

Now move on to my university,I still remember why I chose this college,first:because I thought it would be easy to learn from the literatural meaning,so I could do what ever I really want to do to finish my happy 4 years;Second,the fee of this university was super cheap which could maybe release my parents' burden a little bit.
So those are two most important reasons why I chose this school.

  1. 我加入了六个社团在大一:ERP,DIY,英语,日语,跆拳道,炫舞
  2. 大一想要考研
  3. 大二想要搞程序,当程序员
  4. 大三搞科研,准备程序员面试
  5. 大四准备考研,后来找到了工作


I mean the first thing I wanna say is this job is totally fxxked up.But I'm here to record something for me from making any similar mistakes again.
first:I shouldn't just go to any company as soon as I get the offer.
second:I shouldn't help everybody in the company which will eventually set me up makes me in real trouble.
third:just don't do any completly management jobs.
fourth:ask whatever I wanna ask in the interview,it's my right.
fifth:when the job which makes you feel so so bad,just leave Ok,there are a lot of jobs in this world,you will get what you want to do eventually.just Don't do anything you don't want to do.

  1. 我的实习工资,税后4000+;转正5300+;
  2. 工作内容:管理一个面包房,管理一个咖啡吧,后来莫名其妙又管理一个咖啡吧,又一个书店,采购工作(原材料,非食),设计师(包材图案),营销推广(文案),律师(开发票),管家(员工宿舍),陈列规划(现场道具陈列),水电工(装修水电知识、建筑图纸会看),行政文员(员工入职,员工安排工作,做ppt),供应商谈判,领导任务。


go to a bakery school,I'm looking forward to it,hope everything will be great,cross fingers,to be continued......
