【东南亚最大互联网公司 Grab 招人啦~】



Grab的使命是“Drive Southeast Asia Forward”。为了达成这个使命,我们持续邀请各球优秀技术人才和我们一起共同进步。东南亚是拥有六亿潜在用户的多元文化地区,这里却还没有足够好用的互联网产品,一切都将由我们一起来改变!

Grab 北京研发中心地址:融科资讯中心B座 和 中海环宇萃。 便捷的地理位置,一流的硬件设备,优雅的办公环境,免费水果零食饮料无限供应。


  1. 极具竞争力的薪酬:15.6月薪+期权+各类补贴、报销

  2. 全员顶配 Macbook Pro 办公,全球协同工作, 自由上班时间,弹性工作制,六险一金,15天年假,12天带薪病假。不加班不加班!!!

  3. FLAG及常春藤背景的顶级团队,最前沿技术栈,技术分享及行业会议门票报销

  4. 丰富的团队建设活动,免费水果零食饮料无限供应,各类爱好者团体活动

  5. Built世界级的技术系统,打造满足6亿消费者的产品,与硅谷技术大咖共事合作。

  6. 国外培训及出差机会,全球协作化办公。提供新加坡、西雅图、泰国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚等国家出差(lvyou)的机会

  7. 每周Happy Hour, 每月员工活动,弹性福利(可报销员工及家属的部分费用)


  1. 发送邮件到 [email protected] , 邮件主题: 姓名+社招/校招+学校+学历+申请岗位

  2. 邮件内容:

    • 手机号码:

    • 申请岗位:可多选,优先匹配第一个

    • 邮件附件格式:姓名校招/社招学校学历申请岗位.pdf(非pdf自动屏蔽)

可加微信 Ethan-Walker 交流



Flutter 研发工程师

1、本科及以上学历,计算机、通信等相关专业; 2、具有扎实的编程功底,良好的设计能力和编程习惯; 3、熟悉Flutter 编程语言,熟练使用各种UI组件并进行UI 开发,并对Java 语言有一定的了解; 4、2年以上IOS开发经验; 5、熟悉常用单元测试框架,具有敏锐的抽象和封装意识,熟练编写单元测试代码,保证代码质量; 6、有iOS、Web前端例如ReactNative或Web后端经验优先,有知名开源作品优先; 7、熟练使用Git 常用操作命令,并熟悉常用的基于Git的代码版本控制平台Github,Gitlab等; 8、具备较强的分析解决问题能力和抗压能力,对新技术富有好奇心,积极探索,快速学习并应用到产品中; 9、有良好的产品意识和风险意识,能够把控好工作进度,积极乐观,认真负责,善于沟通,乐于协作,有强烈



  1. 大学本科及以上学历,计算机、通信等相关专业毕业,并有3年以上的iOS相关开发经验;

  2. 具有扎实的编程功底,良好的程序设计能力和编程习惯;

  3. 具有较高的技术钻研能力、技术难点攻关能力、分析问题解决问题的能力;

  4. 精通Object-C并能熟练使用Swift,深入理解iOS常用framework,熟悉iOS平台架构;

  5. 有扎实的面向对象编程经验,熟悉常用的架构设计模式,并深入理解多线程、Runtime、RunLoop、AutoLayout等;

  6. 具备在iOS上开发复杂动画效果的能力,并对UI细节的把控较严;

  7. 对稳定性和优化程序的性能有较高要求,能独立开发iOS App,有知名开源作品者优先;

  8. 工作态度认真踏实,有较强的责任感和团队协作意识,乐观积极,乐于分享。


岗位职责: 1.后端开发和系统架构设计。 2.核心模块编程及技术文档编写。 职位要求:

  1. 精通Java设计模式、语言特性、内存管理策略和JVM原理。

  2. 掌握servlet/SpringMVC体系结构和至少一个关系数据库引擎,如MySql、Oracle。

  3. 具有高并发性和高可用性系统的设计和开发经验者优先。

  4. 最好熟悉以下物联网技术MQTT/XMPP/808 TCP持久连接协议。

  5. 有使用SpringBoot/SpingCloud技术的经验,并理解微服务系统的原理。

  6. 掌握Redis、Memcache等服务器端缓存技术的使用。

  7. 熟悉用于调试和性能监控的Linux命令。

  8. 具备HTTP/HTTPS通信协议方面的经验。

  9. 需要消息队列中间件的经验,如Kafka和ActiveMQ。

  10. 良好的英语沟通能力。


About us We're a small team of engineers who envision, develop, and manage the systems and workflows that enable a diverse group of users at GrabFood to apply machine learning to a wide range of business problems. To make this possible, we need to address questions like these: • What's the best way to architect and scale a distributed search system? • How can we help data scientists reproduce their research and be more collaborative? • How do we build flexible pipelines that can rapidly evolve to handle new technologies and modeling approaches? • How can we make various types of data, such as natural language, photo assets, and tabular data easily available for machine learning pipelines?

Some of the areas you'll work in: • Recommender Systems and Personalization. Almost every aspect of the GrabFood experience is personalized, and much of that personalization is driven by our various flavors of recommendation algorithms. You’ll apply a number of techniques, from the latest in deep learning, reinforcement learning, to causal inference. • Search Ranking and Query Understanding. You’ll work on the algorithms that allow our members to interactively query and explore our catalog. Using the latest in NLP techniques, you’ll solve problems including: query understanding, knowledge graph discovery, and learning to rank across our global catalog of titles. • Large Scale Machine Learning. Grab is available in over 8 countries, with over 163+ million downloads. This gives us a unique dataset to work with, but also unique challenges in how we scale our models. You’ll work on cutting edge techniques to scale your models for use in our production systems. If you’re passionate about applying cutting edge machine learning in a product that is used by hundreds of millions of people around the world, then we’d love to talk to you!

Requirements: • 8+ years of software development experience in industry • Experience in recommendation systems, search, or NLP • Successful track record of delivering results in complex cross-functional projects • Great communication skills • BS(MS/PhD preferred) in Computer Science Preferred, but not required: • Strong background in machine learning with a broad understanding of unsupervised • Supervised learning methods • Open source contributions

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