Labs‘Codes review(AVR)(2)

1.Write an AVR program to n read the value on port A pins n flip (invert) all the bits n write the value out to port C n do this repeatedly

.include ""
  jmp reset
 ldi r16,0x00;
 out DDRA,r16
 ldi r16,0xFF;
 out DDRC,r16;
 in r16,PINA;
 com r16;
 out PORTC,r16;
rjmp loop

2.Modify your program to output the two’s complement (negative) of the input, rather than the ones’ complement (inversion). Build, download and test it.

.include ""
 jmp reset
 ldi r16,0x00;
 out DDRA,r16;
 ldi r16,0xFF;
 out DDRC,r16;
 in r16,PINA;
 neg r16;
 out PORTC,r16;
jmp loop

3.Write an AVR assembly language program to repeatedly n Read the value on port A pins (8 bits) n Read the value on port D pins (8 bits) l Set the upper 4 bits of this value (read from port D) to 0 (consider bitwise AND to do this) l Add the two values and output the result to port C l Make sure you set the data direction registers appropriately. l Connect 8 switches on the IO Board to AVR port A; and 8 LEDs to AVR port C; and connect the 4 push buttons on the IO Board to AVR port D (4 least significant bits)

.include ""
  jmp reset
  ldi r16,0x00;
  out DDRA,r16;
  out DDRD,r16;
  ldi r16,0xFF;
  out DDRC,r16;
  in r16,DDRA;
  in r17,DDRD;
  Andi r17,0x0F;
  add r16,r17;
  out DDRC,r16;
jmp loop
