                                     CPU      Elapsd

  Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value

--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------


^LSQL ordered by Reads for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Disk Reads Threshold:    1000


                                                     CPU      Elapsd

 Physical Reads  Executions  Reads per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value

--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------

        312,343           28       11,155.1   20.4     0.00      0.00 2566304132

select count(*) from (select stat_mch.pay_date as pay_date,to_ch

ar( min(settle_date) ) || '-' || to_char( max(settle_date) ) as

period, u_issu_inst.issu_id,u_issu_inst.inst_name as inst_name,s

tat_mch.mid,mch_info.cname as cname , sum(cnt) as cnt,sum(txn_am

t) as txn_amt,sum(fee_amt) as fee_amt,sum(sett_amt) as sett_amt


        310,650           28       11,094.6   20.3     0.00      0.00 4258184794

select * from (select a.*,rownum row_num from (select stat_mch.p

ay_date as pay_date,to_char( min(settle_date) ) || '-' || to_cha

r( max(settle_date) ) as period, u_issu_inst.issu_id,u_issu_inst

.inst_name as inst_name,stat_mch.mid,mch_info.cname as cname , s

um(cnt) as cnt,sum(txn_amt) as txn_amt,sum(fee_amt) as fee_amt,s


        309,632           28       11,058.3   20.2     0.00      0.00  544447472

select sum(cnt) cnt_sum,sum(txn_amt) txn_amt_sum,sum(fee_amt) fe

e_amt_sum,sum(sett_amt) sett_amt_sum  from stat_mch  left join u

_issu_inst on u_issu_inst.issu_id=stat_mch.issu_id left join mch

_info on stat_mch.mid=mch_info.mid where mch_info.cname LIKE :1

 AND stat_mch.pay_date IS NULL


          4,281            8          535.1    0.3     0.00      0.00  922806158

select count(*) from ((((((hist_trans_m left JOIN s_txn_id ON s_

txn_id.txn_id=hist_trans_m.txn_id) left JOIN u_issu_inst ON u_is

su_inst.issu_id=hist_trans_m.issu_id) left JOIN u_acq_inst ON u_

acq_inst.acq_id=hist_trans_m.acq_id) left JOIN s_card_type ON s_

card_type.card_type=hist_trans_m.card_type) left JOIN s_sub_type


          1,946            6          324.3    0.1     0.00      0.00 2116494957

select * from (select a.*,rownum row_num from (select mch_info.a

cc_name as acc_name,mch_info.area_code as area_code,

ea_code as t01__area_code,auth_area.area_desc as t01__area_desc,

auth_area.area_name as t01__area_name,auth_area.parent_code as t

01__parent_code,mch_info.br_cname as br_cname,mch_info.bus_type


          1,394            4          348.5    0.1     0.00      0.00  128694328

select * from (select a.*,rownum row_num from (select hist_trans

_m.acc_type as acc_type,hist_trans_m.account as account,hist_tra

ns_m.acq_amt as acq_amt,hist_trans_m.acq_dscnt as acq_dscnt,hist

_trans_m.acq_id as acq_id,hist_trans_m.auth_no as auth_no,hist_t as author,hist_trans_m.bal as bal,hist_trans_m.bal


          1,362            1        1,362.0    0.1     0.00      0.00 3376831664

BEGIN statspack.snap; END;


          1,162            4          290.5    0.1     0.00      0.00 2052613816

select sum(-s_txn_id.cr_flag*txn_amt) in_amt_sum from hist_trans

_m left join s_txn_id on hist_trans_m.txn_id=s_txn_id.txn_id lef

t join mch_info on mch_info.mid=hist_trans_m.mid where s_txn_id.

cr_flag=-1 and hist_trans_m.tran_status=:1  AND hist_trans_m.mid

=:2  AND hist_trans_m.settle_date>=:3  AND hist_trans_m.settle_d


          1,162            4          290.5    0.1     0.00      0.00 2631385599

select sum(s_txn_id.cr_flag*txn_amt) out_amt_sum from hist_trans



5.2 SQL统计信息-物理读




^LSQL ordered by Reads for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Disk Reads Threshold:    1000


                                                     CPU      Elapsd

 Physical Reads  Executions  Reads per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value

--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------

_m left join s_txn_id on hist_trans_m.txn_id=s_txn_id.txn_id lef

t join mch_info on mch_info.mid=hist_trans_m.mid where s_txn_id.

cr_flag=1 and hist_trans_m.tran_status=:1  AND hist_trans_m.mid=

:2  AND hist_trans_m.settle_date>=:3  AND hist_trans_m.settle_da


          1,162            4          290.5    0.1     0.00      0.00 3569792259

select sum(-s_txn_id.cr_flag*txn_amt) amt_sum from hist_trans_m

left join s_txn_id on hist_trans_m.txn_id=s_txn_id.txn_id left j

oin mch_info on mch_info.mid=hist_trans_m.mid where hist_trans_m

.tran_status=:1  AND hist_trans_m.mid=:2  AND hist_trans_m.settl

e_date>=:3  AND hist_trans_m.settle_date<=:4  AND hist_trans_m.t


          1,162            4          290.5    0.1     0.00      0.00 3775988450

select count(*) cnt,sum(txn_amt) amt_total,sum(txn_fee) fee_amt_

total,sum(txn_fee+txn_amt) txn_amt_total  from hist_trans_m left

 join mch_info on mch_info.mid=hist_trans_m.mid where hist_trans

_m.tran_status=:1  AND hist_trans_m.mid=:2  AND hist_trans_m.set

tle_date>=:3  AND hist_trans_m.settle_date<=:4


            788           24           32.8    0.1     0.00      0.00 1520624711

select count(*) from task_csr where task_csr.appl_card_no=:1  AN

D task_csr.appl_status=:2  AND (task_csr.appl_type=:3  OR task_c

sr.appl_type=:4 )


