


I was a wonderful parent before I had children. I was an expert on why everyone else was having problems with theirs. Then I had three of my own.




① be an expert on ...

expert on

eg. He’s a world expert on marine mammals.

expert in

an expert in statistics

GRAMMAR: Prepositions with expert

• Someone is an expert on a subject or issue: He’s an expert on the Cold War.

✗Don’t say: He’s an expert of the Cold War.

• Someone is an expert in a field of study or an activity: She’s an expert in family law.

✗Don’t say: She’s an expert of family law.

expert on 和 expert in后面都直接跟名词,意思上感觉没有显著差异

② I was an expert on why everyone else was having problems with theirs.

这里的过去进行时,我感觉是为了和I was an expert保持一致。

Living with real children can be humbling. Every morning I would tell myself, “Today is going to be different,” and every morning was a variation of the one before: “You gave her more than me!” . . . “That’s the pink cup. I want the blue cup.” . . . “This oatmeal looks like throw-up.” . . . “He punched me.” . . . “I never touched him!” . . . “I won’t go to my room. You’re not the boss over me!”




① humble 以前只知道humble有谦虚的意思,其实还有很多其他相关联的意思


2 having a low social class or position

eg. He started his career as a humble peanut farmer.

humble background/origins etc Iacocca rose from humble beginnings to become boss of Ford.

3 → in my humble opinion spoken used humorously to give your opinion about something

eg. It is, in my humble opinion, perhaps the best steak restaurant in Great Britain.

4 → my humble apologies British English spoken used humorously to say you are sorry

5 [only before noun] simple and ordinary, but useful or effective

eg.The humble potato may be the key to feeding the world’s population.

6 → eat humble pie (also eat crow American English) to admit that you were wrong and say that you are sorry

eg. Taylor's victory in the semi-final has forced many of her critics to eat humble pie.


2 [transitive] to easily defeat someone who is much stronger than you are

eg. The mighty U.S. army was humbled by a small Southeast Asian country.

② variation

[可数名词] 同一事物略微的变化形式;A variation on something is the same thing presented in a slightly different form. [usu N on n]

This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare...


Many theories on punishment exist, all of which are variations on a theme.


著名的卡农变奏曲: Variations on the Canon

② throw-up

throw up: 1 to bring food or drink up from your stomach out through your mouth because you are ill SYN vomit

throw up是呕吐的意思,所以我觉得throw-up在这里是呕吐物的意思。

② You’re not the boss over me! 如果让我造句,一定写的是You are not the boss of me.

They finally wore me down. And though it was the last thing I ever dreamed I’d be doing, I joined a parent group. The group met at a local child-guidance center and was led by a young psychologist, Dr. Haim Ginott.




① wear somebody  down to gradually make someone physically weaker or less determined

eg. It was clear he was being worn down by the rumours over his future.

② 直接拿来背诵: And though it was the last thing I ever dreamed I’d be doing, I joined a parent group.

The meeting was intriguing. The subject was “children’s feelings,” and the two hours sped by. I came home with a head spinning with new thoughts and a notebook full of undigested ideas:

Direct connection between how kids feel and how they behave.

When kids feel right, they’ll behave right. How do we help them to feel right?

By accepting their feelings!

Problem—Parents don’t usually accept their children’s feelings. For example:“You don’t really feel that way.”“You’re just saying that because you’re tired.”“There’s no reason to be so upset.”






问题通常是家长并不接受孩子的感受。比如,家长会说: “你不是真的那样以为。”“你现在这样说只是因为你累了。”“没必要这么不高兴。”


① intriguing /ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ/ adjective

something that is intriguing is very interesting because it is strange, mysterious, or unexpected SYN fascinating

eg. The magazine carries an intriguing mixture of high fashion, gossip and racing.

② speed by: if time speeds by, it seems to pass very quickly

eg. The weeks sped by and soon it was time to go back to school.

②  Two hours sped by. I came home with a head spinning with new thoughts and a notebook full of undigested ideas

Steady denial of feelings can confuse and enrage kids. Also teaches them not to know what their feelings are—not to trust them.




① denial /dɪˈnaɪəl/ noun

1 [countable, uncountable] a statement saying that something is not true → deny

denial of

eg. The government issued an official denial of the rumour.

denial that

eg. denials that border security had not been strict enough

② enrage

to make someone very angry → angerMany readers were enraged by his article.

After the session I remember thinking, “Maybe other parents do that. I don’t.” Then I started listening to myself. Here are some sample conversations from my home—just from a single day.



CHILD: Mommy, I’m tired.

ME: You couldn’t be tired. You just napped.

