The following listing shows the BackpropXOR.mfile, which implements the BackpropXOR function.
function [W1, W2] = BackpropXOR(W1, W2, X,D)
alpha = 0.9;
N = 4;
for k = 1:N
x = X(k, ?’;
d = D(k);
v1 = W1x;
y1 = Sigmoid(v1);
v = W2y1;
y = Sigmoid(v);
e = d - y;
delta = y.*(1-y).e;
e1 = W2’delta;
delta1 = y1.(1-y1).e1;
dW1 = alphadelta1x’;
W1 = W1 + dW1;
dW2 =alphadeltay1’;
W2 = W2 + dW2;
The code takes point from the trainingdataset, calculates the weight update, dW, using the delta rule, and adjuststhe weights.
So far, the process is almost identical tothat of the example code of Chapter 2.
细微的差别是用于输出计算的函数Sigmoid的两次调用以及使用输出增量反向传播实现delta (delta1)计算,即:
The slight differences are the two calls ofthe function Sigmoid for the output calculation and the addition of the delta(delta1) calculation using the back-propagation of the output delta as follows:
e1 = W2’delta;
delta1 = y1.(1-y1).*e1;
where the calculation of the error, e1, isthe implementation of Equation 3.6.
As this involves the back-propagation ofthe delta, we use the transpose matrix, W2’.
delta (delta1)计算中的.*表示两个向量的点乘,即向量中相同位置的对应元素相乘。
The delta (delta1) calculation has anelement-wise product operator, .*, because the variables are vectors.Theelement-wise operator of MATLAB has a dot (period) in front of the normaloperator and performs an operation on each element of the vector.
This operator enables simultaneouscalculations of deltas from many nodes.
The function Sigmoid, which the BackpropXORcode calls, also replaced the division with the element-wise division ./ toaccount for the vector.
function y = Sigmoid(x)
y = 1 ./ (1 +exp(-x));
The modified Sigmoid function can operateusing vectors as shown by the following example:
The program listing that follows shows theTestBackpropXOR.m file, which tests the function BackpropXOR.
This program calls in the BackpropXORfunction and trains the neural network 10,000 times.
The input is given to the trained network,and its output is shown on the screen.
The training performance can be verified aswe compare the output to the correct outputs of the training data.
Further details are omitted, as the programis almost identical to that of Chapter 2.
clear all
X = [ 0 0 1;
0 1 1;
1 0 1;
1 1 1;
D = [ 0 1 1 0];
W1 = 2rand(4, 3) - 1;
W2 = 2rand(1, 4) - 1;
for epoch = 1:10000 % train
[W1 W2] =BackpropXOR(W1, W2, X, D);
N = 4; %inference
for k = 1:N
x = X(k, ?’;
v1 = W1*x;
y1 = Sigmoid(v1);
v = W2*y1;
y = Sigmoid(v)
Execute the code, and find the followingvalues on the screen.
These values are very close to the correctoutput, D, indicating that the neural network has been properly trained.
Now we have confirmed that the multi-layerneural network solves the XOR problem, which the single-layer network hadfailed to model properly.
——本文译自Phil Kim所著的《Matlab Deep Learning》