            747            1          747.0    0.0     0.00      0.00 1212505517

select i.obj#, i.flags,,     from sys.obj$ o, sys.

user$ u, sys.ind$ i    where  (bitand(i.flags, 256) = 256 or bit

and(i.flags, 512) = 512) and           (not((i.type# = 9) and bi

tand(i.flags,8) = 8)) and           o.obj#=i.obj# and o.owner# =



            632            9           70.2    0.0     0.00      0.00 4236780024

select * from (select a.*,rownum row_num from (select csr.acq_id

 as acq_id,csr.audit_org as audit_org,csr.auditor as auditor,csr

.author as author,csr.card_amt as card_amt,card_client.add_date

as t01__add_date,card_client.auditor as t01__auditor,card_client

.cert_no as t01__cert_no,card_client.cli_addr as t01__cli_addr,c





5.3 SQL统计信息-执行次数






^LSQL ordered by Executions for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Executions Threshold:     100


                                                CPU per    Elap per

 Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value

------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------

       2,385           1,975              0.8       0.00        0.00   94587681

select arg_value into :b0  from sys_arg where arg_name=:b1


       1,350               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 2913840444

select length from fet$ where file#=:1 and block#=:2 and ts#=:3


       1,156           1,156              1.0       0.00        0.00  438662453

select txn_name ,cr_flag ,msg_type ,ins_trans ,sett_flag ,prof_f

lag ,rev_flag ,txn_type into :b0,:b1,:b2,:b3,:b4,:b5,:b6,:b7  fr

om s_txn_id where txn_id=:b8


       1,048           1,048              1.0       0.00        0.00 3947377888

select area_code ,inst_name ,inst_level ,parent_issu_id ,settle_

bank ,settle_accno ,acc_name ,rsv1 ,rsv2 ,rsv3 ,rsv4 ,rsv5 ,stat

us ,local_flag ,msg_id ,quota_flag ,mch_check_tag into :b0,:b1,:


6  from u_issu_inst where (issu_id=:b17 and status=0)


       1,032           1,032              1.0       0.00        0.00 3902825103

select txn_name into :b0  from s_txn_id where txn_id=:b1


         941             941              1.0       0.00        0.00 3230982141

insert into fet$ (file#,block#,ts#,length) values (:1,:2,:3,:4)


         939             939              1.0       0.00        0.00 1877781575

delete from fet$ where file#=:1 and block#=:2 and ts#=:3


         793             793              1.0       0.00        0.00 1695353531

select resp_code_text into :b0  from u_resp_code where resp_code



         774             774              1.0       0.00        0.00  893736417

select mch_grp ,cname ,ename ,settle_bank ,settle_accno ,scape_f

lag ,scape_id ,area_code ,bus_type ,mcc into :b0,:b1,:b2,:b3,:b4

,:b5,:b6,:b7,:b8,:b9  from mch_info where (mid=:b10 and status=0



         689             689              1.0       0.00        0.00 1705880752

select file# from file$ where ts#=:1


         689               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 1839874543

select file#,block#,length from uet$ where ts#=:1 and segfile#=:

2 and segblock#=:3 and ext#=:4


         689             689              1.0       0.00        0.00 3687396716

insert into uet$ (segfile#,segblock#,ext#,ts#,file#,block#,lengt

h)values (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7)


         681           1,067              1.6       0.00        0.00  904892542

select  file#,block#,length from fet$       where length>=:1 and

 ts#=:2 and file#=:3


         669             669              1.0       0.00        0.00  528349613

delete from uet$ where ts#=:1 and segfile#=:2 and segblock#=:3 a

^LSQL ordered by Executions for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Executions Threshold:     100


                                                CPU per    Elap per

 Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value

------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------

nd ext#=:4


         636             636              1.0       0.00        0.00 3935516425

update seq$ set increment$=:2,minvalue=:3,maxvalue=:4,cycle#=:5,

order$=:6,cache=:7,highwater=:8,audit$=:9,flags=:10 where obj#=:



         587             554              0.9       0.00        0.00 4116986312

select *  from lps_acc where (account=:b0 and issu_id=:b1) order

 by acc_type


         520             256              0.5       0.00        0.00 3250462428

select trk_m ,cvn2_m ,misc_flag into :b0,:b1,:b2  from s_txn_res

trict where (((issu_id=:b3 and sub_type=:b4) and txn_id=:b5) and



         519             519              1.0       0.00        0.00 1465481054

select count(*)  into :b0  from s_txn_mask where (sub_type=:b1 a

nd txn_id=:b2)


         519             357              0.7       0.00        0.00 2260264344

select * into :s1 ,:s2 ,:s3 ,:s4 ,:s5 ,:s6 ,:s7 ,:s8 ,:s9 ,:s10

,:s11 ,:s12 ,:s13 ,:s14 ,:s15 ,:s16 ,:s17 ,:s18 ,:s19 ,:s20 ,:s2

1 ,:s22 ,:s23 ,:s24 ,:s25 ,:s26 ,:s27 ,:s28 ,:s29 ,:s30 ,:s31 ,:

s32 ,:s33 ,:s34 ,:s35 ,:s36 ,:s37   from lps_mst where (pan=:b1

and issu_id=:b2)