CHILD: (louder) But I’m tired.

ME: You’re not tired. You’re just a little sleepy. Let’s get dressed.

CHILD: (wailing) No, I’m tired!CHILD: Mommy, it’s hot in here.ME: It’s cold. Keep your sweater on.

CHILD: No, I’m hot.

ME: I said, “Keep your sweater on!”

CHILD: No, I’m hot.

CHILD: That TV show was boring.

ME: No, it wasn’t. It was very interesting.

CHILD: It was stupid.ME: It was educational.

CHILD: It stunk.

ME: Don’t talk that way!

















① stink

1 to have a strong and very unpleasant smell

eg. It stinks in here!

stink of

eg. His breath stank of alcohol.

The toilets stank to high heaven (=stank very much).

2 spoken used to say that something is bad, unfair, dishonest etc

Don’t eat there – the food stinks! The whole justice system stinks.→

stink something  out

to fill a place with a very unpleasant smell

Those onions are stinking the whole house out.

② wail v.

1) [T] to say something in a loud, sad, and complaining way‘But what shall I do?’ Bernard wailed.

2) [I] to cry out with a long high sound, especially because you are very sad or in painSomewhere behind them a child began to wail.

3) [I] to make a long high soundThe wind wailed in the chimney.— wail noun [C]the wail of police sirens

Can you see what was happening? Not only were all our conversations turning into arguments, I was also telling my children over and over again not to trust their own perceptions but to rely on mine instead.




① perception

1) [C,U] the way you think about something and your idea of what it is likeperception ofchildren’s perceptions of the worldthe public perception of the government’s performance

2) [U] the way that you notice things with your senses of sight, hearing etcdrugs that alter perceptionvisual perception

3) [U] the natural ability to understand or notice things quicklyRoss shows unusual perception for a boy of his age.

② not only, (but) also

Not only were all our conversations turning into arguments,...


Once I was aware of what I was doing, I was determined to change. But I wasn’t sure how to go about it. What finally helped me most was actually putting myself in my children’s shoes. I asked myself, “Suppose I were a child who was tired, or hot or bored? And suppose I wanted that all-important grown-up in my life to know what I was feeling . . . ?”

【段落大意】当我意识到问题时我下决心要有所改变,但我并不确定该怎样做。最后还是设身处地地从孩子的角度去思考问题这个方法帮到了我,我会去思考:假如我是个小朋友,我觉得累了、热了、无聊了,我会怎样? 如果我是个小朋友我想让我身边这些对我很重要的成年人了解我的感受,我该怎么做呢?


① in other's shoes

2) in somebody’s shoes in someone else’s situation, especially a bad oneI wouldn’t like to be in his shoes when his wife finds out what happened.Anyone in her shoes would have done the same thing.Don’t be cross with them. Try to put yourself in their shoes (=imagine what it would feel like to be in their situation) .

Over the next weeks I tried to tune in to what I thought my children might be experiencing, and when I did, my words seemed to follow naturally. I wasn’t just using a technique. I really meant it when I said, “So you’re still feeling tired—even though you just napped.” Or “I’m cold, but for you it’s hot in here.” Or “I can see you didn’t care much for that show.” After all, we were two separate people, capable of having two different sets of feelings. Neither of us was right or wrong. We each felt what we felt.


所以,接下来的几周,我试着去感同身受孩子们的体验,然后我们的沟通变得自然而然。我甚至没有运用任何技巧,我说的每一句话都是我的真情实感: “所以虽然你睡了一觉可是现在还是觉得累。”“你觉得这里热,我却觉得这里蛮冷的”。“我看出来了你对这个电视节目不感兴趣。”不管怎样,我们是两个独立的个体,自然有各自不同的感觉。这里面没有对与错,我们只是各自感受各自的感受。


① tune v.

2) also be tuned in to realize or understand what is happening or what other people are thinkingtune in toTry to tune in to your partner’s needs.The company aims to be more tuned in to customer needs.

For a while, my new skill was a big help. There was a noticeable reduction in the number of arguments between the children and me. Then one day my daughter announced, “I hate Grandma,” and it was my mother she was talking about. I never hesitated for a second. “That is a terrible thing to say,” I snapped. “You know you don’t mean it. I don’t ever want to hear that coming out of your mouth again.”




① snap

3 SAY SOMETHING ANGRILY [intransitive, transitive] to say something quickly in an angry way

eg. ‘What do you want?’ Mike snapped.

snap at

eg. He snapped at Walter for no reason.

②  背诵句型: There was a noticeable reduction in the number of arguments between the children and me.

② a while: a period of time, especially a short one 暂时