         519             519              1.0       0.00        0.00 3050780589

select count(*)  into :b0  from s_txn_restrict where issu_id=:b1



         494             494              1.0       0.00        0.00 2249281901

update seg$ set type#=:4,blocks=:5,extents=:6,minexts=:7,maxexts


, 65535, NULL, :13),groups=decode(:14, 65535, NULL, :14), cacheh

int=:15, hwmincr=:16, spare1=DECODE(:17,0,NULL,:17) where ts#=:1

 and file#=:2 and block#=:3


         489             489              1.0       0.00        0.00  543063470

select * into :s1 ,:s2 ,:s3 ,:s4 ,:s5 ,:s6 ,:s7 ,:s8 ,:s9 ,:s10

,:s11 ,:s12   from s_acc_type where acc_type=:b1


         489             489              1.0       0.00        0.00 2752590023

select * into :s1 ,:s2 ,:s3 ,:s4   from s_card_type where card_t



         469               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 3459622164

call p_get_seq(:b0,:b1) into :b2


         453             452              1.0       0.00        0.00 1412076633

select issu_id ,sub_type into :b0,:b1  from s_card_bin where ((S

UBSTR(:b2,1,LENGTH(card_bin))=card_bin and (card_len=:b3 or card

_len=0)) and status=0)


^LSQL ordered by Executions for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Executions Threshold:     100


                                                CPU per    Elap per

 Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value

------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------

         451             451              1.0       0.00        0.00 2803605287

select card_type into :b0  from s_sub_type where sub_type=:b1


         427             258              0.6       0.00        0.00 1442905447

select issu_id ,mch_id ,mng_id ,acq_id ,sett_id ,prof_mode ,sett

_mnr ,status into :b0,:b1,:b2,:b3,:b4,:b5,:b6,:b7  from mch_acq

where ((mch_id=:b8 and issu_id=:b9) and status=0)


         411             411              1.0       0.00        0.00  848502162

select * into :s1 ,:s2 ,:s3 ,:s4 ,:s5 ,:s6 ,:s7 ,:s8 ,:s9 ,:s10

,:s11 ,:s12 ,:s13 ,:s14 ,:s15 ,:s16 ,:s17 ,:s18 ,:s19 ,:s20 ,:s2



5.4 SQL统计信息-调用、解析次数






^LSQL ordered by Parse Calls for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000


                           % Total

 Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value

------------ ------------ -------- ----------

       1,350        1,350     0.05 2913840444

select length from fet$ where file#=:1 and block#=:2 and ts#=:3


         941          941     0.03 3230982141

insert into fet$ (file#,block#,ts#,length) values (:1,:2,:3,:4)


         939          939     0.03 1877781575

delete from fet$ where file#=:1 and block#=:2 and ts#=:3


         868        1,048     0.03 3947377888

select area_code ,inst_name ,inst_level ,parent_issu_id ,settle_

bank ,settle_accno ,acc_name ,rsv1 ,rsv2 ,rsv3 ,rsv4 ,rsv5 ,stat

us ,local_flag ,msg_id ,quota_flag ,mch_check_tag into :b0,:b1,:


6  from u_issu_inst where (issu_id=:b17 and status=0)


         858        2,385     0.03   94587681

select arg_value into :b0  from sys_arg where arg_name=:b1


         689          689     0.02 1705880752

select file# from file$ where ts#=:1


         689          689     0.02 1839874543

select file#,block#,length from uet$ where ts#=:1 and segfile#=:

2 and segblock#=:3 and ext#=:4


         689          689     0.02 3687396716

insert into uet$ (segfile#,segblock#,ext#,ts#,file#,block#,lengt

h)values (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7)


         681          681     0.02  904892542

select  file#,block#,length from fet$       where length>=:1 and

 ts#=:2 and file#=:3


         669          669     0.02  528349613

delete from uet$ where ts#=:1 and segfile#=:2 and segblock#=:3 a

nd ext#=:4


         636          636     0.02 3935516425

update seq$ set increment$=:2,minvalue=:3,maxvalue=:4,cycle#=:5,

order$=:6,cache=:7,highwater=:8,audit$=:9,flags=:10 where obj#=:



         533          793     0.02 1695353531

select resp_code_text into :b0  from u_resp_code where resp_code



         494          494     0.02 2249281901

update seg$ set type#=:4,blocks=:5,extents=:6,minexts=:7,maxexts


, 65535, NULL, :13),groups=decode(:14, 65535, NULL, :14), cacheh

int=:15, hwmincr=:16, spare1=DECODE(:17,0,NULL,:17) where ts#=:1

 and file#=:2 and block#=:3


^LSQL ordered by Parse Calls for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000


                           % Total

 Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value

------------ ------------ -------- ----------

         487          519     0.02 2260264344

select * into :s1 ,:s2 ,:s3 ,:s4 ,:s5 ,:s6 ,:s7 ,:s8 ,:s9 ,:s10

,:s11 ,:s12 ,:s13 ,:s14 ,:s15 ,:s16 ,:s17 ,:s18 ,:s19 ,:s20 ,:s2

1 ,:s22 ,:s23 ,:s24 ,:s25 ,:s26 ,:s27 ,:s28 ,:s29 ,:s30 ,:s31 ,:

s32 ,:s33 ,:s34 ,:s35 ,:s36 ,:s37   from lps_mst where (pan=:b1

and issu_id=:b2)


         481          519     0.02 1465481054

select count(*)  into :b0  from s_txn_mask where (sub_type=:b1 a

nd txn_id=:b2)


         481          519     0.02 3050780589

select count(*)  into :b0  from s_txn_restrict where issu_id=:b1



         481          520     0.02 3250462428

select trk_m ,cvn2_m ,misc_flag into :b0,:b1,:b2  from s_txn_res

trict where (((issu_id=:b3 and sub_type=:b4) and txn_id=:b5) and



         480          489     0.02 2752590023

select * into :s1 ,:s2 ,:s3 ,:s4   from s_card_type where card_t



         381          411     0.01  848502162

select * into :s1 ,:s2 ,:s3 ,:s4 ,:s5 ,:s6 ,:s7 ,:s8 ,:s9 ,:s10

,:s11 ,:s12 ,:s13 ,:s14 ,:s15 ,:s16 ,:s17 ,:s18 ,:s19 ,:s20 ,:s2

1 ,:s22 ,:s23 ,:s24 ,:s25 ,:s26   from s_sub_type where sub_type



         363          363     0.01  609682960

select chrg_mnr ,fee_manner ,fee_rate ,srfs ,txn_fee ,fee_min ,f

ee_max ,rsv1 ,rsv2 into :b0,:b1,:b2,:b3,:b4,:b5,:b6,:b7,:b8  fro

m u_cust_fee where ((issu_id=:b9 and sub_type=:b10) and txn_id=:



         363          469     0.01 3459622164

call p_get_seq(:b0,:b1) into :b2


         355          587     0.01 4116986312

select *  from lps_acc where (account=:b0 and issu_id=:b1) order

 by acc_type


         345          345     0.01  775311761

select * from auth_org_info where auth_org_info.parent_code=:1

AND auth_org_info.delete_flag=:2


         335          335     0.01 1753170949

select RRN.nextval from dual


         325          489     0.01  543063470

select * into :s1 ,:s2 ,:s3 ,:s4 ,:s5 ,:s6 ,:s7 ,:s8 ,:s9 ,:s10

,:s11 ,:s12   from s_acc_type where acc_type=:b1


^LSQL ordered by Parse Calls for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000


                           % Total

 Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value

------------ ------------ -------- ----------

         299          453     0.01 1412076633

select issu_id ,sub_type into :b0,:b1  from s_card_bin where ((S

UBSTR(:b2,1,LENGTH(card_bin))=card_bin and (card_len=:b3 or card

_len=0)) and status=0)


         299          451     0.01 2803605287

select card_type into :b0  from s_sub_type where sub_type=:b1


         295        1,156     0.01  438662453

select txn_name ,cr_flag ,msg_type ,ins_trans ,sett_flag ,prof_f

lag ,rev_flag ,txn_type into :b0,:b1,:b2,:b3,:b4,:b5,:b6,:b7  fr




5.5 SQL统计信息-共享内存占用

在这一部分,主要是针对shared memory占用的情况进行排序。



5.6 SQL统计信息-多版本缓存









     1 这部分数据主要是从V$SYSSTAT表中统计出来的

      由consistent gets,db block gets和physical reads这三个值,我们也可以计算得到buffer hit ratio,计算的公式如下:

      buffer hit ratio = 100*(1-physical reads /(consistent gets+ db block gets)),

      例如在这里,我们可以计算得到:buffer hit ratio =100*(1-1530325/(6365125+3402591))= 84.332827


     2 脏数据从LRU列表中老化,dirty buffers inspected     139            0.1          0.2



     3 free buffer inspected    145            0.1          0.2

      值包含dirty,pinned,busy的buffer区域,如果free buffer inspected - dirty buffers inspected - buffer is pinned count=145-139-9,007,973的值还是比较大,

      表明不能被重用的内存块比较多,这将导致latch争用,需要增大buffer cache。


     4 通过parse count (hard)和parse count (total),可以计算soft parse率为:

         100-100*(parse count (hard)/parse count (total)) =100-100*(1-496/27985)=98.227

     5 sort(disk)磁盘排序一般不能超过5%。如果超过5%,需要设置参数PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET或者 SORT_AREA_SIZE,注意,这里SORT_AREA_SIZE是分配给每个用户的,



     6 table fetch by rowid 这是通过索引或者where rowid=语句来取得的行数,当然这个值越大越好

     7 table fetch continued row 这是发生行迁移的行。当行迁移的情况比较严重时,需要对这部分进行优化。

     8 table scans (long tables) longtables就是表的大小超过buffer buffer* _SMALL_TABLE_THRESHOLD的表。如果一个数据库的大表扫描过多,那么db file scattered read等待事件可能同样非常显著。

       如果table scans (long tables)的per Trans值大于0,你可能需要增加适当的索引来优化你的SQL语句。


     9 table scans (short tables) 是指表的长度低于buffer chache 2%(2%是有隐含参数_SMALL_TABLE_THRESHOLD定义的,这个参数在oracle不同的版本中,有不同的含义。在9i和10g中,该参数值定义

       为2%,在8i中,该参数值为20个blocks,在v7中,该参数为5个blocks)的表。这些表将优先使用全表扫描。一般不使用索引。_SMALL_TABLE_THRESHOLD值的计算方法如下(9i,8K): (db_cache_size/8192)*2%。



^LInstance Activity Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12


Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans

--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------

CR blocks created                              2,731            2.3          4.2

DBWR buffers scanned                           6,055            5.0          9.4

DBWR checkpoint buffers written                  964            0.8          1.5

DBWR checkpoints                                   0            0.0          0.0

DBWR free buffers found                        5,159            4.3          8.0

DBWR lru scans                                    56            0.1          0.1

DBWR make free requests                           69            0.1          0.1

DBWR revisited being-written buff                  0            0.0          0.0

DBWR summed scan depth                         6,055            5.0          9.4

DBWR transaction table writes                      5            0.0          0.0

DBWR undo block writes                           823            0.7          1.3

SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client             50,950           42.3         78.8

background checkpoints completed                   0            0.0          0.0

background checkpoints started                     0            0.0          0.0

background timeouts                            1,185            1.0          1.8

branch node splits                                 1            0.0          0.0

buffer is not pinned count                 4,473,451        3,709.3      6,914.1

buffer is pinned count                     9,007,973        7,469.3     13,922.7

bytes received via SQL*Net from c         16,994,371       14,091.5     26,266.4

bytes sent via SQL*Net to client          30,858,828       25,587.8     47,695.3

calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss             40,734           33.8         63.0

calls to kcmgas                              142,640          118.3        220.5

calls to kcmgcs                                  776            0.6          1.2

cleanouts and rollbacks - consist                 40            0.0          0.1

cleanouts only - consistent read                  34            0.0          0.1

cluster key scan block gets                   13,744           11.4         21.2

cluster key scans                              6,046            5.0          9.3

commit cleanout failures: block l                148            0.1          0.2

commit cleanout failures: buffer                   0            0.0          0.0

commit cleanout failures: callbac                 12            0.0          0.0

commit cleanout failures: cannot                   0            0.0          0.0

commit cleanouts                               7,732            6.4         12.0

commit cleanouts successfully com              7,572            6.3         11.7

consistent changes                             4,356            3.6          6.7

consistent gets                            6,365,125        5,277.9      9,837.9

consistent gets - examination                228,324          189.3        352.9

current blocks converted for CR                    0            0.0          0.0

cursor authentications                           364            0.3          0.6

data blocks consistent reads - un              2,826            2.3          4.4

db block changes                              36,295           30.1         56.1

db block gets                              3,402,591        2,821.4      5,259.0

deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout              4,840            4.0          7.5

dirty buffers inspected                          139            0.1          0.2

enqueue conversions                                0            0.0          0.0

enqueue releases                              11,489            9.5         17.8

enqueue requests                              11,498            9.5         17.8

enqueue timeouts                                   0            0.0          0.0

enqueue waits                                      0            0.0          0.0

execute count                                 34,157           28.3         52.8

free buffer inspected                            145            0.1          0.2

free buffer requested                      1,503,032        1,246.3      2,323.1

hot buffers moved to head of LRU              14,494           12.0         22.4

immediate (CR) block cleanout app                 74            0.1          0.1

immediate (CURRENT) block cleanou                767            0.6          1.2

index fast full scans (full)                       0            0.0          0.0

leaf node splits                                 159            0.1          0.3

^LInstance Activity Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12


Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans

--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------

logons cumulative                                  2            0.0          0.0

messages received                              3,906            3.2          6.0

messages sent                                  3,906            3.2          6.0

no buffer to keep pinned count               109,733           91.0        169.6

no work - consistent read gets             4,511,556        3,740.9      6,973.0

opened cursors cumulative                     15,238           12.6         23.6

parse count (failures)                             0            0.0          0.0

parse count (hard)                               496            0.4          0.8

parse count (total)                           27,985           23.2         43.3

physical reads                             1,530,325        1,268.9      2,365.3

physical reads direct                         31,533           26.2         48.7

physical writes                              200,463          166.2        309.8

physical writes direct                       198,468          164.6        306.8

physical writes non checkpoint               200,386          166.2        309.7

pinned buffers inspected                           0            0.0          0.0

prefetched blocks                          1,283,280        1,064.1      1,983.4

prefetched blocks aged out before                  0            0.0          0.0

recursive calls                              111,483           92.4        172.3

redo blocks written                           15,816           13.1         24.5

redo buffer allocation retries                     5            0.0          0.0

redo entries                                  18,596           15.4         28.7

redo log space requests                            0            0.0          0.0

redo ordering marks                                0            0.0          0.0

redo size                                  7,305,896        6,058.0     11,292.0

redo synch writes                              1,431            1.2          2.2

redo wastage                                 508,268          421.5        785.6

redo writes                                    2,298            1.9          3.6

rollback changes - undo records a                  2            0.0          0.0

rollbacks only - consistent read               2,690            2.2          4.2

rows fetched via callback                     42,912           35.6         66.3

session logical reads                      9,767,716        8,099.3     15,096.9

session uga memory max                       406,588          337.1        628.4

shared hash latch upgrades - no w             21,049           17.5         32.5

shared hash latch upgrades - wait                  0            0.0          0.0

sorts (disk)                                      30            0.0          0.1

sorts (memory)                                 1,053            0.9          1.6

sorts (rows)                               2,083,842        1,727.9      3,220.8

summed dirty queue length                      1,069            0.9          1.7

switch current to new buffer                      53            0.0          0.1

table fetch by rowid                       4,939,430        4,095.7      7,634.4

table fetch continued row                    118,525           98.3        183.2

table scan blocks gotten                   3,444,700        2,856.3      5,324.1

table scan rows gotten                    72,141,486       59,818.8    111,501.5

table scans (long tables)                        139            0.1          0.2

table scans (short tables)                 1,684,127        1,396.5      2,603.0

transaction rollbacks                              2            0.0          0.0

transaction tables consistent rea                  1            0.0          0.0

transaction tables consistent rea                  1            0.0          0.0

user calls                                    51,050           42.3         78.9

user commits                                     598            0.5          0.9

user rollbacks                                    49            0.0          0.1

write clones created in backgroun                  0            0.0          0.0

write clones created in foregroun                  0            0.0          0.0






在这里主要关注Av Rd(ms)列 (reads per millisecond)的值,一般来说,大部分的磁盘系统的这个值都能调整到14ms以下,oracle认为该值超过20ms都是不必要的。如果该值超过1000ms,基本可以肯定存在I/O的性能瓶颈。如果在这一列上出现######,可能是你的系统存在严重的I/O问题,也可能是格式的显示问题。






关于OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ=n:该参数是一个百分比值,缺省值为100,可以理解为FULL SCAN COST/INDEX SCAN COST。当n%* INDEX SCAN COST会选择使用索引。在具体设置的时候,我们可以根据具体的语句来调整该值。如果我们希望某个statement使用索引,而实际它确走全表扫描,



^LTablespace IO Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

->ordered by IOs (Reads + Writes) desc




                 Av      Av     Av                    Av        Buffer Av Buf

         Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)

-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------


       213,556     177    0.1     7.0          650        1        510    0.0


        20,654      17    0.0     1.5      189,778      157          0    0.0


         1,381       1    1.5     1.0            9        0          0    0.0


             1       0    0.0     1.0          833        1          0    0.0


           204       0    2.0     1.0          494        0          0    0.0


           611       1    0.7     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


           171       0    0.0     5.4          311        0          0    0.0


           341       0    1.1     4.2           24        0          0    0.0


            17       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             4       0    5.0     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             3       0    3.3     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             3       0    3.3     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             3       0    3.3     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             2       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0    0.0


^LFile IO Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

->ordered by Tablespace, File


Tablespace               Filename

------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------

                 Av      Av     Av                    Av        Buffer Av Buf

         Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)

-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------

APP_DATA                 /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/appdata.dbf

       213,556     177    0.1     7.0          650        1        510    0.0


APP_RBS                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/apprbs.dbf

             1       0    0.0     1.0          833        1          0


APP_TEMP                 /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/apptemp.dbf

        20,654      17    0.0     1.5      189,778      157          0


HIST13                   /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/hist13.dbf

            17       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0

HIST14                   /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/hist14.dbf

           611       1    0.7     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX09                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index09.dbf

             2       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX10                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index10.dbf

             3       0    3.3     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX11                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index11.dbf

             3       0    3.3     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX12                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index12.dbf

             3       0    3.3     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX13                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index13.dbf

             4       0    5.0     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX14                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index14.dbf

         1,381       1    1.5     1.0            9        0          0


INDEX15                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index15.dbf

             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX16                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index16.dbf

             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX17                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index17.dbf

             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX18                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index18.dbf

             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX19                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index19.dbf

             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0


INDEX20                  /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/index20.dbf

             1       0    0.0     1.0            0        0          0

STATSPACK_CHEN           /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/statspack_chen01.dbf

^LFile IO Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

->ordered by Tablespace, File


Tablespace               Filename

------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------

                 Av      Av     Av                    Av        Buffer Av Buf

         Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)

-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------

           204       0    2.0     1.0          494        0          0


SYSTEM                   /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/oracle1.dbf

           341       0    1.1     4.2           24        0          0


TEMP                     /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/temp01.dbf

           171       0    0.0     5.4          311        0          0



8、Buffer Pool统计信息



     这里将buffer poll细分,列举default、keep、recycle三种类型的buffer的详细情况。在这份报告中,我们的系统中只使用Default size的buffer pool。





^LBuffer Pool Statistics for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> Standard block size Pools  D: default,  K: keep,  R: recycle

-> Default Pools for other block sizes: 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k


                                                           Free    Write  Buffer

     Number of Cache      Buffer    Physical   Physical  Buffer Complete    Busy

P      Buffers Hit %        Gets       Reads     Writes   Waits    Waits   Waits

--- ---------- ----- ----------- ----------- ---------- ------- --------  ------

D       23,604  81.1   7,924,107   1,498,577      1,996       0        0     510









Instance Recovery Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> B: Begin snapshot,  E: End snapshot


  Targt Estd                                    Log File   Log Ckpt   Log Ckpt

  MTTR  MTTR   Recovery    Actual     Target      Size     Timeout    Interval

   (s)   (s)   Estd IOs  Redo Blks  Redo Blks  Redo Blks  Redo Blks  Redo Blks

- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

B     0     7          0      10554      10000    1843200      29576      10000

E     0     8          0      10716      10000    1843200      26957      10000




10、Buffer Pool调整的Advisory



11、Buffer Pool等待情况统计



     这里的buffer等待往往带来data block的比较大的等待。这部分等待的情况在前面等待事件中已经作过描述。


Buffer wait Statistics for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc


                                 Tot Wait    Avg

Class                    Waits   Time (s) Time (ms)

------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------

data block                 510          0         0














PGA Memory Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> WorkArea (W/A) memory is used for: sort, bitmap merge, and hash join ops


Statistic                                  Begin (M)          End (M)     % Diff

----------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------

maximum PGA allocated                         50.776           50.776        .00









     在这里,主要关注pct waits,如果出现比较多的pct waits,那就需要增加回滚段的数量或者增大回滚段的空间。

     另外,观察一下各个回滚段使用的情况,比较理想的是各个回滚段上Avg Active比较均衡。

     在oracle 9i之前,回滚段时手工管理的,可以通过指定optimal值来设定一个回滚段收缩的值,如果不设定,

     默认也应当为initial+(minextents-1)*next extents ,这个指定的结果,就是限制了回滚段不能无限制的增长,







^LRollback Segment Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

->A high value for "Pct Waits" suggests more rollback segments may be required

->RBS stats may not be accurate between begin and end snaps when using Auto Undo

  managment, as RBS may be dynamically created and dropped as needed


        Trans Table       Pct   Undo Bytes

RBS No      Gets        Waits     Written        Wraps  Shrinks  Extends

------ -------------- ------- --------------- -------- -------- --------

     0            5.0    0.00               0        0        0        0

     1        2,954.0    0.00       1,517,404        0        0        0

     2        2,065.0    0.00         487,874        0        0        0

     3        2,004.0    0.00         419,060        0        0        0


^LRollback Segment Storage for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

->Optimal Size should be larger than Avg Active


RBS No    Segment Size      Avg Active    Optimal Size    Maximum Size

------ --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

     0         364,544               0                         364,544

     1      83,881,984      21,255,353     104,857,600      83,881,984

     2      94,367,744      19,280,229     104,857,600      94,367,744

     3      73,396,224      23,183,321     104,857,600      73,396,224


^LUndo Segment Summary for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> Undo segment block stats:

-> uS - unexpired Stolen,   uR - unexpired Released,   uU - unexpired reUsed

-> eS - expired   Stolen,   eR - expired   Released,   eU - expired   reUsed


Undo           Undo        Num  Max Qry     Max Tx Snapshot Out of uS/uR/uU/

 TS#         Blocks      Trans  Len (s)   Concurcy  Too Old  Space eS/eR/eU

---- -------------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- ------ -------------

   0              0          0        0          0        0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0




Undo Segment Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> ordered by Time desc


                     Undo      Num Max Qry   Max Tx  Snap   Out of uS/uR/uU/

End Time           Blocks    Trans Len (s)    Concy Too Old  Space eS/eR/eU

------------ ------------ -------- ------- -------- ------- ------ -------------

05-Sep 10:12            0        0       0        0       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0








     Latch是一种快速地被获取和释放的内存锁。如果latch不可用,就会记录latch free miss 。


  没有很好的是用绑定变量(library cache latch和shared pool cache)、重作生成问题(redo allocation latch)、

    缓冲存储竞争问题(cache buffers LRU chain),以及buffer cache中的存在"热点"块(cache buffers chain)。


    当latch miss ratios大于0.5%时,就需要检查latch的等待问题。


^LLatch Activity for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for

  willing-to-wait latch get requests

->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests

->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0

-> ordered by Wait Time desc, Avg Slps/Miss, Pct NoWait Miss desc


                                           Pct    Avg   Wait                 Pct

                              Get          Get   Slps   Time       NoWait NoWait

Latch                       Requests      Miss  /Miss    (s)     Requests   Miss

------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------

multiblock read objects       3,650,504    0.0    0.0      0            0

redo allocation                  23,291    0.0    0.0      0            0

shared pool                      58,710    0.0    0.0      0            0

redo writing                     11,270    0.0    0.0      0            0

cache buffers chains         19,527,806    0.0    0.0      0    2,848,400    0.0

hash table column usage               4    0.0             0        1,209    0.0

process allocation                    2    0.0             0            2    0.0

row cache objects                72,989    0.0             0            1    0.0

redo copy                             0                    0       18,590    0.0

FOB s.o list latch                   40    0.0             0            0

SQL memory manager worka             67    0.0             0            0

active checkpoint queue           2,054    0.0             0            0

channel handle pool latc              5    0.0             0            0

checkpoint queue latch          294,350    0.0             0            0

dml lock allocation              11,364    0.0             0            0

enqueues                         33,214    0.0             0            0

file number translation             553    0.0             0            0

ncodef allocation latch              19    0.0             0            0

messages                         13,686    0.0             0            0

longop free list                     11    0.0             0            0

loader state object free             68    0.0             0            0

list of block allocation          5,444    0.0             0            0

library cache load lock             190    0.0             0            0

latch wait list                       2    0.0             0            0

ktm global data                       4    0.0             0            0

event group latch                     2    0.0             0            0

user lock                             6    0.0             0            0

undo global data                 13,130    0.0             0            0

transaction branch alloc             19    0.0             0            0

transaction allocation            7,915    0.0             0            0

sort extent pool                    425    0.0             0            0

session switching                    19    0.0             0            0

session idle bit                106,190    0.0             0            0

session allocation               19,367    0.0             0            0

sequence cache                    1,278    0.0             0            0

process group creation                5    0.0             0            0

post/wait queue latch             2,851    0.0             0            0

enqueue hash chains              22,981    0.0             0            0

child cursor hash table           4,480    0.0             0            0

channel operations paren            399    0.0             0            0

archive control                       1    0.0             0            0

cache buffer handles                458    0.0             0            0

library cache                   497,614    0.0    0.0      0            6    0.0

cache buffers lru chain       1,686,966    0.0    0.0      0    1,502,986    0.0


^LLatch Sleep breakdown for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> ordered by misses desc


                                      Get                            Spin &

Latch Name                       Requests      Misses      Sleeps Sleeps 1->4

-------------------------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ------------

cache buffers chains           19,527,806         417           5 0/0/0/0/0

cache buffers lru chain         1,686,966         332           5 327/5/0/0/0

library cache                     497,614          33           1 32/1/0/0/0


^LLatch Miss Sources for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

-> only latches with sleeps are shown

-> ordered by name, sleeps desc


                                                     NoWait              Waiter

Latch Name               Where                       Misses     Sleeps   Sleeps

------------------------ -------------------------- ------- ---------- --------

cache buffers chains     kcbgtcr: kslbegin                0          4        5

cache buffers chains     kcbzib: multi-block read:        0          1        0

library cache            kglidp: parent                   0          1        0






     /* 库缓存详细信息,。

Get Requestsget表示一种类型的锁,语法分析锁。这种类型的锁在引用了一个对象的那条SQL语句的语法分析阶段被设置在该对象上。每当一条语句被语法分析一次时 ,Get Requests的值就增加1。

pin requestspin也表示一种类型的锁,是在执行发生的加锁。每当一条语句执行一次,pin requests的值就增加1。

reloadsreloads列显示一条已执行过的语句因Library Cache使该语句的已语法分析版本过期或作废而需要被重新语法分析的次数。

invalidations失效发生在一条已告诉缓存的SQL语句即使已经在library cache中,但已被标记为无效并迎词而被迫重新做语法分析的时候。每当已告诉缓存的语句所引用的对象以某种方式被修改时,这些语句就被标记为无效。

pct miss应该不高于1%。

Reloads /pin requests <1%,否则应该考虑增大SHARED_POOL_SIZE。


select namespace,gethitratio,pinhitratio,reloads,invalidations from v$librarycache

where namespace in ('SQL AREA','TABLE/PROCEDURE','BODY','TRIGGER', 'INDEX');



^LDictionary Cache Stats for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

->"Pct Misses"  should be very low (< 2% in most cases)

->"Cache Usage" is the number of cache entries being used

->"Pct SGA"     is the ratio of usage to allocated size for that cache


                                Get    Pct   Scan   Pct      Mod      Final  Pct

Cache                      Requests   Miss   Reqs  Miss     Reqs      Usage  SGA

---------------------- ------------ ------ ------ ----- -------- ---------- ----

dc_free_extents               4,682   28.8    689   0.0    3,383        241   75

dc_histogram_defs               955    0.0      0              0        742  100

dc_object_ids                 1,281    1.4      0              0        257  100

dc_objects                    1,087    4.9      0              0        489   99

dc_profiles                       1    0.0      0              0          1   17

dc_rollback_segments             32    0.0      0              0          5   83

dc_segments                   2,190    9.0      0            882        424   99

dc_sequences                    636    0.0      0            636          9   90

dc_tablespaces                3,012    0.0      0              0         33   97

dc_used_extents               1,358   50.7      0          1,358        213   62

dc_user_grants                    4    0.0      0              0         14   25

dc_usernames                     42    0.0      0              0          9   43

dc_users                        429    0.0      0              0         15   88




Library Cache Activity for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12

->"Pct Misses"  should be very low


                         Get  Pct        Pin        Pct               Invali-

Namespace           Requests  Miss     Requests     Miss     Reloads  dations

--------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ------ ---------- --------

BODY                       5    0.0              5    0.0          0        0

SQL AREA              28,116    0.0        111,634    0.5        502      482

TABLE/PROCEDURE        2,647    2.3          6,817    3.4         69        0







     这部分是关于SGA内存分配的一个描述,我们可以通过show sga等命令也可以查看到这里的内容。

Fixed Size:

    oracle 的不同平台和不同版本下可能不一样,但对于确定环境是一个固定的值,里面存储了SGA 各部分组件的信息,可以看作引导建立SGA的区域。

Variable Size:

    包含了shared_pool_size、java_pool_size、large_pool_size 等内存设置。

Database Buffers:

    指数据缓冲区,在8i 中包含db_block_buffer*db_block_size、buffer_pool_keep、buffer_pool_recycle 三部分内存。在9i 中包含db_cache_size、db_keep_cache_size、db_recycle_cache_size、 db_nk_cache_size。

Redo Buffers:




^LSGA Memory Summary for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12


SGA regions                       Size in Bytes

------------------------------ ----------------

Database Buffers                    100,663,296

Fixed Size                              279,740

Redo Buffers                            417,792

Variable Size                       251,658,240


sum                                 353,019,068




SGA breakdown difference for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12


Pool   Name                                Begin value        End value  % Diff

------ ------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------- -------

java   free memory                          33,554,432       33,554,432    0.00

shared 1M buffer                             1,049,088        1,049,088    0.00

shared DML lock                                196,380          196,380    0.00

shared FileIdentificatonBlock                  127,884          127,884    0.00

shared FileOpenBlock                           539,056          539,056    0.00

shared KGK heap                                  1,836            1,836    0.00

shared KGLS heap                             2,210,856        2,217,588    0.30

shared KSXR pending messages que               225,836          225,836    0.00

shared KSXR receive buffers                  1,058,000        1,058,000    0.00

shared PL/SQL DIANA                            838,272          838,272    0.00

shared PL/SQL MPCODE                           912,152          912,152    0.00

shared PLS non-lib hp                            2,068            2,068    0.00

shared character set object                    425,240          425,240    0.00

shared db_handles                              186,000          186,000    0.00

shared dictionary cache                        970,024        1,000,516    3.14

shared enqueue                                 311,660          311,660    0.00

shared enqueue resources                       135,608          135,608    0.00

shared errors                                  191,884          191,884    0.00

shared event statistics per sess             2,692,060        2,692,060    0.00

shared fixed allocation callback                   380              380    0.00

shared free memory                           9,190,728        9,978,700    8.57

shared joxs heap init                            4,220            4,220    0.00

shared ksm_file2sga region                     148,652          148,652    0.00

shared ktlbk state objects                     157,504          157,504    0.00

shared library cache                        12,438,944       12,225,476   -1.72

shared long op statistics array                110,000          110,000    0.00

shared message pool freequeue                  767,192          767,192    0.00

shared miscellaneous                         5,083,364        5,069,528   -0.27

shared parameters                               11,844           11,844    0.00

shared partitioning d                           60,868           60,868    0.00

shared processes                               250,800          250,800    0.00

shared sessions                                778,540          778,540    0.00

shared simulator trace entries                 786,432          786,432    0.00

shared sql area                            108,768,424      108,169,592   -0.55

shared table definiti                            2,632            3,572   35.71

shared temporary tabl                            5,096            5,096    0.00

shared transaction                             355,356          355,356    0.00

shared trigger inform                               64               64    0.00

       db_block_buffers                    100,663,296      100,663,296    0.00

       fixed_sga                               279,740          279,740    0.00

       log_buffer                              409,600          409,600    0.00










^Linit.ora Parameters for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 11 -12


                                                                  End value

Parameter Name                Begin value                       (if different)

----------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------

compatible                    8.1.0

control_files                 /home/oracle/oradata/orcl/control

db_block_buffers              23604

db_block_size                 4096

db_file_multiblock_read_count 8

db_files                      80

db_name                       orcl

global_names                  TRUE

instance_name                 orcl

java_pool_size                33554432

large_pool_size               61440000

log_archive_dest_1            location=/DS5020/orcl_archive

log_archive_format            orcl_%t_%s.arc

log_archive_start             TRUE

log_buffer                    409600

log_checkpoint_interval       10000

log_checkpoint_timeout        1800

max_dump_file_size            10240

max_enabled_roles             30

open_cursors                  100

parallel_max_servers          5

processes                     300

rollback_segments             r01, r02, r03

service_names                 dbname

shared_pool_size              134217728

sort_area_retained_size       262144

sort_area_size                262144

star_transformation_enabled   false



End of Report




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